Приказ резултата 1156-1175 од 4542

      Genealogy as a Way of Building a War Machine – Critique and Resistance in “Deleuze’s Foucault” [1]
      General Public, Architecture, and Panning: The Curious Case of Auckland Civic Centre Scheme in Auckland, New Zealand (1924) [1]
      Generičke karakteristike organizovanog kriminala i predrasude o „definicijama“ [1]
      Genetika teksta kao genetika trećeg roda XORA (triton genos) u tekstovima Jacquesa Derride [1]
      Geneza, razvoj i kraj ius publicum europaeum Karl Šmit, Nomos zemlje, Fedon, 2011 [1]
      Geoethische Neuorientierung des Menschen beim späten Kant [1]
      Geoethische Neuorientierung des Menschen beim späten Kant [2]
      Geografija i umetnost: studija o metodi u delu Saše Brajović [1]
      Geography and Art a Study of the Method in the Works of Saša Brajović [1]
      Georg Cavallar, Kant’s Embedded Cosmopolitanism – History, Philosophy and Education for World Citizens, De Gruyter, Berlin/Boston, 2015 [1]
      Georg Cavallar, Kant’s Embedded Cosmopolitanism, Kantstudien- Ergänzungshefte, Band 138, De Gruyter, Berlin/Boston 2015. [1]
      Georges Florovsky and St Justin Popović: Brothers in arms for the Neopatristic Synthesis [1]
      Germany’s Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe. Debates and Reactions [1]
      Gestures of Repetition: Commentary on Infrapolítica, instrucciones de uso [1]
      Gijom le Blan: Srozavanje života na biološki život [1]
      Gilles Deleuze on Institution and Violence [Žil Delez o instituciji i nasilju] [1]
      Giordano Bruno i ars memoriae: između znanosti i magije [1]
      Giovanni Giorgini and Elena Irrera (eds.), The Roots of Respect. A Historic-Philosophical Itinerary, Berlin, Walter de Gruyter, 2017.) [2]
      Glas o pismo : Žak Derida u odjecima [1]
      Gledišta i sporovi o industrijalizaciji u socijalizmu [1]