Rare Diseases:Molecular Pathophysiology, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Modalities and Social, Ethical and Legal Aspects

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Rare Diseases:Molecular Pathophysiology, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Modalities and Social, Ethical and Legal Aspects (en)
Ретке болести: молекуларна патофизиологија, дијагностички и терапијски модалитети и социјални, етички и правни аспекти (sr)
Retke bolesti: molekularna patofiziologija, dijagnostički i terapijski modaliteti i socijalni, etički i pravni aspekti (sr_RS)


Prosveta i prosvetiteljstvo: predračun troškova ustanovljenja savremene politike obrazovanja

Krstić, Predrag


AU  - Krstić, Predrag
PY  - 2015
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/1519
AB  - У овом раду аутор истражује однос просветне теорије и праксе осамнаестог века и ставова оног интелектуалног и друштвеног покрета који је као „просве-титељство“ обележио то доба. Налази се да просветитељи не само да нису били, како се уобичајено мисли, заговорници и заступници обавезног и универзалног основног образовања, него су се најчешће директно супротстављали таквој зами-сли и исказивали озбиљне резерве у погледу могућности њеног остварења. Аутор указује на два могућа тумачења упадљивог одбијања просветитеља да подрже општеобразовна просветна настојања свог времена. Према једном, просвети-тељска концепција образовања се разликовала од просветне, као што се и „про-свећеност“ разликовала од „образованости“, те су просветитељи пре продубили јаз између образованих о необразованих, елите и пука, владара и народа, разложно упозоравајући да њено брисање може да се извшри само на штету оба. Друго ту-мачење гласи да наглашена уздржаност просветитеља према масовном образо-вању није била (толико) визионарско, разложно и рефлектовано упозорење на друштвене трошкове обавезног општег образовања, чија оправданост је посве-дочена његовим неретко фарсичним увођењем после Француске револуције, ко-лико рефлекс оних епохалних, пре свега материјалних и кадровских ограничења, из чије перспективе је свака његова доследна реализација морала да изгледа непо-жељном и практично неостваривом. Аутор сугерише да су и они „концептуални“ и ови „историјски“ мотиви, у једној асиметричној и неједнозначној интеракцији, играли улогу у, само на први поглед, неочекиваној артикулацији изразито нега-тивног држања просветитељства према идеји народне просвете.
AB  - In this paper the author undertakes the exploration of the relationship between educational theory and practice of the eighteenth century and, on the other side, the stances of the intellectual and social movement of the age called "Enlightenment". The finding is not only that enlighteners were not, as commonly thought, proponents and advocates of universal and compulsory primary education, but that they have oftenly directly opposed to such ideas and expressed serious reservations about the possibility of its realization. Through its most important representatives, they have demonstrated very little trust in the people and almost no faith in the ability of its indigenous enlightenment. However, they felt less futile the commitment to the education "from the top", which they tried to implement in words and deeds, relying on "the minds of the rulers".
On the other hand, attempts at establishing or reforming school system taken by the European states of the eighteenth century, in order to make education as widely available as possible, mostly ends in failure. The educational effects, if there were any, were not directly succeeded from organized efforts of the massification of education. Certain measured and operational liberalization of teaching, if were practiced at all or even gain momentum, since the beginning encounters with the resistance, especially of the parents of the students. That was the testimony of wanderings in the quest for universal model of educational standard. The results were far below the ideals set by the ambitious "educationists" and educational reformers. The formal schools offer was unequally available, chronically insufficient and often of poor quality. Besides that, it was fraught with structural inertia, which reform requested vast and non-existent resources.
The author points out two possible interpretations of conspicuous refusal of enlighteners to support the educational efforts for the general education of their time. According to one, the Enlightenment's conception of education was different from the educational one, as was "enlightenment" different from "education". Enlighteners were rather widened the gap between the educated and the uneducated, the elite and the common people, the rulers and the people, reasonable warning that its bridging may be accomplished only to the detriment of both. The second interpretation explains that emphasized restraint of the enlighteners toward mass-education was not (so much) visionary, prudent and reflected warning to social costs of compulsory general education – warning which justification witnessed often farcical introduction of such education after the French Revolution – as it was a reflex of epochal, in the first place material and personnel constraints. Having later in mind, its consistent realization must looks to them as a undesirable and practically infeasible perspective. The author suggests that both "conceptual" and "historical" reasons, in an asymmetric and ambiguous interaction, played a role in, at first glance, unexpected articulation of the pronouncedly negative posture of Enlightenment towards the idea of popular education.
T2  - Teme
T1  - Prosveta i prosvetiteljstvo: predračun troškova ustanovljenja savremene politike obrazovanja
T1  - Education and enlightenment: preliminary cost estimate for the establishment of modern educational policy
IS  - 4
VL  - 39
SP  - 1463
EP  - 1482
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_1519
ER  - 
author = "Krstić, Predrag",
year = "2015",
abstract = "У овом раду аутор истражује однос просветне теорије и праксе осамнаестог века и ставова оног интелектуалног и друштвеног покрета који је као „просве-титељство“ обележио то доба. Налази се да просветитељи не само да нису били, како се уобичајено мисли, заговорници и заступници обавезног и универзалног основног образовања, него су се најчешће директно супротстављали таквој зами-сли и исказивали озбиљне резерве у погледу могућности њеног остварења. Аутор указује на два могућа тумачења упадљивог одбијања просветитеља да подрже општеобразовна просветна настојања свог времена. Према једном, просвети-тељска концепција образовања се разликовала од просветне, као што се и „про-свећеност“ разликовала од „образованости“, те су просветитељи пре продубили јаз између образованих о необразованих, елите и пука, владара и народа, разложно упозоравајући да њено брисање може да се извшри само на штету оба. Друго ту-мачење гласи да наглашена уздржаност просветитеља према масовном образо-вању није била (толико) визионарско, разложно и рефлектовано упозорење на друштвене трошкове обавезног општег образовања, чија оправданост је посве-дочена његовим неретко фарсичним увођењем после Француске револуције, ко-лико рефлекс оних епохалних, пре свега материјалних и кадровских ограничења, из чије перспективе је свака његова доследна реализација морала да изгледа непо-жељном и практично неостваривом. Аутор сугерише да су и они „концептуални“ и ови „историјски“ мотиви, у једној асиметричној и неједнозначној интеракцији, играли улогу у, само на први поглед, неочекиваној артикулацији изразито нега-тивног држања просветитељства према идеји народне просвете., In this paper the author undertakes the exploration of the relationship between educational theory and practice of the eighteenth century and, on the other side, the stances of the intellectual and social movement of the age called "Enlightenment". The finding is not only that enlighteners were not, as commonly thought, proponents and advocates of universal and compulsory primary education, but that they have oftenly directly opposed to such ideas and expressed serious reservations about the possibility of its realization. Through its most important representatives, they have demonstrated very little trust in the people and almost no faith in the ability of its indigenous enlightenment. However, they felt less futile the commitment to the education "from the top", which they tried to implement in words and deeds, relying on "the minds of the rulers".
On the other hand, attempts at establishing or reforming school system taken by the European states of the eighteenth century, in order to make education as widely available as possible, mostly ends in failure. The educational effects, if there were any, were not directly succeeded from organized efforts of the massification of education. Certain measured and operational liberalization of teaching, if were practiced at all or even gain momentum, since the beginning encounters with the resistance, especially of the parents of the students. That was the testimony of wanderings in the quest for universal model of educational standard. The results were far below the ideals set by the ambitious "educationists" and educational reformers. The formal schools offer was unequally available, chronically insufficient and often of poor quality. Besides that, it was fraught with structural inertia, which reform requested vast and non-existent resources.
The author points out two possible interpretations of conspicuous refusal of enlighteners to support the educational efforts for the general education of their time. According to one, the Enlightenment's conception of education was different from the educational one, as was "enlightenment" different from "education". Enlighteners were rather widened the gap between the educated and the uneducated, the elite and the common people, the rulers and the people, reasonable warning that its bridging may be accomplished only to the detriment of both. The second interpretation explains that emphasized restraint of the enlighteners toward mass-education was not (so much) visionary, prudent and reflected warning to social costs of compulsory general education – warning which justification witnessed often farcical introduction of such education after the French Revolution – as it was a reflex of epochal, in the first place material and personnel constraints. Having later in mind, its consistent realization must looks to them as a undesirable and practically infeasible perspective. The author suggests that both "conceptual" and "historical" reasons, in an asymmetric and ambiguous interaction, played a role in, at first glance, unexpected articulation of the pronouncedly negative posture of Enlightenment towards the idea of popular education.",
journal = "Teme",
title = "Prosveta i prosvetiteljstvo: predračun troškova ustanovljenja savremene politike obrazovanja, Education and enlightenment: preliminary cost estimate for the establishment of modern educational policy",
number = "4",
volume = "39",
pages = "1463-1482",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_1519"
Krstić, P.. (2015). Prosveta i prosvetiteljstvo: predračun troškova ustanovljenja savremene politike obrazovanja. in Teme, 39(4), 1463-1482.
Krstić P. Prosveta i prosvetiteljstvo: predračun troškova ustanovljenja savremene politike obrazovanja. in Teme. 2015;39(4):1463-1482.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_1519 .
Krstić, Predrag, "Prosveta i prosvetiteljstvo: predračun troškova ustanovljenja savremene politike obrazovanja" in Teme, 39, no. 4 (2015):1463-1482,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_1519 .

