Plećaš, Tamara

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Plećaš, Tamara (19)

Author's Bibliography

Engagement with Future Generations: Unfulfilled Empathy

Cvejić, Igor; Plećaš, Tamara; Bojanić, Petar

(Springer, 2024)

AU  - Cvejić, Igor
AU  - Plećaš, Tamara
AU  - Bojanić, Petar
PY  - 2024
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - In this article, our focus is on the topic of engagement and possibility of empathy with future generations. We acknowledge that empathy for future generations is practically unattainable in its strictest sense due to the lack of access to their potential mental states and the absence of direct interaction. Additionally, we will draw upon the arguments presented by Goldie and Slaby to address concerns regarding the potential paternalization that may arise in empathic relations towards future generations. However, despite these limitations, it is important to emphasize that we are still engaged with future generations. Instead of adopting a paternalizing approach where we impose expectations on how they should feel, our engagement exposes us to the anticipated but unknown judgments of future generations. Throughout this article, we will argue that engagement with future generations brings out our own social self-consciousness and provides a basis of our connectedness and responsibility towards future generations.
PB  - Springer
T2  - Topoi: An International Review of Philosophy
T1  - Engagement with Future Generations: Unfulfilled Empathy
IS  - 1
VL  - 43
DO  - 10.1007/s11245-024-10009-y
ER  - 
author = "Cvejić, Igor and Plećaš, Tamara and Bojanić, Petar",
year = "2024",
abstract = "In this article, our focus is on the topic of engagement and possibility of empathy with future generations. We acknowledge that empathy for future generations is practically unattainable in its strictest sense due to the lack of access to their potential mental states and the absence of direct interaction. Additionally, we will draw upon the arguments presented by Goldie and Slaby to address concerns regarding the potential paternalization that may arise in empathic relations towards future generations. However, despite these limitations, it is important to emphasize that we are still engaged with future generations. Instead of adopting a paternalizing approach where we impose expectations on how they should feel, our engagement exposes us to the anticipated but unknown judgments of future generations. Throughout this article, we will argue that engagement with future generations brings out our own social self-consciousness and provides a basis of our connectedness and responsibility towards future generations.",
publisher = "Springer",
journal = "Topoi: An International Review of Philosophy",
title = "Engagement with Future Generations: Unfulfilled Empathy",
number = "1",
volume = "43",
doi = "10.1007/s11245-024-10009-y"
Cvejić, I., Plećaš, T.,& Bojanić, P.. (2024). Engagement with Future Generations: Unfulfilled Empathy. in Topoi: An International Review of Philosophy
Springer., 43(1).
Cvejić I, Plećaš T, Bojanić P. Engagement with Future Generations: Unfulfilled Empathy. in Topoi: An International Review of Philosophy. 2024;43(1).
doi:10.1007/s11245-024-10009-y .
Cvejić, Igor, Plećaš, Tamara, Bojanić, Petar, "Engagement with Future Generations: Unfulfilled Empathy" in Topoi: An International Review of Philosophy, 43, no. 1 (2024), . .

Book of Abstracts Architecture / Philosophy

Cvejić, Igor; Plećaš, Tamara

(Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade, 2023)


Cvejić, I.,& Plećaš, T.. (2023). Book of Abstracts Architecture / Philosophy. 
Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade..
Cvejić I, Plećaš T. Book of Abstracts Architecture / Philosophy. 2023;. .
Cvejić, Igor, Plećaš, Tamara, "Book of Abstracts Architecture / Philosophy" (2023), .

The Stoics and Kant: Exploring the Evolution from Appropriate Actions to Duties

Plećaš, Tamara; Плећаш, Тамара

(Српска академија наука и уметности, Одељење за филозофију Филозофског факултета Универзитета у Београду, 2023)

