Приказ резултата 97-116 од 130

      Solidarity and Autonomy in the Context of the Pandemic: Dominant Vocabularies of Critique and an Outline of an Alternative [1]
      Solidarnost i autonomija u kontekstu pandemije: dominantni rečnici kritike i skica alternative [1]
      Space, Place and Things. Heidegger on non-existential Spatiality [1]
      Šta pokazuju argumenti holandske knjige? [1]
      Task interruptions – the term, history, and performance consequences [1]
      Teorija u prostoru urgencije: da li dolazi do preokreta? [1]
      The development and the role of philosophy with children in Serbia [1]
      The Distinction of Civil and Political Society in The Work of Gramsci [1]
      The Influence of Algorithmic Management on Workers’ Rights [1]
      The Philosopher and the Services.Prime minister dr Zoran Đinđić and the (unsuccesful) reform of the security sector in Serbia 2001-2003. [1]
      The Socio-Political Role of Artivism(S) And the Possibility of a New Aestheticization [1]
      The Unbearability of Being a Neighbor [1]
      Toward a Comprehensive Concept of Trust [1]
      Towards the New GUP Belgrade 2041: How to Achieve Fair Citizen Participation? [1]
      Trace (In the Age) of Plague. Drops About Insane Days [1]
      Trag (u doba) kuge. Kapljice o neumnim danima [1]
      U susret novom GUP-u Beograda 2041: kako do pravičnije građanske participacije? [1]
      Una Popović, Istina čulnosti. Baumgarten i problem zasnivanja estetike, Beograd: Srpsko filozofsko društvo, 2019. [1]
      Understanding of Man in the Philosophical Thought of “early” Marx [1]
      Uticaj algoritamskog menadžmenta na prava radnika [1]