Ljudska prava i kulturna prava – antropološka kritika

Vasiljević, Jelena

(Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2014)

AU  - Vasiljević, Jelena
PY  - 2014
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/228
AB  - U prvom delu rada izložiću neke od ključnih konceptualnih pro- blema koji se postavljaju pred ideju ljudskih prava, kao i najčešće izlagane argumente kojima se ljudska prava brane kao univerzalni i emancipatorni moderni projekat. Na ovo će se nadovezati razmatranja o kulturnim pravima, koja se ponekad razumeju kao korekcija univerzalizma ljudskih prava, a po- nekad kao njihova logična ekstenzija; u tom smislu, pokazaću kako su ljudska prava sve više počela da se shvataju kao kulturna i kolektivna prava. U trećem delu rada predstaviću pregled antropološke kritike pre svega kulturnih prava, a zatim i stavove proizašle iz empirijskih istraživanja koja kritički propituju dominaciju paradigme prava u razumevanju i samorazumevanju različitih lokalnih „kulturnih“ borbi. U zaključku ću se vratiti na pitanje univerzalnosti ljudskih prava (pa i kulturnih prava shvaćenih kao produžetak ljudskih prava) iz perspektive partikularnosti građanskih prava, te propitati svrsishodnost njihovog konceptualnog razdvajanja.
PB  - Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
T2  - Filozofija i društvo / Philosophy and Society
T1  - Ljudska prava i kulturna prava – antropološka kritika
SP  - 267
EP  - 289
DO  - 10.2298/FID1403267V
ER  - 
author = "Vasiljević, Jelena",
year = "2014",
abstract = "U prvom delu rada izložiću neke od ključnih konceptualnih pro- blema koji se postavljaju pred ideju ljudskih prava, kao i najčešće izlagane argumente kojima se ljudska prava brane kao univerzalni i emancipatorni moderni projekat. Na ovo će se nadovezati razmatranja o kulturnim pravima, koja se ponekad razumeju kao korekcija univerzalizma ljudskih prava, a po- nekad kao njihova logična ekstenzija; u tom smislu, pokazaću kako su ljudska prava sve više počela da se shvataju kao kulturna i kolektivna prava. U trećem delu rada predstaviću pregled antropološke kritike pre svega kulturnih prava, a zatim i stavove proizašle iz empirijskih istraživanja koja kritički propituju dominaciju paradigme prava u razumevanju i samorazumevanju različitih lokalnih „kulturnih“ borbi. U zaključku ću se vratiti na pitanje univerzalnosti ljudskih prava (pa i kulturnih prava shvaćenih kao produžetak ljudskih prava) iz perspektive partikularnosti građanskih prava, te propitati svrsishodnost njihovog konceptualnog razdvajanja.",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju",
journal = "Filozofija i društvo / Philosophy and Society",
title = "Ljudska prava i kulturna prava – antropološka kritika",
pages = "267-289",
doi = "10.2298/FID1403267V"
Vasiljević, J.. (2014). Ljudska prava i kulturna prava – antropološka kritika. in Filozofija i društvo / Philosophy and Society
Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju., 267-289.
Vasiljević J. Ljudska prava i kulturna prava – antropološka kritika. in Filozofija i društvo / Philosophy and Society. 2014;:267-289.
doi:10.2298/FID1403267V .
Vasiljević, Jelena, "Ljudska prava i kulturna prava – antropološka kritika" in Filozofija i društvo / Philosophy and Society (2014):267-289,
https://doi.org/10.2298/FID1403267V . .

Svet i istina književnosti : Kamijev nagovor na pomirenje

Krstić, Predrag

(Beograd : Zavod za proučavanje kulturnog razvitka, 2014)

AU  - Krstić, Predrag
PY  - 2014
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/356
AB  - Članak nastoji da Kamijevu viziju 'ispravljenog stvaranja', s jedne strane, motivaciono situira u književnoideološke kontroverze njegovog doba, a s druge, ukaže na njeno teorijsko opravdanje i estetsko potkrepljenje oslanjajući se na, sistematski neuobličene ali brojne i eksplicitne, refleksije autora o statusu književnosti i ulozi umetničke prakse. Zaključuje se da je naizgled kolebljiva Kamijeva pozicija proizvod svesne odluke - i njenog sprovođenja - da je prevashodni zadatak umetnika da, u protivstavu prema prevratničkim doktrinama spasonosnog rešenja, svojom buntovnom najavom obzirnog preporoda u ime pravde i lepote, razumeva i stvaralački svedoči protivrečja vlastitog vremena i zagovara njihovo, možda i nedogledno, pomirenje.
AB  - The article seeks to situate motivationally Camus’ vision of “corrected
creation” in literary and ideological controversies of his time. Relying
on systematically unrepresented but numerous and explicit reflections
on the status of literary and the role of artistic practice, it also intends to
point to the theoretical argumenation and aesthetic justification of such
a vision. Conclusion is that the seemingly reluctant Camus’ position
is the product of a conscious decision - and its implementation - that
the task of the artist is primarily to understand and, contrary to the
subversive doctrines of the salvation, with his rebellious announcement
of considerate revival in the name of justice and beauty, to creatively
testify contradictions of his own time and advocate perhaps
unconceivable comprehensive reconciliation
PB  - Beograd : Zavod za proučavanje kulturnog razvitka
T2  - Kultura
T1  - Svet i istina književnosti : Kamijev nagovor na pomirenje
T1  - World and truth of literature : Camus urging reconciliation
SP  - 103
EP  - 117
DO  - 10.5937/kultura1443103k
ER  - 
author = "Krstić, Predrag",
year = "2014",
abstract = "Članak nastoji da Kamijevu viziju 'ispravljenog stvaranja', s jedne strane, motivaciono situira u književnoideološke kontroverze njegovog doba, a s druge, ukaže na njeno teorijsko opravdanje i estetsko potkrepljenje oslanjajući se na, sistematski neuobličene ali brojne i eksplicitne, refleksije autora o statusu književnosti i ulozi umetničke prakse. Zaključuje se da je naizgled kolebljiva Kamijeva pozicija proizvod svesne odluke - i njenog sprovođenja - da je prevashodni zadatak umetnika da, u protivstavu prema prevratničkim doktrinama spasonosnog rešenja, svojom buntovnom najavom obzirnog preporoda u ime pravde i lepote, razumeva i stvaralački svedoči protivrečja vlastitog vremena i zagovara njihovo, možda i nedogledno, pomirenje., The article seeks to situate motivationally Camus’ vision of “corrected
creation” in literary and ideological controversies of his time. Relying
on systematically unrepresented but numerous and explicit reflections
on the status of literary and the role of artistic practice, it also intends to
point to the theoretical argumenation and aesthetic justification of such
a vision. Conclusion is that the seemingly reluctant Camus’ position
is the product of a conscious decision - and its implementation - that
the task of the artist is primarily to understand and, contrary to the
subversive doctrines of the salvation, with his rebellious announcement
of considerate revival in the name of justice and beauty, to creatively
testify contradictions of his own time and advocate perhaps
unconceivable comprehensive reconciliation",
publisher = "Beograd : Zavod za proučavanje kulturnog razvitka",
journal = "Kultura",
title = "Svet i istina književnosti : Kamijev nagovor na pomirenje, World and truth of literature : Camus urging reconciliation",
pages = "103-117",
doi = "10.5937/kultura1443103k"
Krstić, P.. (2014). Svet i istina književnosti : Kamijev nagovor na pomirenje. in Kultura
Beograd : Zavod za proučavanje kulturnog razvitka., 103-117.
Krstić P. Svet i istina književnosti : Kamijev nagovor na pomirenje. in Kultura. 2014;:103-117.
doi:10.5937/kultura1443103k .
Krstić, Predrag, "Svet i istina književnosti : Kamijev nagovor na pomirenje" in Kultura (2014):103-117,
https://doi.org/10.5937/kultura1443103k . .

Kud plovi ovaj brod : teorijske staze Enterprajza

Krstić, Predrag

(Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2014)

AU  - Krstić, Predrag
PY  - 2014
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/47
PB  - Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
T1  - Kud plovi ovaj brod : teorijske staze Enterprajza
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_47
ER  - 
author = "Krstić, Predrag",
year = "2014",
publisher = "Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju",
title = "Kud plovi ovaj brod : teorijske staze Enterprajza",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_47"
Krstić, P.. (2014). Kud plovi ovaj brod : teorijske staze Enterprajza. 
Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju..
Krstić P. Kud plovi ovaj brod : teorijske staze Enterprajza. 2014;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_47 .
Krstić, Predrag, "Kud plovi ovaj brod : teorijske staze Enterprajza" (2014),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_47 .

Građanstvo: Neka razmatranja o klasičnim osnovama i savremenim trendovima rekonceptualizacije

Jovanov, Rastko; Vasiljević, Jelena


AU  - Vasiljević, Jelena
PY  - 2013
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/987
AB  - The paper explores some of the key historical and theoretical traditions of thinking about citizenship, basic tensions and problems inherent to the concept itself, as well as the main contemporary challenges. After presenting key problems that stem from the classical liberal and republican traditions – complemented by a discussion of citizenship within the nation- state framework – the paper turns to an overview of the main contemporary challenges and debates aiming at reconceptualizing the concept itself and including it into novel and different political and theoretical frames.
T2  - Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society
T1  - Građanstvo: Neka razmatranja o klasičnim osnovama i savremenim trendovima rekonceptualizacije
T1  - Some Remarks about the Classical Foundations and  Contemporary trends of reconceptualizing Citizenship
SP  - 135
EP  - 155
DO  - 10.2298/FID1303135V
ER  - 
editor = "Jovanov, Rastko",
author = "Vasiljević, Jelena",
year = "2013",
abstract = "The paper explores some of the key historical and theoretical traditions of thinking about citizenship, basic tensions and problems inherent to the concept itself, as well as the main contemporary challenges. After presenting key problems that stem from the classical liberal and republican traditions – complemented by a discussion of citizenship within the nation- state framework – the paper turns to an overview of the main contemporary challenges and debates aiming at reconceptualizing the concept itself and including it into novel and different political and theoretical frames.",
journal = "Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society",
title = "Građanstvo: Neka razmatranja o klasičnim osnovama i savremenim trendovima rekonceptualizacije, Some Remarks about the Classical Foundations and  Contemporary trends of reconceptualizing Citizenship",
pages = "135-155",
doi = "10.2298/FID1303135V"
Jovanov, R.,& Vasiljević, J.. (2013). Građanstvo: Neka razmatranja o klasičnim osnovama i savremenim trendovima rekonceptualizacije. in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society, 135-155.
Jovanov R, Vasiljević J. Građanstvo: Neka razmatranja o klasičnim osnovama i savremenim trendovima rekonceptualizacije. in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society. 2013;:135-155.
doi:10.2298/FID1303135V .
Jovanov, Rastko, Vasiljević, Jelena, "Građanstvo: Neka razmatranja o klasičnim osnovama i savremenim trendovima rekonceptualizacije" in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society (2013):135-155,
https://doi.org/10.2298/FID1303135V . .