AU  - Plećaš, Tamara
AU  - Плећаш, Тамара
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Историја филозофских идеја нам пружа, између осталог, и увиде како су се одређени филозофски појмови развијали и мењали током историје, откривајући утицаје који нису увек сасвим очигледни. Иако испитивање односа између стоичке и Кантове (Immanuel Kant) филозофске мисли није новина својствена савременој филозофији, према једној од данас преовлађујућих струја тумачења пројекат разумевања овог односа тек је у самом зачетку. Оваква оцена не чуди јер се сваки покушај пружања обухватне компаративне студије о стоицима и Канту суочава са бројним потешкоћама попут Кантовог ретког навођења цитата из стоичких текстова и изазова утврђивања извора који су му били доступни и које је читао. Олакшавајућу околност представља чињеница да се Кант није бавио анализом свих сегмената стоичке филозофије – стоичка физика, епистемологија и логика нису биле у фокусу његовог интересовања, већ примарно њихови етички ставови.
Наш циљ јесте да пружимо допринос актуелном подухвату разумевања Кантовог односа према стоичкој етици, и то тако што ћемо се концентрисати на један појам који је од изузетног значаја како за стоичку, тако и за Кантову филозофију морала – појам прикладних радњи, односно дужности (officium, Pflicht). У првом делу излагања анализираћемо стоички καθηκον, а затим и Цицеронов (Marcus Tullius Cicero) officium и то превасходно ослањајући се на Сенекине (Lucius Annaeus Seneca) и Цицеронове списе за које се верује да су били део Кантове личне библиотеке. Други део рада биће посвећен испитивању извора путем којих је Кант дошао до сазнања о стоичком схватању дужности. Видећемо да је – премда је тешко са сигурношћу утврдити која дела је Кант читао у оригиналу, која у немачком преводу, а са којима се упознао читајући ауторе попут Лајбница (Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz), Волфа (Christian Wolff) и Хјума (David Hume) – Кант током средњошколског и факултетског образовања стекао врсно знање латинског (и нешто слабије знање грчког) језика и читао римске стоике и Цицерона. У трећем и последњем делу излагања фокус ће бити на разумевању Кантовог схватања дужности (Pflicht), али превасходно кроз призму стоичког одређења овог појма и трагања за кључним паралелама међу њиховим учењима.
Уочавајући како сличности тако и разлике између стоичког и Кантовог поимања прикладних радњи, односно дужности (али и дистинкција које се у оквиру овог појма повлаче), доћи ћемо до закључака 1) да постоје важна подударања у њиховим одређењима, као и да је читање стоичких списа извршило несумњив утицај на Кантов начин промишљања ове тематике, али и 2) да се њихова одређења ипак не могу поистоветити јер постоје и значајна одступања која проистичу из различитости њихових филозофских система и историјског тренутка у коме мисле и стварају.
AB  - The history of philosophical ideas offers, among other things, valuable insights into how specific philosophical concepts have developed and changed throughout history, revealing influences that may not always be immediately apparent. While examining the relationship between Stoic and Immanuel Kant’s philosophical thought is not a novelty of contemporary philosophy, according to one of the prevailing currents of interpretation, the project of understanding this relationship is still in its early stages. This is not surprising because any attempt to provide a comprehensive comparative study of the Stoics and Kant faces numerous obstacles such as Kant’s rare citing of quotations from Stoic texts and the challenge of determining sources that were available to him and that he read. A mitigating circumstance is that Kant did not extensively analyze all segments of Stoic philosophy; Stoic physics, epistemology, and logic were not the focus of his interest, but primarily their ethical attitudes.
Our goal is to contribute to the current effort of understanding Kant’s relation to Stoic ethics by focusing on a concept of exceptional importance to both Stoic and Kant’s moral philosophy – the notion of appropriate actions, or duties (officium, Pflicht). In the first part of the presentation, we will analyze the Stoic concept of καθηκον, and subsequently, Cicero’s (Marcus Tullius Cicero) concept of officium, with a primary focus on the writings of Seneca (Lucius Annaeus Seneca) and Cicero – which are believed to have been part of Kant’s personal library. The second part of the presentation will examine the sources through which Kant gained insight into the Stoic understanding of appropriate