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dc.contributorLukić, Bogdan
dc.contributorRadosavljević, Zoran
dc.contributorĐorđević, Aleksandar
dc.contributorMarić, Miroslav
dc.creatorFiket, Irena
dc.creatorCurkovic, Vesela
dc.creatorMijacic, Dragisa
dc.description.abstractThe integration of participatory models of democracy, within the process of formulation and implementation of public policy is strongly promoted by the EU institutions and by majority of developed democracies. The participatory models of democracy are based on the inclusion of many social actors, which can be considered not only as stakeholders but also as those who know well the social and economic context, in the formation of public policy. Participatory model, usually implemented at the local level, enable restoration of control over political decisions to the hands of the community and the formation of policies that will be able to protect and promote local economic and social interests and resources. At the same time, the literature points out that participation of the public in the formulation of public policy is one of the basic conditions of successfully planned and implemented policy. The use of participatory models of public lands management has proven to be very fruitful in many European countries which resulted in the implementation of different forms of participatory devices within the process of formation of the spatial and urban policy.The aim of this paper is to present both, the advantages and challenges of participatory models of democracy regarding the public land management. Theoretical model of participatory democracy applied to the public land management will be discussed in the first part of the paper. The second part of the paper will focus on the analysis of the legal and regulatory framework of Serbia and, related to this analysis, will discuss the capacity for the implementation of participatory model. The third part will present empirical examples of good practices and draw conclusions regarding the implementation of similar practices within the local self-government in Serbia.en
dc.publisherBeograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije : Geografski fakultetsr
dc.sourceLokalna samouprava u planiranju i uređenju prostora i naseljasr
dc.subjectparticipativni model demokratijesr
dc.subjectupravljanje javnim zemljistemsr
dc.titlePrimena participativnog modela demokratije na upravljanje javnim zemljištem: prednosti i izazovisr
dcterms.abstractЦурковиц, Весела; Мијациц, Драгиса; Фикет, Ирена; Примена партиципативног модела демократије на управљање јавним земљиштем: предности и изазови; Примена партиципативног модела демократије на управљање јавним земљиштем: предности и изазови;
dc.rights.holderBeograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije : Geografski fakultetsr

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