Ko se boji kvira još: homoseksualne i transrodne strategije "Zvezdanih staza"

Jovanov, Rastko; Drezgić, Rada; Krstić, Predrag


AU  - Drezgić, Rada
AU  - Krstić, Predrag
PY  - 2013
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/1009
AB  - This text gives a critical account of various, often conflicting interpretations of slash fiction – stories based on characters from popular TV show, The Star Trek, written (and read) by fans. What makes slash fiction, a subgenre of fan fiction, specific is a homoeroticization of characters that in the original narratives are either explicitly or implicitly heterosexual. Whether such “homoerotic pairing” has any foundation in the original Star Trek narrative, remains an open question. Answers to this question vary greatly. An affirmative answer, however, begs a further question: whether these narratives are “homosexual representations” in a strict gay/lesbian sense? The authors propose that slash represents a non-hegemonic narrative which transgresses borders (of the medium, genre, gender, sexuality etc.) set up in the original narrative – queering, reexamining thus both sex and gender.
T2  - Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society
T1  - Ko se boji kvira još: homoseksualne i transrodne strategije "Zvezdanih staza"
T1  - Who is (Still) Afraid of Queer: Homosexual and Transgender Strategies of  Star Trek
SP  - 196
EP  - 211
DO  - 10.2298/FID1303196D
ER  - 
editor = "Jovanov, Rastko",
author = "Drezgić, Rada and Krstić, Predrag",
year = "2013",
abstract = "This text gives a critical account of various, often conflicting interpretations of slash fiction – stories based on characters from popular TV show, The Star Trek, written (and read) by fans. What makes slash fiction, a subgenre of fan fiction, specific is a homoeroticization of characters that in the original narratives are either explicitly or implicitly heterosexual. Whether such “homoerotic pairing” has any foundation in the original Star Trek narrative, remains an open question. Answers to this question vary greatly. An affirmative answer, however, begs a further question: whether these narratives are “homosexual representations” in a strict gay/lesbian sense? The authors propose that slash represents a non-hegemonic narrative which transgresses borders (of the medium, genre, gender, sexuality etc.) set up in the original narrative – queering, reexamining thus both sex and gender.",
journal = "Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society",
title = "Ko se boji kvira još: homoseksualne i transrodne strategije "Zvezdanih staza", Who is (Still) Afraid of Queer: Homosexual and Transgender Strategies of  Star Trek",
pages = "196-211",
doi = "10.2298/FID1303196D"
Jovanov, R., Drezgić, R.,& Krstić, P.. (2013). Ko se boji kvira još: homoseksualne i transrodne strategije "Zvezdanih staza". in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society, 196-211.
Jovanov R, Drezgić R, Krstić P. Ko se boji kvira još: homoseksualne i transrodne strategije "Zvezdanih staza". in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society. 2013;:196-211.
doi:10.2298/FID1303196D .
Jovanov, Rastko, Drezgić, Rada, Krstić, Predrag, "Ko se boji kvira još: homoseksualne i transrodne strategije "Zvezdanih staza"" in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society (2013):196-211,
https://doi.org/10.2298/FID1303196D . .

Aporije kapetanke lađe: Zvezdane staze i feminizam

Krstić, Predrag; Drezgić, Rada


AU  - Krstić, Predrag
AU  - Drezgić, Rada
PY  - 2013
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/784
AB  - This text explores feminist reception of science fiction, particularly the television series Start Trek. The authors point out differences in feminist interpretations of female characters and gender identities as well as changes that took place in that respect in various installments of the series. It is argued that the first two installments – The Original Series (1966-1969) and The Next Generation (1987- 1994) – recreated the patriarchal gender ideology which was marked by unequal power distribution and male privilege, despite some obvious attempts to ”modernize”female characters and identities. More substantial changes in terms of representing female identities began with the third installment – The Deep Sky Nine (1993-1999). These changes became particularly and, at last, prominent in the fourth installment – The Voyager (1995-2001) – when the main character, the captain, finally became captainess Janeway. Some authors consider this to be a historical event for both women and the television. Feminist theory, however, variously interprets the meaning of this historical event. For fierce hard-line critics, the ”most emancipated”woman of the Star Trek universe, captainess Janeway, is either too feminine to be a feminist, or too much masculine – a stereotype actually of a masculinized female leader. There are, however, other more subtle interpretations, embraced in this text, which treat Janeway as a hybrid. Her masculine and feminine features are intentionally put in conflict, side by side, in order to avoid any ”gendered stigmatization”. The vessel that she commands thus represents a ”feminist heterotopia” where incompatible things, people and situations can be placed next to each other.
AB  - У тексту се анализира феминистичка рецепција/критика
филмске научне фантастике на примеру телевизијског серијала Звездане стазе.
Уочавају се недоумице и несугласице у феминистичким интерпретацијама које
су пратиле промене не само у представљању женских ликова у серији већ и
родних односа и саме категорије рода од Оригиналне серије (1966-1969), преко
Следеће генерације (1987-1994) и Дубоког свемира Девет (1993-1999), све до
Војаџера (1995-2001). Док су прва два серијала и поред очигледних покушаја
да се женски ликови и идентитети „модернизују”, у суштини изграђена на патријархалној
идеологији рода обележеној неравномерном расподелом моћи и
фаворизовањем мушкараца, до суштинске трансформације у репрезентацији
женских идентитета долази у трећем серијалу, а нарочито или тек тамо где је
капетан као главни јунак коначно постао капетаница Џеневеј у четвртом серијалу
Војаџер. Неки аутори то сматрају историјским догађајем и за телевизију и
за жене. Значење овог историјског догађаја се, међутим, на различите начине
интерпретира у оквиру феминизма. С једне стране су критичке примедбе представника
правоверног или беспоштедног феминизма за које је капетаница
Џеневеј „најеманципованија” жена универзума Звезданих стаза, или преженствена
да би била феминисткиња или пак испуњење стереотипа маскулинизоване
жене-лидера. С друге стране су, ауторима овог текста ближа, суптилнија
тумачења која лик Џеневеј посматрају као унутар једне особе хотимице у конфликт стављене феминизоване и маскулинизоване особине да би се избегла „стигма родности”. Следствено томе, лађа којом она командује постаје „феминистичка хетеротопија” у којој инкомпатибилне ствари, људи и ситуације могу бити постављени једни уз друге, чинећи тако модел за једну нову концепцију
заједнице, породице, рода и расе, какве можда могу да функционишу у будућем свету.
T2  - Kultura polisa : časopis za negovanje demokratske političke kulture
T1  - Aporije kapetanke lađe: Zvezdane staze i feminizam
T1  - Aporie of a Ship Capitainess : Star Trek and Feminism
IS  - 20
VL  - 10
SP  - 161
EP  - 184
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_784
ER  - 
author = "Krstić, Predrag and Drezgić, Rada",
year = "2013",
abstract = "This text explores feminist reception of science fiction, particularly the television series Start Trek. The authors point out differences in feminist interpretations of female characters and gender identities as well as changes that took place in that respect in various installments of the series. It is argued that the first two installments – The Original Series (1966-1969) and The Next Generation (1987- 1994) – recreated the patriarchal gender ideology which was marked by unequal power distribution and male privilege, despite some obvious attempts to ”modernize”female characters and identities. More substantial changes in terms of representing female identities began with the third installment – The Deep Sky Nine (1993-1999). These changes became particularly and, at last, prominent in the fourth installment – The Voyager (1995-2001) – when the main character, the captain, finally became captainess Janeway. Some authors consider this to be a historical event for both women and the television. Feminist theory, however, variously interprets the meaning of this historical event. For fierce hard-line critics, the ”most emancipated”woman of the Star Trek universe, captainess Janeway, is either too feminine to be a feminist, or too much masculine – a stereotype actually of a masculinized female leader. There are, however, other more subtle interpretations, embraced in this text, which treat Janeway as a hybrid. Her masculine and feminine features are intentionally put in conflict, side by side, in order to avoid any ”gendered stigmatization”. The vessel that she commands thus represents a ”feminist heterotopia” where incompatible things, people and situations can be placed next to each other., У тексту се анализира феминистичка рецепција/критика
филмске научне фантастике на примеру телевизијског серијала Звездане стазе.
Уочавају се недоумице и несугласице у феминистичким интерпретацијама које
су пратиле промене не само у представљању женских ликова у серији већ и
родних односа и саме категорије рода од Оригиналне серије (1966-1969), преко
Следеће генерације (1987-1994) и Дубоког свемира Девет (1993-1999), све до
Војаџера (1995-2001). Док су прва два серијала и поред очигледних покушаја
да се женски ликови и идентитети „модернизују”, у суштини изграђена на патријархалној
идеологији рода обележеној неравномерном расподелом моћи и
фаворизовањем мушкараца, до суштинске трансформације у репрезентацији
женских идентитета долази у трећем серијалу, а нарочито или тек тамо где је
капетан као главни јунак коначно постао капетаница Џеневеј у четвртом серијалу
Војаџер. Неки аутори то сматрају историјским догађајем и за телевизију и
за жене. Значење овог историјског догађаја се, међутим, на различите начине
интерпретира у оквиру феминизма. С једне стране су критичке примедбе представника
правоверног или беспоштедног феминизма за које је капетаница
Џеневеј „најеманципованија” жена универзума Звезданих стаза, или преженствена
да би била феминисткиња или пак испуњење стереотипа маскулинизоване
жене-лидера. С друге стране су, ауторима овог текста ближа, суптилнија
тумачења која лик Џеневеј посматрају као унутар једне особе хотимице у конфликт стављене феминизоване и маскулинизоване особине да би се избегла „стигма родности”. Следствено томе, лађа којом она командује постаје „феминистичка хетеротопија” у којој инкомпатибилне ствари, људи и ситуације могу бити постављени једни уз друге, чинећи тако модел за једну нову концепцију
заједнице, породице, рода и расе, какве можда могу да функционишу у будућем свету.",
journal = "Kultura polisa : časopis za negovanje demokratske političke kulture",
title = "Aporije kapetanke lađe: Zvezdane staze i feminizam, Aporie of a Ship Capitainess : Star Trek and Feminism",
number = "20",
volume = "10",
pages = "161-184",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_784"
Krstić, P.,& Drezgić, R.. (2013). Aporije kapetanke lađe: Zvezdane staze i feminizam. in Kultura polisa : časopis za negovanje demokratske političke kulture, 10(20), 161-184.
Krstić P, Drezgić R. Aporije kapetanke lađe: Zvezdane staze i feminizam. in Kultura polisa : časopis za negovanje demokratske političke kulture. 2013;10(20):161-184.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_784 .
Krstić, Predrag, Drezgić, Rada, "Aporije kapetanke lađe: Zvezdane staze i feminizam" in Kultura polisa : časopis za negovanje demokratske političke kulture, 10, no. 20 (2013):161-184,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_784 .

Institucija grupe i genocidna delovanja

Jovanov, Rastko; Bojanić, Petar D.