actions. We will explore the challenge of determining with certainty which works Kant read in the original, which in German translation, and which he encountered through authors such as Leibniz (Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz), Wolff (Christian Wolff), and Hume (David Hume). Despite these difficulties, we know that Kant acquired an excellent knowledge of Latin (and a somewhat weaker knowledge of Greek) and read the works of the Roman Stoics and Cicero during his high school and college education. In the third and final part of the presentation, we will focus on understanding Kant’s concept of duty (Pflicht), primarily through the lens of the Stoic definition of appropriate actions, and explore key parallels between their teachings.
Noting both the similarities and differences between the Stoic and Kant’s conceptions of appropriate actions, that is duties (including the distinctions within this term), we will draw two conclusions. Firstly, there are significant parallels in their definitions, and reading Stoic writings undeniably influenced Kant’s thinking on this topic. Secondly, however, these determinations cannot be equated due to substantial deviations arising from the diversity of their philosophical systems and the historical context in which they thought and created.
PB  - Српска академија наука и уметности, Одељење за филозофију Филозофског факултета Универзитета у Београду
C3  - Књига апстраката / Book of Abstracts (Конференција Објашњење и разумевање у филозофији и науци / Conference Explanation and Understanding in Philosophy and Science)
T1  - The Stoics and Kant: Exploring the Evolution from Appropriate Actions to Duties
T1  - Стоици и Кант: Од прикладних радњи до дужности
SP  - 11
EP  - 13
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Plećaš, Tamara and Плећаш, Тамара",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Историја филозофских идеја нам пружа, између осталог, и увиде како су се одређени филозофски појмови развијали и мењали током историје, откривајући утицаје који нису увек сасвим очигледни. Иако испитивање односа између стоичке и Кантове (Immanuel Kant) филозофске мисли није новина својствена савременој филозофији, према једној од данас преовлађујућих струја тумачења пројекат разумевања овог односа тек је у самом зачетку. Оваква оцена не чуди јер се сваки покушај пружања обухватне компаративне студије о стоицима и Канту суочава са бројним потешкоћама попут Кантовог ретког навођења цитата из стоичких текстова и изазова утврђивања извора који су му били доступни и које је читао. Олакшавајућу околност представља чињеница да се Кант није бавио анализом свих сегмената стоичке филозофије – стоичка физика, епистемологија и логика нису биле у фокусу његовог интересовања, већ примарно њихови етички ставови.
Наш циљ јесте да пружимо допринос актуелном подухвату разумевања Кантовог односа према стоичкој етици, и то тако што ћемо се концентрисати на један појам који је од изузетног значаја како за стоичку, тако и за Кантову филозофију морала – појам прикладних радњи, односно дужности (officium, Pflicht). У првом делу излагања анализираћемо стоички καθηκον, а затим и Цицеронов (Marcus Tullius Cicero) officium и то превасходно ослањајући се на Сенекине (Lucius Annaeus Seneca) и Цицеронове списе за које се верује да су били део Кантове личне библиотеке. Други део рада биће посвећен испитивању извора путем којих је Кант дошао до сазнања о стоичком схватању дужности. Видећемо да је – премда је тешко са сигурношћу утврдити која дела је Кант читао у оригиналу, која у немачком преводу, а са којима се упознао читајући ауторе попут Лајбница (Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz), Волфа (Christian Wolff) и Хјума (David Hume) – Кант током средњошколског и факултетског образовања стекао врсно знање латинског (и нешто слабије знање грчког) језика и читао римске стоике и Цицерона. У трећем и последњем делу излагања фокус ће бити на разумевању Кантовог схватања дужности (Pflicht), али превасходно кроз призму стоичког одређења овог појма и трагања за кључним паралелама међу њиховим учењима.
