Приказ резултата 986-1005 од 4513

      Evropske nacionalne države blagostanja i raspad EU [1]
      Evropski aspekti kontrole organizovanog kriminala [1]
      Evropski i austrijski kontekst Revolucije 1848-49. i srpski pokret u Vojvodini [1]
      Evropsko građanstvo i ustavni patriotizam: ka solidarnijoj Evropi [1]
      Evropsko-prosvetiteljski i nacional - romantičarski izvori kulturnog pamćenja : refleksije u savremenim društvenim raspravama [1]
      Ex-jugoslovenski slučaj i borba za njegovu interpretaciju - primer nevladinih organizacija Srbije [1]
      Examining unequal opportunities in education in Serbia: evidence-based public policy recommendations [1]
      Exhibition as a temporal form: the case of the Venice Biennale [1]
      Experiencing Political Migration: Intentional Oblivion, Depression, and the Unavailability of Collective Action [1]
      Expert survey on party ideology database [1]
      Expert Survey on Party Ideology in Former Socialist Countries, 1990-2017 [1]
      Explanations, mechanisms, and developmental models. Why the nativist account of early perceptual learning is not a proper mechanistic model [1]
      Explanatory Account of the Human Language Faculty: The Developmentalist Challenge and Biolinguistics [1]
      Exploratory Experimentation and Taxonomy of Experimentation [1]
      Exploring Campus through Web-Based Immersive Adventures Using Virtual Reality Photography: A Low-Cost Virtual Tour Experience [1]
      Exploring Collective Memory-Work in Serbia: Construction of Gender and Ethnicity in Post-Conflict Context [1]
      Exploring the Impact of Gamification on 21st-Century Skills: Insights from DOTA 2 [1]
      Exposition einer Theorie der Widerständigkeit [1]
      Exposition of Two Forms of Semantic Skepticism : Wittgenstein’s Paradox of Rule Following and Kripke’s Semantic Paradox [1]
      External’ and ‘Internal’ strategies to control corruption : The role of ethics in fostering the integrity of the public administration [1]