AU  - Bojanić, Petar D.
PY  - 2013
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/954
AB  - This critique is focused on a small theory regarding the constituting of a group through the simultaneous exclusion of some other group. Is it possi­ble, then, to produce social and non­social acts (negative social acts) at the same time? Or is it possible to construct a group which acts ‘genocidally’, meaning that it destroys another group or “the groupness” of a group, and at the same time affirm its own unity and its ontological stability? (I have used the word ‘institution’ in the title, since we are dealing with a group that is lasting, and not temporary.) Finally, does this thematization of the group through inter­group antagonism have anything to do with Lemkin’s word genocide’?
T2  - Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society
T1  - Institucija grupe i genocidna delovanja
T1  - The Institution of group and genocidal acts
SP  - 123
EP  - 134
DO  - 10.2298/FID1303123B
ER  - 
editor = "Jovanov, Rastko",
author = "Bojanić, Petar D.",
year = "2013",
abstract = "This critique is focused on a small theory regarding the constituting of a group through the simultaneous exclusion of some other group. Is it possi­ble, then, to produce social and non­social acts (negative social acts) at the same time? Or is it possible to construct a group which acts ‘genocidally’, meaning that it destroys another group or “the groupness” of a group, and at the same time affirm its own unity and its ontological stability? (I have used the word ‘institution’ in the title, since we are dealing with a group that is lasting, and not temporary.) Finally, does this thematization of the group through inter­group antagonism have anything to do with Lemkin’s word genocide’?",
journal = "Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society",
title = "Institucija grupe i genocidna delovanja, The Institution of group and genocidal acts",
pages = "123-134",
doi = "10.2298/FID1303123B"
Jovanov, R.,& Bojanić, P. D.. (2013). Institucija grupe i genocidna delovanja. in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society, 123-134.
Jovanov R, Bojanić PD. Institucija grupe i genocidna delovanja. in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society. 2013;:123-134.
doi:10.2298/FID1303123B .
Jovanov, Rastko, Bojanić, Petar D., "Institucija grupe i genocidna delovanja" in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society (2013):123-134,
https://doi.org/10.2298/FID1303123B . .

Politički prostor ekološkog građanstva

Milidrag, Predrag; Vasiljević, Jelena


AU  - Vasiljević, Jelena
PY  - 2012
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/1120
AB  - This paper examines the concept of ecological citizenship by looking at two sets of arguments. Those justifying the concept itself, and those criticizing the need to devise a new concept of citizenship and political community in relation to ecological problems. The paper argues for a shift in focus: instead of searching for (or readily dismissing) a new concept of citizenship, we should adopt a different perspective capable of capturing the explanatory potentials of citizenship-related notions – especially citizenship action and political space in which it is constituted – in the context of contemporary global ecological problems.
T2  - Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society
T1  - Politički prostor ekološkog građanstva
T1  - Political space of ecological citizenship
SP  - 102
EP  - 111
DO  - 10.2298/FID1201102V
ER  - 
editor = "Milidrag, Predrag",
author = "Vasiljević, Jelena",
year = "2012",
abstract = "This paper examines the concept of ecological citizenship by looking at two sets of arguments. Those justifying the concept itself, and those criticizing the need to devise a new concept of citizenship and political community in relation to ecological problems. The paper argues for a shift in focus: instead of searching for (or readily dismissing) a new concept of citizenship, we should adopt a different perspective capable of capturing the explanatory potentials of citizenship-related notions – especially citizenship action and political space in which it is constituted – in the context of contemporary global ecological problems.",
journal = "Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society",
title = "Politički prostor ekološkog građanstva, Political space of ecological citizenship",
pages = "102-111",
doi = "10.2298/FID1201102V"
Milidrag, P.,& Vasiljević, J.. (2012). Politički prostor ekološkog građanstva. in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society, 102-111.
Milidrag P, Vasiljević J. Politički prostor ekološkog građanstva. in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society. 2012;:102-111.
doi:10.2298/FID1201102V .
Milidrag, Predrag, Vasiljević, Jelena, "Politički prostor ekološkog građanstva" in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society (2012):102-111,
https://doi.org/10.2298/FID1201102V . .

Ideje građanstva i politike državljanstva – izazovi antropološkoj imaginaciji

Vasiljević, Jelena


AU  - Vasiljević, Jelena
PY  - 2012
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/1285
AB  - Even though the terms citizenship and nationality, with their wide range of meanings, relate to the problems in constituting human communities, managing the social relationships within them as well as defining borders towards the Others – some of the defining anthropological issues – these terms are often not recognized as relevant frameworks for anthropological researches. In this paper it is my intention to point out possible uses of the-se terms as frameworks for some anthropological researches as well as the important contributions anthropology can offer for the better understanding of their political operationalization.
T2  - Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society
T1  - Ideje građanstva i politike državljanstva – izazovi antropološkoj imaginaciji
SP  - 105
EP  - 115
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_1285
ER  - 
author = "Vasiljević, Jelena",
year = "2012",
abstract = "Even though the terms citizenship and nationality, with their wide range of meanings, relate to the problems in constituting human communities, managing the social relationships within them as well as defining borders towards the Others – some of the defining anthropological issues – these terms are often not recognized as relevant frameworks for anthropological researches. In this paper it is my intention to point out possible uses of the-se terms as frameworks for some anthropological researches as well as the important contributions anthropology can offer for the better understanding of their political operationalization.",
journal = "Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society",
title = "Ideje građanstva i politike državljanstva – izazovi antropološkoj imaginaciji",
pages = "105-115",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_1285"
Vasiljević, J.. (2012). Ideje građanstva i politike državljanstva – izazovi antropološkoj imaginaciji. in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society, 105-115.
Vasiljević J. Ideje građanstva i politike državljanstva – izazovi antropološkoj imaginaciji. in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society. 2012;:105-115.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_1285 .
Vasiljević, Jelena, "Ideje građanstva i politike državljanstva – izazovi antropološkoj imaginaciji" in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society (2012):105-115,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_1285 .

Više od zdravlja

Milidrag, Predrag; Gligorov, Nada


AU  - Gligorov, Nada
PY  - 2012
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/397
AB  - The purpose of this essay is to examine some of the ethical concerns raised regarding the use of neuroenhancers. Authors such as Fukuyama and Sandel argue that medical intervention should be limited to treatment of disease, and that enhancement should be outside of the scope of medicine. This commentary will examine the distinction between treatment and enhancement. I shall conclude that it is not a well-drawn distinction and should not be used to provide guidance with regards to the use of psychopharmacological agents for the purpose of cognitive enhancement. I shall further examine whether concepts such as disability and normality could provide a criterion for determining whether enhancement is a permissible use of medical intervention. I conclude that as those concepts are contextually defined, they cannot be used to make principled arguments against enhancement. Finally, I shall review the charge that medicalization of cognitive performance enhancers is not morally permissible. I shall argue that medicalization might have both negative and positive consequences, and decisions about the moral permissibility of medicalization should be made on a case-by-case basis.
T2  - Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society
T1  - Više od zdravlja
T1  - Seeking More than Health : Using Medicine for Enhancement
SP  - 79
EP  - 90
DO  - 10.2298/FID1202079G
ER  - 
editor = "Milidrag, Predrag",
author = "Gligorov, Nada",
year = "2012",
abstract = "The purpose of this essay is to examine some of the ethical concerns raised regarding the use of neuroenhancers. Authors such as Fukuyama and Sandel argue that medical intervention should be limited to treatment of disease, and that enhancement should be outside of the scope of medicine. This commentary will examine the distinction between treatment and enhancement. I shall conclude that it is not a well-drawn distinction and should not be used to provide guidance with regards to the use of psychopharmacological agents for the purpose of cognitive enhancement. I shall further examine whether concepts such as disability and normality could provide a criterion for determining whether enhancement is a permissible use of medical intervention. I conclude that as those concepts are contextually defined, they cannot be used to make principled arguments against enhancement. Finally, I shall review the charge that medicalization of cognitive performance enhancers is not morally permissible. I shall argue that medicalization might have both negative and positive consequences, and decisions about the moral permissibility of medicalization should be made on a case-by-case basis.",
journal = "Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society",
title = "Više od zdravlja, Seeking More than Health : Using Medicine for Enhancement",
pages = "79-90",
doi = "10.2298/FID1202079G"
Milidrag, P.,& Gligorov, N.. (2012). Više od zdravlja. in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society, 79-90.
Milidrag P, Gligorov N. Više od zdravlja. in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society. 2012;:79-90.
doi:10.2298/FID1202079G .
Milidrag, Predrag, Gligorov, Nada, "Više od zdravlja" in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society (2012):79-90,
https://doi.org/10.2298/FID1202079G . .

Javni prostor i slobodno delanje: Fuko vs. Lefevr

Prodanović, Srđan; Krstić, Predrag

(Beograd : Sociološko udruženje Srbije i Crne Gore, 2012)