Уочавајући како сличности тако и разлике између стоичког и Кантовог поимања прикладних радњи, односно дужности (али и дистинкција које се у оквиру овог појма повлаче), доћи ћемо до закључака 1) да постоје важна подударања у њиховим одређењима, као и да је читање стоичких списа извршило несумњив утицај на Кантов начин промишљања ове тематике, али и 2) да се њихова одређења ипак не могу поистоветити јер постоје и значајна одступања која проистичу из различитости њихових филозофских система и историјског тренутка у коме мисле и стварају., The history of philosophical ideas offers, among other things, valuable insights into how specific philosophical concepts have developed and changed throughout history, revealing influences that may not always be immediately apparent. While examining the relationship between Stoic and Immanuel Kant’s philosophical thought is not a novelty of contemporary philosophy, according to one of the prevailing currents of interpretation, the project of understanding this relationship is still in its early stages. This is not surprising because any attempt to provide a comprehensive comparative study of the Stoics and Kant faces numerous obstacles such as Kant’s rare citing of quotations from Stoic texts and the challenge of determining sources that were available to him and that he read. A mitigating circumstance is that Kant did not extensively analyze all segments of Stoic philosophy; Stoic physics, epistemology, and logic were not the focus of his interest, but primarily their ethical attitudes.
Our goal is to contribute to the current effort of understanding Kant’s relation to Stoic ethics by focusing on a concept of exceptional importance to both Stoic and Kant’s moral philosophy – the notion of appropriate actions, or duties (officium, Pflicht). In the first part of the presentation, we will analyze the Stoic concept of καθηκον, and subsequently, Cicero’s (Marcus Tullius Cicero) concept of officium, with a primary focus on the writings of Seneca (Lucius Annaeus Seneca) and Cicero – which are believed to have been part of Kant’s personal library. The second part of the presentation will examine the sources through which Kant gained insight into the Stoic understanding of appropriate actions. We will explore the challenge of determining with certainty which works Kant read in the original, which in German translation, and which he encountered through authors such as Leibniz (Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz), Wolff (Christian Wolff), and Hume (David Hume). Despite these difficulties, we know that Kant acquired an excellent knowledge of Latin (and a somewhat weaker knowledge of Greek) and read the works of the Roman Stoics and Cicero during his high school and college education. In the third and final part of the presentation, we will focus on understanding Kant’s concept of duty (Pflicht), primarily through the lens of the Stoic definition of appropriate actions, and explore key parallels between their teachings.
Noting both the similarities and differences between the Stoic and Kant’s conceptions of appropriate actions, that is duties (including the distinctions within this term), we will draw two conclusions. Firstly, there are significant parallels in their definitions, and reading Stoic writings undeniably influenced Kant’s thinking on this topic. Secondly, however, these determinations cannot be equated due to substantial deviations arising from the diversity of their philosophical systems and the historical context in which they thought and created.",
publisher = "Српска академија наука и уметности, Одељење за филозофију Филозофског факултета Универзитета у Београду",
journal = "Књига апстраката / Book of Abstracts (Конференција Објашњење и разумевање у филозофији и науци / Conference Explanation and Understanding in Philosophy and Science)",
title = "The Stoics and Kant: Exploring the Evolution from Appropriate Actions to Duties, Стоици и Кант: Од прикладних радњи до дужности",
pages = "11-13",
url = ""
Plećaš, T.,& Плећаш, Т.. (2023). The Stoics and Kant: Exploring the Evolution from Appropriate Actions to Duties. in Књига апстраката / Book of Abstracts (Конференција Објашњење и разумевање у филозофији и науци / Conference Explanation and Understanding in Philosophy and Science)
Српска академија наука и уметности, Одељење за филозофију Филозофског факултета Универзитета у Београду., 11-13.
Plećaš T, Плећаш Т. The Stoics and Kant: Exploring the Evolution from Appropriate Actions to Duties. in Књига апстраката / Book of Abstracts (Конференција Објашњење и разумевање у филозофији и науци / Conference Explanation and Understanding in Philosophy and Science). 2023;:11-13. .
Plećaš, Tamara, Плећаш, Тамара, "The Stoics and Kant: Exploring the Evolution from Appropriate Actions to Duties" in Књига апстраката / Book of Abstracts (Конференција Објашњење и разумевање у филозофији и науци / Conference Explanation and Understanding in Philosophy and Science) (2023):11-13, .

