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Should Sex Education Be Taught in Schools?

dc.creatorPetrović, Marija
dc.description.abstractU seksualnom obrazovanju mladih ključnu ulogu treba da ima škola, odnosno seksualno obrazovanje formalizovano kroz nastavni program. Neformalno seksualno obrazovanje je neophodno, ali nedovoljno. Kako bismo odgovorili da li je zahtev za uključivanjem seksualnog obrazovanja u školski program opravdan, ispitivali smo odgovore na tri pitanja: Koji su ciljevi seksualnog obrazovanja i da li su u skladu sa opštim ciljevima obrazovanja? Da li seksualno obrazovanje treba da reprodukuje već utvrđene društvene vrednosti ili nastavni program treba da omogući učenicama i učenicima da ove vrednosti samostalno procenjuju? Da li kurikulumi treba da budu prilagođeni interesovanjima, sklonostima i sposobnostima učenica i učenika ili bi školski program trebalo da bude isti za sve? Glavni cilj seksualnog obrazovanja je da mladima pruži relevantno znanje i da ih nauči da adekvatno delaju u skladu sa tim znanjem, što je u skladu sa opštim težnjama obrazovanja. Seksualno obrazovanje ne bi trebalo da reprodukuje dominantne društvene vrednosti, već da teži tome da ih promeni. Kako bi glavni ciljevi seksualnog obrazovanja mogli da budu ispunjeni, ono treba da bude obavezno za sve
dc.description.abstractSex education addresses issues related to human sexuality, including reproduction, reproductive health, reproductive rights, romantic relationships, anatomy of repro ductive organs, sexual activity, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender roles, con traception, and sexual abstinence. Formal and informal sex education are both im portant and complement each other. However, although necessary, informal sex education by itself is not enough. Sex education needs to become a formal part of the school curriculum, as schools should play the key role in educating young people about this topic. To examine whether the initiative to include sex education in the school curricu lum is justified, we started from these three questions: What are the goals of educa tion and what is its purpose? Do we think that educational institutions should repro duce a preestablished set of values or should the curriculum enable students to evaluate social values for themselves? Should primary and secondary education be designed to allow individuals to choose courses according to their interests, preferences, and abilities, or should the school curriculum be the same for all? In the context of sex ed ucation, we tried to answer questions about the goals of sex education and whether or not they are in line with the aspirations of education in general, whether sex edu cation should reproduce generally accepted social values, and whether it should be the same for all students. Education should teach us to use our reason when forming beliefs and making de cisions. The main goals of sex education are to provide young people with knowledge on these topics and help them make independent decisions using that knowledge. These goals are in line with the general aspirations of education. The answer to the question of whether sex education should reproduce dominant social values depends on what we mean by sex education. If we accept the definition offered in this paper, then the answer to the question is negative. Sex education understood in this broad sense should strive to change the current value system. To achieve the main goals of sex education, it needs to be the same and mandatory for all young
dc.publisherBeograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teorijusr
dc.sourceKritika: časopis za filozofiju i teoriju društvasr
dc.subjectfilozofija obrazovanjasr
dc.subjectseksualno obrazovanjesr
dc.subjectseksualna edukacijasr
dc.titleDa li seksualno obrazovanje treba da se uči u školama?sr
dc.titleShould Sex Education Be Taught in Schools?sr

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