AU  - Prodanović, Srđan
AU  - Krstić, Predrag
PY  - 2012
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/1425
AB  - U ovom članku nastojaćemo da ostvarimo sistematičan uvid u odnos između
svakodnevnih praksi i javnog prostora. Kroz analizu radova dvojice uticajnih teoretičara iz
ove oblasti, Fukoa i Lefevra, pokušaćemo da pružimo teorijsko obrazloženje intuiciji da
(javni) prostor predstavlja jedan od osnovnih konstitutivnih elementa slobodnog delanja. U
prvom delu članka, analiziraćemo Fukoov pojam heterotopije kako bismo ukazali na
mogućnost one „prostorno posredovane“ samorefleksije koja veoma nalikuje na filozofsku
askezu iz takozvane kasne faze njegovog dela. Potom ćemo razmotriti u kojoj meri Lefevrovo
stanovište da javni prostor predstavlja hegelijansku konkretnu apstrakciju – koja sobom
povlači dijalektičku analizu i praćenje složenih istorijskih protivrečnosti – dopunjuje i
produbljuje vizuru koju uspostavlja Fuko svojim pojmom heterotopija. U tom smislu, biće
pokazano da, uprkos svim razlikama u teorijskim polazištima, oba autora brane ideju jednog
javnog prostora u kojem se brišu doznačavanja – kako bi se „otvorio prostor“ slobodnom
AB  - In this paper we will try to offer a systematic insight into the relation of everyday practices and public space. By examining the work of two of the most influential authors in this field, Foucault and Lefebvre, we will try to provide a theoretical explanation of intuition that (public) space represents one of the key constitutive elements of free action. In the first part of the paper, we will consider Foucault’s notion of heterotopia in the interest of pointing towards a “spatially intermediated” self-reflection which, to a great degree, resembles the philosophical askesis form his so called letter work. Afterwards, we will consider in which sense Lefebvre’s position that public space represents a Hegelian concrete abstraction - which entails dialectical analysis and tracking of complex historical contradictions - complements and deepens perspective that Foucault puts before us in his heterotopias. In that vein, it will be shown that both authors, despite the difference in their theoretical starting points, defend the idea of such a public space in which all signifiers are removed in the interest of „opening space” for the free agent
PB  - Beograd : Sociološko udruženje Srbije i Crne Gore
PB  - Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu, Filozofski fakultet, Institut za sociološka istraživanja
T2  - Sociologija
T1  - Javni prostor i slobodno delanje: Fuko vs. Lefevr
T1  - Public space and free action: Foucault vs. Lefebvre
IS  - 3
VL  - 54
SP  - 423
EP  - 436
DO  - 10.2298/SOC1203423P
ER  - 
author = "Prodanović, Srđan and Krstić, Predrag",
year = "2012",
abstract = "U ovom članku nastojaćemo da ostvarimo sistematičan uvid u odnos između
svakodnevnih praksi i javnog prostora. Kroz analizu radova dvojice uticajnih teoretičara iz
ove oblasti, Fukoa i Lefevra, pokušaćemo da pružimo teorijsko obrazloženje intuiciji da
(javni) prostor predstavlja jedan od osnovnih konstitutivnih elementa slobodnog delanja. U
prvom delu članka, analiziraćemo Fukoov pojam heterotopije kako bismo ukazali na
mogućnost one „prostorno posredovane“ samorefleksije koja veoma nalikuje na filozofsku
askezu iz takozvane kasne faze njegovog dela. Potom ćemo razmotriti u kojoj meri Lefevrovo
stanovište da javni prostor predstavlja hegelijansku konkretnu apstrakciju – koja sobom
povlači dijalektičku analizu i praćenje složenih istorijskih protivrečnosti – dopunjuje i
produbljuje vizuru koju uspostavlja Fuko svojim pojmom heterotopija. U tom smislu, biće
pokazano da, uprkos svim razlikama u teorijskim polazištima, oba autora brane ideju jednog
javnog prostora u kojem se brišu doznačavanja – kako bi se „otvorio prostor“ slobodnom
delatniku., In this paper we will try to offer a systematic insight into the relation of everyday practices and public space. By examining the work of two of the most influential authors in this field, Foucault and Lefebvre, we will try to provide a theoretical explanation of intuition that (public) space represents one of the key constitutive elements of free action. In the first part of the paper, we will consider Foucault’s notion of heterotopia in the interest of pointing towards a “spatially intermediated” self-reflection which, to a great degree, resembles the philosophical askesis form his so called letter work. Afterwards, we will consider in which sense Lefebvre’s position that public space represents a Hegelian concrete abstraction - which entails dialectical analysis and tracking of complex historical contradictions - complements and deepens perspective that Foucault puts before us in his heterotopias. In that vein, it will be shown that both authors, despite the difference in their theoretical starting points, defend the idea of such a public space in which all signifiers are removed in the interest of „opening space” for the free agent",
publisher = "Beograd : Sociološko udruženje Srbije i Crne Gore, Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu, Filozofski fakultet, Institut za sociološka istraživanja",
journal = "Sociologija",
title = "Javni prostor i slobodno delanje: Fuko vs. Lefevr, Public space and free action: Foucault vs. Lefebvre",
number = "3",
volume = "54",
pages = "423-436",
doi = "10.2298/SOC1203423P"
Prodanović, S.,& Krstić, P.. (2012). Javni prostor i slobodno delanje: Fuko vs. Lefevr. in Sociologija
Beograd : Sociološko udruženje Srbije i Crne Gore., 54(3), 423-436.
Prodanović S, Krstić P. Javni prostor i slobodno delanje: Fuko vs. Lefevr. in Sociologija. 2012;54(3):423-436.
doi:10.2298/SOC1203423P .
Prodanović, Srđan, Krstić, Predrag, "Javni prostor i slobodno delanje: Fuko vs. Lefevr" in Sociologija, 54, no. 3 (2012):423-436,
https://doi.org/10.2298/SOC1203423P . .

Narcis i pogan jezik : Darvin via Frojd

Prodanović, Srđan; Krstić, Predrag

(Beograd : Radio televizija Srbije, 2012)

AU  - Prodanović, Srđan
AU  - Krstić, Predrag
PY  - 2012
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/645
UR  - info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/43007/RS//
AB  - Ovaj rad bavi se narcizmom ljudske vrste, koji opstaje uprkos viševekovnim naučnim
dokazivanjima da čovek nije ni središte ni svrha univerzuma. U tekstu se izlažu
prelomni momenti operisanja čoveka od predstave o vlastitom povlašćenom
položaju i sugeriše se da Kopernikova, Darvinova i Frojdova intervencija u tom
pogledu nisu bile dovoljne. Modifikacija njihovih učenja u humanističkom ključu
upućuje na potrebu da se nastavi radikalno raščaravanje recidiva izuzetnosti čoveka:
„samo povređivanje” ostaje jedini teorijski odgovoran i praktično delotvoran
metod isceljivanja od antropocentričke predrasude.
AB  - This work deals with the narcissism of the mankind, which persists in spite of centurial
substantiation by the sciences that men is not the center nor the purpose of the Universe.
In the text are presented the crucial points in the operation of removing the image of
human’s privileged position. It is suggested that Copernicus’, Darwin’s and Freud’s intervention
had not been sufficient in this respect. The modification of their learning in the
humanistic key, points at the need to continue radical disenchanting of recidive of
human exceptionality: „self-injuring” remains the only theoretically responsible and
effective practice of healing from anthropocentric prejudice.
PB  - Beograd : Radio televizija Srbije
T2  - Treći program
T1  - Narcis i pogan jezik : Darvin via Frojd
T1  - Narcissus and the dirty tongue: Darwin via Freud
IS  - 155-156
VL  - 44
SP  - 324
EP  - 334
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_645
ER  - 
author = "Prodanović, Srđan and Krstić, Predrag",
year = "2012",
abstract = "Ovaj rad bavi se narcizmom ljudske vrste, koji opstaje uprkos viševekovnim naučnim
dokazivanjima da čovek nije ni središte ni svrha univerzuma. U tekstu se izlažu
prelomni momenti operisanja čoveka od predstave o vlastitom povlašćenom
položaju i sugeriše se da Kopernikova, Darvinova i Frojdova intervencija u tom
pogledu nisu bile dovoljne. Modifikacija njihovih učenja u humanističkom ključu
upućuje na potrebu da se nastavi radikalno raščaravanje recidiva izuzetnosti čoveka:
„samo povređivanje” ostaje jedini teorijski odgovoran i praktično delotvoran
metod isceljivanja od antropocentričke predrasude., This work deals with the narcissism of the mankind, which persists in spite of centurial
substantiation by the sciences that men is not the center nor the purpose of the Universe.
In the text are presented the crucial points in the operation of removing the image of
human’s privileged position. It is suggested that Copernicus’, Darwin’s and Freud’s intervention
had not been sufficient in this respect. The modification of their learning in the
humanistic key, points at the need to continue radical disenchanting of recidive of
human exceptionality: „self-injuring” remains the only theoretically responsible and
effective practice of healing from anthropocentric prejudice.",
publisher = "Beograd : Radio televizija Srbije",
journal = "Treći program",
title = "Narcis i pogan jezik : Darvin via Frojd, Narcissus and the dirty tongue: Darwin via Freud",
number = "155-156",
volume = "44",
pages = "324-334",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_645"
Prodanović, S.,& Krstić, P.. (2012). Narcis i pogan jezik : Darvin via Frojd. in Treći program
Beograd : Radio televizija Srbije., 44(155-156), 324-334.
Prodanović S, Krstić P. Narcis i pogan jezik : Darvin via Frojd. in Treći program. 2012;44(155-156):324-334.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_645 .
Prodanović, Srđan, Krstić, Predrag, "Narcis i pogan jezik : Darvin via Frojd" in Treći program, 44, no. 155-156 (2012):324-334,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_645 .

Zemne staze Enterprajza: nauka i naučna fantastika

Krstić, Predrag


AU  - Krstić, Predrag
PY  - 2012
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/782
AB  - This paper is attempting to offer an understanding of relationship between science and science fiction, primary based on the Star Trecks production on television and in films. Firstly, there is an outline of almost complete science and technology in twenty forth century "extraordinary new worlds", then, it shows the reaction of contemporary scientific community to this virtual projection of the future. And, the last part of the paper suggests the link of science fiction and science
where they permeate each other without stopping at inspirational prophesy of the former to the later. It shows the integration of science fiction vision into cognitive protocol of the science itself.
AB  - Ovaj članak nastoji da izloži razumevanja odnosa nauke i naučne fantastike,
prevashodno na osnovu recepcija televizijske i filmske produkcije Zvezdanih staza.
Prvo se skiciraju obrisi jedne gotovo komplente nauke i tehnologije "čudnih novih
svetova" dvadesetčetvrtog veka, da bi se potom ukazalo na reakcije koje je ta virtualna
projekcija budućnosti izazvala u savremenoj naučnoj zajednici. U poslednjem delu
se sugeriše jedan odnos prožimanja naučne fantastike i nauke koji se ne bi zaustavio
na klišeu proročke inspirativnosti prve za potonju, već bi naučnotehničke vizije
naučne fantastike uključio u saznajni protokol same nauke.
T2  - Antropologija
T2  - Naučna fantastika; nauka; fikcija; činjenica; Zvezdane staze
T1  - Zemne staze Enterprajza: nauka i naučna fantastika
T1  - Earth trecks of the Enterprise: science and science fiction
IS  - 3
VL  - 12
SP  - 73
EP  - 97
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_782
ER  - 
author = "Krstić, Predrag",
year = "2012",
abstract = "This paper is attempting to offer an understanding of relationship between science and science fiction, primary based on the Star Trecks production on television and in films. Firstly, there is an outline of almost complete science and technology in twenty forth century "extraordinary new worlds", then, it shows the reaction of contemporary scientific community to this virtual projection of the future. And, the last part of the paper suggests the link of science fiction and science
where they permeate each other without stopping at inspirational prophesy of the former to the later. It shows the integration of science fiction vision into cognitive protocol of the science itself., Ovaj članak nastoji da izloži razumevanja odnosa nauke i naučne fantastike,
prevashodno na osnovu recepcija televizijske i filmske produkcije Zvezdanih staza.
Prvo se skiciraju obrisi jedne gotovo komplente nauke i tehnologije "čudnih novih
svetova" dvadesetčetvrtog veka, da bi se potom ukazalo na reakcije koje je ta virtualna
projekcija budućnosti izazvala u savremenoj naučnoj zajednici. U poslednjem delu
se sugeriše jedan odnos prožimanja naučne fantastike i nauke koji se ne bi zaustavio
na klišeu proročke inspirativnosti prve za potonju, već bi naučnotehničke vizije
naučne fantastike uključio u saznajni protokol same nauke.",
journal = "Antropologija, Naučna fantastika; nauka; fikcija; činjenica; Zvezdane staze",
title = "Zemne staze Enterprajza: nauka i naučna fantastika, Earth trecks of the Enterprise: science and science fiction",
number = "3",
volume = "12",
pages = "73-97",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_782"
Krstić, P.. (2012). Zemne staze Enterprajza: nauka i naučna fantastika. in Antropologija, 12(3), 73-97.
Krstić P. Zemne staze Enterprajza: nauka i naučna fantastika. in Antropologija. 2012;12(3):73-97.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_782 .
Krstić, Predrag, "Zemne staze Enterprajza: nauka i naučna fantastika" in Antropologija, 12, no. 3 (2012):73-97,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_782 .

