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dc.contributorStošić, Ivan
dc.contributorĐukić, Mihajlo
dc.creatorOcokoljić, Slobodan
dc.creatorKleut, Jelena
dc.creatorRadovanović, Bojana
dc.description.abstractSvrha studije je dubinsko sagledavanje problema i izazova sa kojima se suočavaju mladi istraživači na fakultetima, naučno-istraživačkim institutima i u organizacijama civilnog društva. Studija je nastala na osnovu fokus-grupnog intervjua sa 20 mladih istraživača i na osnovu diskusije tokom okruglog stola o položaju mladih istraživača u društvenim naukama. Pored metode fokus grupe korišćena je i analiza relevantne sekundarne literature, kao i strateškog i zakonskog okvira. Ključni nalazi dobijeni istraživanjem su da mladi istraživači u društvenim naukama pokušavaju da kombinuju rad u sektoru visokog obrazovanja i naučnog istraživanja i rad u neprofitnom sektoru, te da nedostatke u jednom sektoru pokušavaju da nadomeste radom u drugom. Mladi istraživači na fakultetima i institutima navode nedovoljnu finansijsku podršku za empirijska istraživanja i male plate kao osnovni razlog za dodatni rad u organizacijama civilnog društva (OCD). Uslovi rada u neprofitnom sektoru se smatraju boljim zbog efikasnije administrativne podrške i fleksibilnijih procedura u pisanju projektnih predloga i sprovođenju projekata. Pored toga, rad u organizacijama civilnog društva vidi se i kao prilika za sticanje znanja iz oblasti upravljanja projektima. Nemogućnost da se fokusiraju na doktorski rad i nedostatak finansijskih sredstava za terenska istraživanja predstavljaju najveću prepreku u radu mladih istraživača na fakultetima i institutima. Mladi, zaposleni na institutima i fakultetima, obično su angažovani u nastavi, zatim u sprovođenju projekata koje finansira ministarstvo, kao i na projektima međunarodnih donatora i imaju obaveze rada na svojim doktorskim tezama kako bi mogli da zadrže stečena zvanja i napreduju u profesiji. Sa druge strane, istraživači u OCD koje su projektno finansirane istovremeno rade na nekoliko često vrlo tematski različitih projekata kako bi iz projektnih fondova pokrili svoje plate. Stoga obe grupe mladih istraživača sebe percipiraju kao „rastrzane na 1000 strana“ što se na kraju odražava na kvalitet naučne
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study is to provide in-depth analysis of problems and challenges that young researcher are facing during their work at the universities, research institutes and civil society organizations. Study is developed on the basis of focus group interview held with 20 young researchers and on the basis of round table discussion about the position of young researchers in the social science research sector. Beside the focus group method, analysis of relevant secondary literature and legal and strategic framework was used. Key findings are that young researchers in the social sciences are trying to combine activities in the sector of higher education and scientific research and work in non-profit sector. In this way they are trying to overcome weaknesses of one specific sector by using advantages of other sectors. Young researchers from faculties and institutes claim that insufficient financial support for empirical research and low salaries are primary reasons for their additional activities in the civil society organizations. Conditions for work in this sector are perceived as better due to more funds for field work and more efficient administrative support in project implementation. In addition, work in the CSOs is also a chance for acquiring skills in project management. Consequently, inability to focus on their PhD thesis and lack of financial means for field work are the biggest obstacles for young researcher engaged with the faculties and institutes. Researchers employed in these organizations are usually engaged in teaching, in implementation of the projects financed by the Ministry, in the projects supported by international donors and they have commitments regarding their PhD thesis in order to keep their academic positions. On the other hand, researchers from CSOs which are funded by the project are working simultaneously on several thematically different projects in order to cover their salaries from the project funds. That's why both groups of researchers defined themselves as "overloaded". As a final consequence this leads to low quality of scientific production.en
dc.publisherBeograd : Institut ekonomskih naukasr
dc.relationRegional Research Promotion Programme in the Western Balkans (RRPP) - Nacionalni dijalog u oblasti društvenih nauka u Srbiji, 2014-2016sr
dc.subjectmladi istraživačisr
dc.subjectdruštvene naukesr
dc.subjectyoung researcherssr
dc.subjectsocial sciencessr
dc.titleUslovi rada i status mladih istraživača na univerzitetima, institutima i u nevladinom sektorusr
dcterms.abstractОцокољић, Слободан; Клеут, Јелена; Радовановић, Бојана; Услови рада и статус младих истраживача на универзитетима, институтима и у невладином сектору; Услови рада и статус младих истраживача на универзитетима, институтима и у невладином сектору;
dc.rights.holderInstitut ekonomskih naukasr

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