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dc.creatorBulatović, Aleksandra
dc.creatorKorać, Srđan
dc.description.abstractSagledavanje odnosa korupcije i razvoja moderne srpske države zahteva razmatranje dejstva više međusobno povezanih činilaca. Istorijske okolnosti koje su kroz devetnaesti i dvadeseti vek pratile obnovu srpske državotvorne i nacionalne ideje nisu pogodovale pokretanju trajnijih političkih procesa koji bi učvrstili demokratske ustanove i blagotvorno delovali na jačanje građanskog društva i tržišne privrede. Nasuprot tome, istorijske okolnosti povoljno su uticale na stvaranje tolerantnog stava prema korupciji. Sklonost ka trpljenju samovoljnog postupanja nosilaca vlasti olakšala je uspostavljanje neformalnih mreža korupcije. Hroničan manjak građanske hrabrosti da se nametnuti korupcijski odnos raskine podstakao je, a potom vremenom produbio, nepoverenje naroda u značaj demokratije za ostvarenje ličnog blagostanja. Pragmatična procena građana da će jedino hod „linijom manjeg otpora” doneti rezultate u komunikaciji sa državnim aparatom podrila je temelje demokratskog poretka pri samom pokušaju njegove izgradnje. Doprinos razumevanju fenomenologije korupcije u kontekstu stvaranja modernse srpske države autori daju kroz podsećanje na koren sukoba u društvu (uvek je povezan sa nastojanjem da se sprovede pretežniji, važniji interes), na poverenje (javnosti želi da vidi na vlasti ljude u koje može da ima poverenje), na značaj i posledice revizije istorije, kao i na uzročnoposledičnu vezu traganja i nalaženja u kontekstu pogrešnih identite kao pribežišta jednog društva.sr
dc.description.abstractUnderstanding the relationship between corruption and the development of the modern Serbian state requires consideration of the effects of several interrelated factors. The historical circumstances that accompanied the renewal of the Serbian state-building and national idea throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries did not affect the launch of more lasting political processes that would strengthen democratic institutions and have a beneficial effect on strengthening civil society and market economy. In contrast, historical circumstances have favorably influenced the creation of a tolerant attitude towards corruption. The propensity to suffer arbitrary actions by government officials has facilitated the establishment of informal corruption networks. The chronic lack of civic courage to break the imposed corruption relationship has encouraged, and then deepened over time, the people's distrust of the importance of democracy for personal well-being. The pragmatic assessment of the citizens that only a walk "along the line of least resistance" will bring results in communication with the state apparatus has undermined the foundations of the democratic order in the very attempt to build it. The authors contribute to the understanding of the phenomenology of corruption in the context of the creation of a modern Serbian state by recalling the root of conflict in society (always associated with the effort to implement the predominant, important interest), trust (the public wants to see trusted people in power ), the importance and consequences of the revision of history, as well as the causal link between searching and finding in the context of wrong identities as a refuge for a societsr
dc.publisherBeograd: Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanjasr
dc.publisherBeograd: Centar za menadžmentsr
dc.sourceKorupcija i razvoj moderne srpske državesr
dc.subjectjavni interessr
dc.titleRazvoj moderne srpske države u kontekstu korupcijesr



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