Zvezdano bele staze: naučna fantastika i rasni diskurs

Krstić, Predrag


AU  - Krstić, Predrag
PY  - 2012
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/774
AB  - This article demonstrates that the science fiction’s visions of the future are not exempt from problems of rasism even when openly opposed it. Film and TV Star Trek production is commonly regarded as a significant example of courageous and effective intervention of mass culture
on the widespread racial prejudices legitimized by the public policy. Subsequent interpretations, however, in its „emancipatory text“ finds smuggled recurrences of the same racial discourse against which it acted, whether it concerns other „races“ on Earth or space aliens. A fair
interpratation would have to conclude that the white male norm requires effort of its „deconstruction“ that would be more extensive then involvement in the program the non-white characters – if we do not want to extend his exclusive and discriminatory rule, in mitigated or disguised form, to the galaxy.
AB  - У овом чланку се показује да визије будућности научне фантастике нису
ослобођене од проблема расизма и онда када му се отворено супротстављају. Филмска и телевизијска продукција Звезданих стаза се обично сматрала значајним примером храброг продора и делотворне интервенције масовне културе на широко распрострањене и јавном политиком легитимисане расне предрасуде. Накнадна тумачења, међутим, и у њиховом „еманципаторском тексту“ проналазе кријумчарене или недомишљене рецидиве истог оног расног дискурса против којег су устајале, било да је реч о другим „земним расама“ или о ванземаљцима. Једна праведна интерпретација би морала да закључи да норма белог мушкарца захтева напор њене „деконструкције“ који би био опсежнији од укључивања у програм ликова који то нису – ако се не жели да се његова ексклузивна и дискриминативна владавина у ублаженој или замаскираној форми прошири и на галаксију.
T2  - Sociološki pregled
T1  - Zvezdano bele staze: naučna fantastika i rasni diskurs
T1  - Starry white trek: science fiction and racial discourse
IS  - 3
VL  - 46
SP  - 401
EP  - 416
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_774
ER  - 
author = "Krstić, Predrag",
year = "2012",
abstract = "This article demonstrates that the science fiction’s visions of the future are not exempt from problems of rasism even when openly opposed it. Film and TV Star Trek production is commonly regarded as a significant example of courageous and effective intervention of mass culture
on the widespread racial prejudices legitimized by the public policy. Subsequent interpretations, however, in its „emancipatory text“ finds smuggled recurrences of the same racial discourse against which it acted, whether it concerns other „races“ on Earth or space aliens. A fair
interpratation would have to conclude that the white male norm requires effort of its „deconstruction“ that would be more extensive then involvement in the program the non-white characters – if we do not want to extend his exclusive and discriminatory rule, in mitigated or disguised form, to the galaxy., У овом чланку се показује да визије будућности научне фантастике нису
ослобођене од проблема расизма и онда када му се отворено супротстављају. Филмска и телевизијска продукција Звезданих стаза се обично сматрала значајним примером храброг продора и делотворне интервенције масовне културе на широко распрострањене и јавном политиком легитимисане расне предрасуде. Накнадна тумачења, међутим, и у њиховом „еманципаторском тексту“ проналазе кријумчарене или недомишљене рецидиве истог оног расног дискурса против којег су устајале, било да је реч о другим „земним расама“ или о ванземаљцима. Једна праведна интерпретација би морала да закључи да норма белог мушкарца захтева напор њене „деконструкције“ који би био опсежнији од укључивања у програм ликова који то нису – ако се не жели да се његова ексклузивна и дискриминативна владавина у ублаженој или замаскираној форми прошири и на галаксију.",
journal = "Sociološki pregled",
title = "Zvezdano bele staze: naučna fantastika i rasni diskurs, Starry white trek: science fiction and racial discourse",
number = "3",
volume = "46",
pages = "401-416",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_774"
Krstić, P.. (2012). Zvezdano bele staze: naučna fantastika i rasni diskurs. in Sociološki pregled, 46(3), 401-416.
Krstić P. Zvezdano bele staze: naučna fantastika i rasni diskurs. in Sociološki pregled. 2012;46(3):401-416.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_774 .
Krstić, Predrag, "Zvezdano bele staze: naučna fantastika i rasni diskurs" in Sociološki pregled, 46, no. 3 (2012):401-416,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_774 .

Saznanje i proricanje : o zamislivosti budućnosti

Krstić, Predrag


AU  - Krstić, Predrag
PY  - 2012
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/771
UR  - http://www.doiserbia.nb.rs/img/doi/0351-2274/2012/0351-22741202085K.pdf
AB  - This paper presents and validates opposing notions regarding possibility of knowing the future. The medium for this enquiry is science fiction production in the literature, television and film. It finds that potential for knowing (in this production) demonstrate, illustrate, provokes, but also encounters the same epistemological, ethical and metaphysical quandaries that modern and contemporary philosophy deals with.
AB  - U ovom članku izlažu se i potrkrepljuju suprotstavljena gledišta u pogledu
mogućnosti saznanja budućnosti. Medij u kojem se odigrava istraživanje je književna,
televizijska i filmska naučnofantastična produkcija. Nalazi se da njen saznajni potencijal
svedoči, ilustruje, provocira, ali i inspirativno zaoštrava iste one epistemološke, etičke i
metafizičke dileme koje moderna i savremena filozofija tradicionalno iskušava.
T2  - Theoria
T1  - Saznanje i proricanje : o zamislivosti budućnosti
T1  - Knowledge and Foretelling: On Imagining Future
IS  - 2
VL  - 55
SP  - 85
EP  - 105
DO  - 10.2298/THEO1202085K
ER  - 
author = "Krstić, Predrag",
year = "2012",
abstract = "This paper presents and validates opposing notions regarding possibility of knowing the future. The medium for this enquiry is science fiction production in the literature, television and film. It finds that potential for knowing (in this production) demonstrate, illustrate, provokes, but also encounters the same epistemological, ethical and metaphysical quandaries that modern and contemporary philosophy deals with., U ovom članku izlažu se i potrkrepljuju suprotstavljena gledišta u pogledu
mogućnosti saznanja budućnosti. Medij u kojem se odigrava istraživanje je književna,
televizijska i filmska naučnofantastična produkcija. Nalazi se da njen saznajni potencijal
svedoči, ilustruje, provocira, ali i inspirativno zaoštrava iste one epistemološke, etičke i
metafizičke dileme koje moderna i savremena filozofija tradicionalno iskušava.",
journal = "Theoria",
title = "Saznanje i proricanje : o zamislivosti budućnosti, Knowledge and Foretelling: On Imagining Future",
number = "2",
volume = "55",
pages = "85-105",
doi = "10.2298/THEO1202085K"
Krstić, P.. (2012). Saznanje i proricanje : o zamislivosti budućnosti. in Theoria, 55(2), 85-105.
Krstić P. Saznanje i proricanje : o zamislivosti budućnosti. in Theoria. 2012;55(2):85-105.
doi:10.2298/THEO1202085K .
Krstić, Predrag, "Saznanje i proricanje : o zamislivosti budućnosti" in Theoria, 55, no. 2 (2012):85-105,
https://doi.org/10.2298/THEO1202085K . .

Pohvala naivnosti

Krstić, Predrag

(Kragujevac : Centar slobodarskih delatnosti, 2012)

AU  - Krstić, Predrag
PY  - 2012
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/515
PB  - Kragujevac : Centar slobodarskih delatnosti
T1  - Pohvala naivnosti
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_515
ER  - 
author = "Krstić, Predrag",
year = "2012",
publisher = "Kragujevac : Centar slobodarskih delatnosti",
title = "Pohvala naivnosti",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_515"
Krstić, P.. (2012). Pohvala naivnosti. 
Kragujevac : Centar slobodarskih delatnosti..
Krstić P. Pohvala naivnosti. 2012;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_515 .
Krstić, Predrag, "Pohvala naivnosti" (2012),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_515 .

Granice poboljšanja : tri lika boljeg (od) čoveka

Milidrag, Predrag; Krstić, Predrag


AU  - Krstić, Predrag
PY  - 2012
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/409
AB  - Using the representations of science, fiction and science fiction, this article attempts to sketch out a certain line of development in the history of representation of the enhanced human. First it was thought that chemicals could temporarily or permanently improve his natural abilities, then artificial substitutes, inserts and accessories dominated the vision of his improvement. The most recent possibility announced is the fundamental morphological transformation of his biological composition into a completely unrecognizable, amorphous “entity” capable of taking any form. This trajectory of “improvement” of human capacities could be regarded as a gradual advancement in the realization of the pledge of traditional humanism: that man is special precisely for being able to become anything he chooses.
T2  - Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society
T1  - Granice poboljšanja : tri lika boljeg (od) čoveka
T1  - The Better Human, the Better Than Human : Limits of Enhancement
SP  - 124
EP  - 144
DO  - 10.2298/FID1202124K
ER  - 
editor = "Milidrag, Predrag",
author = "Krstić, Predrag",
year = "2012",
abstract = "Using the representations of science, fiction and science fiction, this article attempts to sketch out a certain line of development in the history of representation of the enhanced human. First it was thought that chemicals could temporarily or permanently improve his natural abilities, then artificial substitutes, inserts and accessories dominated the vision of his improvement. The most recent possibility announced is the fundamental morphological transformation of his biological composition into a completely unrecognizable, amorphous “entity” capable of taking any form. This trajectory of “improvement” of human capacities could be regarded as a gradual advancement in the realization of the pledge of traditional humanism: that man is special precisely for being able to become anything he chooses.",
journal = "Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society",
title = "Granice poboljšanja : tri lika boljeg (od) čoveka, The Better Human, the Better Than Human : Limits of Enhancement",
pages = "124-144",
doi = "10.2298/FID1202124K"
Milidrag, P.,& Krstić, P.. (2012). Granice poboljšanja : tri lika boljeg (od) čoveka. in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society, 124-144.
Milidrag P, Krstić P. Granice poboljšanja : tri lika boljeg (od) čoveka. in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society. 2012;:124-144.
doi:10.2298/FID1202124K .
Milidrag, Predrag, Krstić, Predrag, "Granice poboljšanja : tri lika boljeg (od) čoveka" in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society (2012):124-144,
https://doi.org/10.2298/FID1202124K . .