The Neverending Story of ‘Labyrinth’

Plećaš, Tamara

(Belgrade : Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, 2023)

AU  - Plećaš, Tamara
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - This paper focuses on the labyrinth, examining its philosophical concept and its role as a spatial entity that simultaneously connects and separates. The story of the labyrinth is among the oldest narratives in European history. Nevertheless, from the antiquity to the present day, the labyrinth has been designed to create confusion, sow disorder, lead to aimless wandering, and stimulate the emergence of innovative solutions. It possesses an intimidating and treacherous nature, capable of ensnaring those without a clear objective. The labyrinth manipulates space and perception, existing as a void that disrupts and distorts the conventional understanding of a place. It has been interpreted as a symbol of both damnation and salvation, and as a symbol for distant lands and contemporary cities. Acting as an enigmatic riddle, the labyrinth continually generates different meanings, prompting introspection and challenging established norms. It serves as a call for creative action, functioning as a symbolic language that intersects with mythology/astrology, philosophy/architecture.
PB  - Belgrade : Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory
C3  - Igor Cvejić, Tamara Plećaš (eds.), Book of Abstracts Architecture / Philosophy
T1  - The Neverending Story of ‘Labyrinth’
SP  - 19
EP  - 19
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Plećaš, Tamara",
year = "2023",
abstract = "This paper focuses on the labyrinth, examining its philosophical concept and its role as a spatial entity that simultaneously connects and separates. The story of the labyrinth is among the oldest narratives in European history. Nevertheless, from the antiquity to the present day, the labyrinth has been designed to create confusion, sow disorder, lead to aimless wandering, and stimulate the emergence of innovative solutions. It possesses an intimidating and treacherous nature, capable of ensnaring those without a clear objective. The labyrinth manipulates space and perception, existing as a void that disrupts and distorts the conventional understanding of a place. It has been interpreted as a symbol of both damnation and salvation, and as a symbol for distant lands and contemporary cities. Acting as an enigmatic riddle, the labyrinth continually generates different meanings, prompting introspection and challenging established norms. It serves as a call for creative action, functioning as a symbolic language that intersects with mythology/astrology, philosophy/architecture.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory",
journal = "Igor Cvejić, Tamara Plećaš (eds.), Book of Abstracts Architecture / Philosophy",
title = "The Neverending Story of ‘Labyrinth’",
pages = "19-19",
url = ""
Plećaš, T.. (2023). The Neverending Story of ‘Labyrinth’. in Igor Cvejić, Tamara Plećaš (eds.), Book of Abstracts Architecture / Philosophy
Belgrade : Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory., 19-19.
Plećaš T. The Neverending Story of ‘Labyrinth’. in Igor Cvejić, Tamara Plećaš (eds.), Book of Abstracts Architecture / Philosophy. 2023;:19-19. .
Plećaš, Tamara, "The Neverending Story of ‘Labyrinth’" in Igor Cvejić, Tamara Plećaš (eds.), Book of Abstracts Architecture / Philosophy (2023):19-19, .

Unveiling the Emotions of Love, Fear, and Hope: Women of the Holocaust

Plećaš, Tamara

(Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade, 2023)