On Feminist Engagements with Bioethics

Milidrag, Predrag; Drezgić, Rada


AU  - Drezgić, Rada
PY  - 2012
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/544
AB  - The article explores two questions: what is feminist bioethics, and how different it is from standard bioethics. Development of feminist bioethics, it is argued, began as a response to standard bioethics, challenging its background values, and philosophical perspectives. The most important contribution of feminist bioethics has been its re-examination of the basic conceptual underpinnings of mainstream bioethics, including the concepts of “universality”, “autonomy”, and “trust”. Particularly important for feminists has been the concept of autonomy. They challenge the old liberal notion of autonomy that treats individuals as separate social units and argue that autonomy is established through relations. Relational autonomy assumes that identities and values are developed through relationships with others and that the choices one makes are shaped by specific social and historical contexts. Neither relational autonomy, nor feminist bioethics, however, represents a single, unified perspective. There are, actually, as many feminist bioethics as there are feminisms—liberal, cultural, radical, postmodern etc. Their different ontological, epistemological and political underpinnings shape their respective approaches to bioethical issues at hand. Still what they all have in common is interest in social justice—feminists explore mainstream bioethics and reproductive technologies in order to establish whether they support or impede gender and overall social justice and equality. Feminist bioethics thus brings a significant improvement to standard bioethics.
T2  - Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society
T1  - On Feminist Engagements with Bioethics
T1  - O susretu feminizma i bioetike
SP  - 19
EP  - 31
DO  - 10.2298/FID1204019D
ER  - 
editor = "Milidrag, Predrag",
author = "Drezgić, Rada",
year = "2012",
abstract = "The article explores two questions: what is feminist bioethics, and how different it is from standard bioethics. Development of feminist bioethics, it is argued, began as a response to standard bioethics, challenging its background values, and philosophical perspectives. The most important contribution of feminist bioethics has been its re-examination of the basic conceptual underpinnings of mainstream bioethics, including the concepts of “universality”, “autonomy”, and “trust”. Particularly important for feminists has been the concept of autonomy. They challenge the old liberal notion of autonomy that treats individuals as separate social units and argue that autonomy is established through relations. Relational autonomy assumes that identities and values are developed through relationships with others and that the choices one makes are shaped by specific social and historical contexts. Neither relational autonomy, nor feminist bioethics, however, represents a single, unified perspective. There are, actually, as many feminist bioethics as there are feminisms—liberal, cultural, radical, postmodern etc. Their different ontological, epistemological and political underpinnings shape their respective approaches to bioethical issues at hand. Still what they all have in common is interest in social justice—feminists explore mainstream bioethics and reproductive technologies in order to establish whether they support or impede gender and overall social justice and equality. Feminist bioethics thus brings a significant improvement to standard bioethics.",
journal = "Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society",
title = "On Feminist Engagements with Bioethics, O susretu feminizma i bioetike",
pages = "19-31",
doi = "10.2298/FID1204019D"
Milidrag, P.,& Drezgić, R.. (2012). On Feminist Engagements with Bioethics. in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society, 19-31.
Milidrag P, Drezgić R. On Feminist Engagements with Bioethics. in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society. 2012;:19-31.
doi:10.2298/FID1204019D .
Milidrag, Predrag, Drezgić, Rada, "On Feminist Engagements with Bioethics" in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society (2012):19-31,
https://doi.org/10.2298/FID1204019D . .

O Kantovoj teoriji zemlje

Bogdanovski, Mašan; Bojanić, Petar D.; Jovanov, Rastko

(Beograd : Srpsko filozofsko društvo, 2012)

AU  - Bojanić, Petar D.
AU  - Jovanov, Rastko
PY  - 2012
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/996
AB  - Namera nam je da posredstvom razmatranja Kantove teorije o Zemlji istražimo u kojoj se meri u njegovoj filozofiji mogu ustanoviti obrisi moderne ekopolitike, koja je usko povezana sa Kantovim razmatranjem odnosa između geografije, tela i granica našeg saznanja. U Kantovoj filozofiji pronalazimo ideju jedne eventualne geoetike koja se bavi problemom čovekovog stanovanja na Zemlji i njegovog prostorno-moralnog orijentisanja u svetu. Kant kritikuje shvatanje Zemlje kao pukog poseda ljudske vrste (species) i putem praktičnog postulata uma zahteva da se čovekov odnos prema Zemlji suštinski preispita s obzirom na telesno-geografske granice ljudskog saznanja.
PB  - Beograd : Srpsko filozofsko društvo
T2  - Theoria
T1  - O Kantovoj teoriji zemlje
SP  - 19
EP  - 29
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_996
ER  - 
editor = "Bogdanovski, Mašan",
author = "Bojanić, Petar D. and Jovanov, Rastko",
year = "2012",
abstract = "Namera nam je da posredstvom razmatranja Kantove teorije o Zemlji istražimo u kojoj se meri u njegovoj filozofiji mogu ustanoviti obrisi moderne ekopolitike, koja je usko povezana sa Kantovim razmatranjem odnosa između geografije, tela i granica našeg saznanja. U Kantovoj filozofiji pronalazimo ideju jedne eventualne geoetike koja se bavi problemom čovekovog stanovanja na Zemlji i njegovog prostorno-moralnog orijentisanja u svetu. Kant kritikuje shvatanje Zemlje kao pukog poseda ljudske vrste (species) i putem praktičnog postulata uma zahteva da se čovekov odnos prema Zemlji suštinski preispita s obzirom na telesno-geografske granice ljudskog saznanja.",
publisher = "Beograd : Srpsko filozofsko društvo",
journal = "Theoria",
title = "O Kantovoj teoriji zemlje",
pages = "19-29",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_996"
Bogdanovski, M., Bojanić, P. D.,& Jovanov, R.. (2012). O Kantovoj teoriji zemlje. in Theoria
Beograd : Srpsko filozofsko društvo., 19-29.
Bogdanovski M, Bojanić PD, Jovanov R. O Kantovoj teoriji zemlje. in Theoria. 2012;:19-29.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_996 .
Bogdanovski, Mašan, Bojanić, Petar D., Jovanov, Rastko, "O Kantovoj teoriji zemlje" in Theoria (2012):19-29,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_996 .

The Current Debate: (C+M) E and Ultimate Harm

Milidrag, Predrag; Rakić, Vojin


AU  - Rakić, Vojin
PY  - 2012
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/560
AB  - Persson and Savulescu (2011b) is a largely successful defense of the position promoted in Persson and Savulescu (2008) against Fenton’s critique of this position in Fenton (2009). However, one of Fenton’s essential censures has remained without response: if moral enhancement (ME) is to occur at the genetic or biological level, as Persson and Savulescu suppose it can and ought to, it will not be possible without significant scientific progress, including cognitive enhancement (CE) by bio-medical means. I will offer a response here to this critique Fenton raised—a response Persson and Savulecu did not give. It will be based on the concept of “integrated neuro-enhancement”, abbreviated (C+M) E.
T2  - Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society
T1  - The Current Debate: (C+M) E and Ultimate Harm
T1  - Aktuelna debata : (K+M) P i konačna šteta
SP  - 87
EP  - 96
DO  - 10.2298/FID1204087R
ER  - 
editor = "Milidrag, Predrag",
author = "Rakić, Vojin",
year = "2012",
abstract = "Persson and Savulescu (2011b) is a largely successful defense of the position promoted in Persson and Savulescu (2008) against Fenton’s critique of this position in Fenton (2009). However, one of Fenton’s essential censures has remained without response: if moral enhancement (ME) is to occur at the genetic or biological level, as Persson and Savulescu suppose it can and ought to, it will not be possible without significant scientific progress, including cognitive enhancement (CE) by bio-medical means. I will offer a response here to this critique Fenton raised—a response Persson and Savulecu did not give. It will be based on the concept of “integrated neuro-enhancement”, abbreviated (C+M) E.",
journal = "Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society",
title = "The Current Debate: (C+M) E and Ultimate Harm, Aktuelna debata : (K+M) P i konačna šteta",
pages = "87-96",
doi = "10.2298/FID1204087R"
Milidrag, P.,& Rakić, V.. (2012). The Current Debate: (C+M) E and Ultimate Harm. in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society, 87-96.
Milidrag P, Rakić V. The Current Debate: (C+M) E and Ultimate Harm. in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society. 2012;:87-96.
doi:10.2298/FID1204087R .
Milidrag, Predrag, Rakić, Vojin, "The Current Debate: (C+M) E and Ultimate Harm" in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society (2012):87-96,
https://doi.org/10.2298/FID1204087R . .

Ethical and Social Aspects on Rare Diseases

Milidrag, Predrag; Krajnović, Dušanka


AU  - Krajnović, Dušanka
PY  - 2012
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/535
AB  - Rare diseases are a heterogenic group of disorders with a little in common except of their rarity affecting by less than 5 : 10.000 people. In the world is registered about 6000-8000 rare diseases with 6–8% suffering population only in the European Union. In spite of rarity, they represent an important medical and social problem due to their incidence. For many rare diseases have no treatment, but if it exists and if started on time as being available to patients, there is a good prognosis for them to be able for normal life. The problems of patients affected by rare diseases are related to the lack of diagnosis and timely undergoing as well as their treatment or prevention. Orphan drugs are products intended for treatment, diagnosis or prevention of rare diseases, but for their development and marketing the industry has not been interested in yet because of their marketing reasons. Patients suffering from a rare disease although belonging to the vulnerable group for their specific health needs,is becoming invisible in the health care system due to their additional needs unproperly recognized. Ethical problems faced by patients, but also health care professionals are related to the allocation of medical diagnostics, unequal approach to health care, inappropriately specialized social services as well as therapy and rare orphan drugs unavailability. Ethical questions related to clinical trails on orphan drugs, population screening and epidemiology testing on rare diseases will also be discussed in this paper.
T2  - Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society
T1  - Ethical and Social Aspects on Rare Diseases
T1  - O etičkim i društvenim aspektima retkih bolesti
SP  - 32
EP  - 48
DO  - 10.2298/FID1204032K
ER  - 
editor = "Milidrag, Predrag",
author = "Krajnović, Dušanka",
year = "2012",
abstract = "Rare diseases are a heterogenic group of disorders with a little in common except of their rarity affecting by less than 5 : 10.000 people. In the world is registered about 6000-8000 rare diseases with 6–8% suffering population only in the European Union. In spite of rarity, they represent an important medical and social problem due to their incidence. For many rare diseases have no treatment, but if it exists and if started on time as being available to patients, there is a good prognosis for them to be able for normal life. The problems of patients affected by rare diseases are related to the lack of diagnosis and timely undergoing as well as their treatment or prevention. Orphan drugs are products intended for treatment, diagnosis or prevention of rare diseases, but for their development and marketing the industry has not been interested in yet because of their marketing reasons. Patients suffering from a rare disease although belonging to the vulnerable group for their specific health needs,is becoming invisible in the health care system due to their additional needs unproperly recognized. Ethical problems faced by patients, but also health care professionals are related to the allocation of medical diagnostics, unequal approach to health care, inappropriately specialized social services as well as therapy and rare orphan drugs unavailability. Ethical questions related to clinical trails on orphan drugs, population screening and epidemiology testing on rare diseases will also be discussed in this paper.",
journal = "Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society",
title = "Ethical and Social Aspects on Rare Diseases, O etičkim i društvenim aspektima retkih bolesti",
pages = "32-48",
doi = "10.2298/FID1204032K"
Milidrag, P.,& Krajnović, D.. (2012). Ethical and Social Aspects on Rare Diseases. in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society, 32-48.
Milidrag P, Krajnović D. Ethical and Social Aspects on Rare Diseases. in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society. 2012;:32-48.
doi:10.2298/FID1204032K .
Milidrag, Predrag, Krajnović, Dušanka, "Ethical and Social Aspects on Rare Diseases" in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society (2012):32-48,
https://doi.org/10.2298/FID1204032K . .

Opasnosti od moralnog poboljšanja ljudi

Milidrag, Predrag; Dobrijević, Aleksandar


AU  - Dobrijević, Aleksandar
PY  - 2012
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/412
AB  - The idea of biotechnological enhancement of people for non-medical purposes is not unambiguous. A gap that may arise between the “cognitive” and so-called “moral” enhancement points precisely to this fact. This article shows that, contrary to the intentions of its supporters, the idea according to which moral enhancement has precedence over cognitive enhancement is essentially just a new form of undermining human freedom.
T2  - Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society
T1  - Opasnosti od moralnog poboljšanja ljudi
T1  - The Perils of Moral Enhancement
SP  - 104
EP  - 110
DO  - 10.2298/FID1202104D
ER  - 
editor = "Milidrag, Predrag",
author = "Dobrijević, Aleksandar",
year = "2012",
abstract = "The idea of biotechnological enhancement of people for non-medical purposes is not unambiguous. A gap that may arise between the “cognitive” and so-called “moral” enhancement points precisely to this fact. This article shows that, contrary to the intentions of its supporters, the idea according to which moral enhancement has precedence over cognitive enhancement is essentially just a new form of undermining human freedom.",
journal = "Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society",
title = "Opasnosti od moralnog poboljšanja ljudi, The Perils of Moral Enhancement",
pages = "104-110",
doi = "10.2298/FID1202104D"
Milidrag, P.,& Dobrijević, A.. (2012). Opasnosti od moralnog poboljšanja ljudi. in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society, 104-110.
Milidrag P, Dobrijević A. Opasnosti od moralnog poboljšanja ljudi. in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society. 2012;:104-110.
doi:10.2298/FID1202104D .
Milidrag, Predrag, Dobrijević, Aleksandar, "Opasnosti od moralnog poboljšanja ljudi" in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society (2012):104-110,
https://doi.org/10.2298/FID1202104D . .

Integrisanje kognitivnog i moralnog poboljšanja

Milidrag, Predrag; Rakić, Vojin


AU  - Rakić, Vojin
PY  - 2012
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/405
AB  - I will discuss four major perspectives on cognitive enhancement and morality: 1) cognitive enhancement is morally impermissible because humans are not supposed to alter what God has ordained or nature has shaped; 2) cognitive enhancement is our moral duty, because a cognitively upgraded human is a better human; 3) cognitive enhancement is morally permissible only if it is preceded by moral enhancement; 4) cognitive enhancement is morally permissible only if it is a means to moral enhancement. I shall argue that the first three perspectives are less cogent than the fourth. The fourth perspective integrates cognitive and moral enhancement into one whole. I will denote it by (C+M) E.
T2  - Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society
T1  - Integrisanje kognitivnog i moralnog poboljšanja
T1  - Integration of Cognitive and Moral Enhancement
SP  - 91
EP  - 103
DO  - 10.2298/FID1202091R
ER  - 
editor = "Milidrag, Predrag",
author = "Rakić, Vojin",
year = "2012",
abstract = "I will discuss four major perspectives on cognitive enhancement and morality: 1) cognitive enhancement is morally impermissible because humans are not supposed to alter what God has ordained or nature has shaped; 2) cognitive enhancement is our moral duty, because a cognitively upgraded human is a better human; 3) cognitive enhancement is morally permissible only if it is preceded by moral enhancement; 4) cognitive enhancement is morally permissible only if it is a means to moral enhancement. I shall argue that the first three perspectives are less cogent than the fourth. The fourth perspective integrates cognitive and moral enhancement into one whole. I will denote it by (C+M) E.",
journal = "Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society",
title = "Integrisanje kognitivnog i moralnog poboljšanja, Integration of Cognitive and Moral Enhancement",
pages = "91-103",
doi = "10.2298/FID1202091R"
Milidrag, P.,& Rakić, V.. (2012). Integrisanje kognitivnog i moralnog poboljšanja. in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society, 91-103.
Milidrag P, Rakić V. Integrisanje kognitivnog i moralnog poboljšanja. in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society. 2012;:91-103.
doi:10.2298/FID1202091R .
Milidrag, Predrag, Rakić, Vojin, "Integrisanje kognitivnog i moralnog poboljšanja" in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society (2012):91-103,
https://doi.org/10.2298/FID1202091R . .

Kult(ura) svemirskih brodića: fenomen(ologija) Zvezdanih staza

Krstić, Predrag; Nušić, Olivera


AU  - Krstić, Predrag
AU  - Nušić, Olivera
PY  - 2012
UR  - http://rifdt.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/123456789/780
UR  - http://www.radiobeograd.rs/download/Casopis/broj154-prolece2012.pdf
AB  - Ovaj prilog nastoji da demontira i izloži strukturu komponenata koje su od franšize
Zvezdanih staza načinile neuporediv „fenomen” popularne kulture druge polovine XX i početka XXI veka. Pri tom se materijal za rekonstrukciju njihovog značaja pronalazi kako u autorizovanom „tekstu” televizijskih serija i filmova, tako i u organizovanom pokloništvu koje ga je pratilo, oponašalo i dopisivalo. Zaključuje se da je tek u jednom „dijalektički” posredovanom odnosu kreacije „alternativne stvarnosti” i u njenoj situiranosti i upućenosti onoj sadašnjosti kojoj se obraćala, te u složenoj unutrašnjoj interakciji „udruženog poduhvata” kanonske i „divlje” produkcije tekstova i praksi Zvezdanih staza, moguće odrediti karakteristike koje su im obezbedile kultni status.
AB  - This paper seeks to expose and dismantle the structure of components that are made
Star Trek franchise unparalleled popular culture’s „phenomenon” of the second half of
the twentieth and early twenty-first century. The material for the reconstruction of its
significance authors finds in authorized „text” of television series and movies, as well as
in organized fandom that followed, imitate and overwrite it. It is concluded that only in
a „dialecticaly” mediated relation of creation of the „alternative reality” and its situatedness in and directedness to the present one to which it is addressed, and also in the complex
internal interaction of „joint enterprise” of canonical and „wild” production of texts
and practices of Star Trek, it is possible to determine those characteristics that provided
it cult status.
T2  - Treći program
T1  - Kult(ura) svemirskih brodića: fenomen(ologija) Zvezdanih staza
T1  - Cult(ure) of space ships: the phenomenology of Star Trek phenomenon
IS  - 154
VL  - 44
SP  - 9
EP  - 40
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_780
ER  - 
author = "Krstić, Predrag and Nušić, Olivera",
year = "2012",
abstract = "Ovaj prilog nastoji da demontira i izloži strukturu komponenata koje su od franšize
Zvezdanih staza načinile neuporediv „fenomen” popularne kulture druge polovine XX i početka XXI veka. Pri tom se materijal za rekonstrukciju njihovog značaja pronalazi kako u autorizovanom „tekstu” televizijskih serija i filmova, tako i u organizovanom pokloništvu koje ga je pratilo, oponašalo i dopisivalo. Zaključuje se da je tek u jednom „dijalektički” posredovanom odnosu kreacije „alternativne stvarnosti” i u njenoj situiranosti i upućenosti onoj sadašnjosti kojoj se obraćala, te u složenoj unutrašnjoj interakciji „udruženog poduhvata” kanonske i „divlje” produkcije tekstova i praksi Zvezdanih staza, moguće odrediti karakteristike koje su im obezbedile kultni status., This paper seeks to expose and dismantle the structure of components that are made
Star Trek franchise unparalleled popular culture’s „phenomenon” of the second half of
the twentieth and early twenty-first century. The material for the reconstruction of its
significance authors finds in authorized „text” of television series and movies, as well as
in organized fandom that followed, imitate and overwrite it. It is concluded that only in
a „dialecticaly” mediated relation of creation of the „alternative reality” and its situatedness in and directedness to the present one to which it is addressed, and also in the complex
internal interaction of „joint enterprise” of canonical and „wild” production of texts
and practices of Star Trek, it is possible to determine those characteristics that provided
it cult status.",
journal = "Treći program",
title = "Kult(ura) svemirskih brodića: fenomen(ologija) Zvezdanih staza, Cult(ure) of space ships: the phenomenology of Star Trek phenomenon",
number = "154",
volume = "44",
pages = "9-40",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_780"
Krstić, P.,& Nušić, O.. (2012). Kult(ura) svemirskih brodića: fenomen(ologija) Zvezdanih staza. in Treći program, 44(154), 9-40.
Krstić P, Nušić O. Kult(ura) svemirskih brodića: fenomen(ologija) Zvezdanih staza. in Treći program. 2012;44(154):9-40.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_780 .
Krstić, Predrag, Nušić, Olivera, "Kult(ura) svemirskih brodića: fenomen(ologija) Zvezdanih staza" in Treći program, 44, no. 154 (2012):9-40,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rifdt_780 .