AU  - Plećaš, Tamara
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - This presentation is divided into two segments. The first explores the woman’s perspective from a male viewpoint, while the second delves into the woman’s perspective from a female standpoint. The Mauthausen Trilogy, known as The Ballad of Mauthausen, composed by Greek artist Mikis Theodorakis, serves as a poignant example of Holocaust narratives. Within this trilogy, the Song of Songs, which features evocative lyrics by the Greek poet Iakovos Kambanellis, provides a glimpse into the human experience of love and loss within the harrowing context of the Holocaust. Namely, the Song of Songs (Asma asmaton) captures Kambanellis’ affection for a Lithuanian-Jewish woman. Kambanellis, himself a survivor of the Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp, subsequently channeled his personal Holocaust experiences into an autobiographical novel. While acknowledging the predominant male perspectives on Holocaust experiences, this presentation also devotes special attention to the often-overlooked female voices. One of the most renowned and impactful female testimonies of the Holocaust is The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank which provides an intimate and personal account of Anne’s experiences and emotions while hiding from Nazi persecution. In addition, a special focus will be on the testimonies of Ruth Klüger, who wrote about her Holocaust experience in her autobiography Still Alive: A Holocaust Girlhood Remembered. In the concluding segment of this presentation, a key objective is to explore the commonalities and distinctions among these works in relation to the emotions of love, fear, and hope. By examining these motives, we aim to discern the shared elements and divergences within the testimonies discussed. Additionally, we will try to critically examine the notion of generalizing from individual experiences, questioning whether it is possible to extract overarching conclusions from the multifaceted and deeply personal accounts presented.
PB  - Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade
C3  - Book of Abstracts / Women in the Holocaust International Scientific Conference, 10-12 October 2023, Belgrade
T1  - Unveiling the Emotions of Love, Fear, and Hope: Women of the Holocaust
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Plećaš, Tamara",
year = "2023",
abstract = "This presentation is divided into two segments. The first explores the woman’s perspective from a male viewpoint, while the second delves into the woman’s perspective from a female standpoint. The Mauthausen Trilogy, known as The Ballad of Mauthausen, composed by Greek artist Mikis Theodorakis, serves as a poignant example of Holocaust narratives. Within this trilogy, the Song of Songs, which features evocative lyrics by the Greek poet Iakovos Kambanellis, provides a glimpse into the human experience of love and loss within the harrowing context of the Holocaust. Namely, the Song of Songs (Asma asmaton) captures Kambanellis’ affection for a Lithuanian-Jewish woman. Kambanellis, himself a survivor of the Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp, subsequently channeled his personal Holocaust experiences into an autobiographical novel. While acknowledging the predominant male perspectives on Holocaust experiences, this presentation also devotes special attention to the often-overlooked female voices. One of the most renowned and impactful female testimonies of the Holocaust is The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank which provides an intimate and personal account of Anne’s experiences and emotions while hiding from Nazi persecution. In addition, a special focus will be on the testimonies of Ruth Klüger, who wrote about her Holocaust experience in her autobiography Still Alive: A Holocaust Girlhood Remembered. In the concluding segment of this presentation, a key objective is to explore the commonalities and distinctions among these works in relation to the emotions of love, fear, and hope. By examining these motives, we aim to discern the shared elements and divergences within the testimonies discussed. Additionally, we will try to critically examine the notion of generalizing from individual experiences, questioning whether it is possible to extract overarching conclusions from the multifaceted and deeply personal accounts presented.",
publisher = "Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade",
journal = "Book of Abstracts / Women in the Holocaust International Scientific Conference, 10-12 October 2023, Belgrade",
title = "Unveiling the Emotions of Love, Fear, and Hope: Women of the Holocaust",
url = ""
Plećaš, T.. (2023). Unveiling the Emotions of Love, Fear, and Hope: Women of the Holocaust. in Book of Abstracts / Women in the Holocaust International Scientific Conference, 10-12 October 2023, Belgrade
Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade..
Plećaš T. Unveiling the Emotions of Love, Fear, and Hope: Women of the Holocaust. in Book of Abstracts / Women in the Holocaust International Scientific Conference, 10-12 October 2023, Belgrade. 2023;. .
Plećaš, Tamara, "Unveiling the Emotions of Love, Fear, and Hope: Women of the Holocaust" in Book of Abstracts / Women in the Holocaust International Scientific Conference, 10-12 October 2023, Belgrade (2023), .

Moralna odgovornost prema budućim generacijama: stoički pogled

Plećaš, Tamara

(Beograd : Filozofski fakultet, Institut za filozofiju, 2023)

AU  - Plećaš, Tamara
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Na koje se sve načine može misliti i ispitivati moralna odgovornost prema onima koji tek dolaze jeste kompleksno pitanje. Iz perspektive istorije filozofije, jedan od prvih podsticaja ili nagovora da budemo odgovorni pred onim drugima koji/e su nam „jednaki/e“, ali i onim drugima kojih još uvek nema, dolazi od stoika. Nadovezujući se na grčku etičku tradiciju, rimski stoici smatraju da čovek prirodno teži „zajednici sa drugima; jer su ljudi bića [...] određena za zajednicu“ (Aurelije, Med. 5.16). Tako je Seneka isticao neophodnost kultivisanja čovečnosti (humanitas), posebno jer se „moralne obaveze“ prostiru dalje od „pravnih pravila“ i onoga što može da se pronađe u „pravnim tablicama i stranicama zakonika“ (Seneka, Ir. 2.28). Pored čovečnosti, među moralne obaveze ubraja i pravičnost (iustitia), kao i plemenitost i ljubaznost (liberalitas) prema svim ljudima. To jest, stoička etika više ne priznaje one oštre razlike prethodno, u većoj ili manjoj meri, isticane u staroj Grčkoj, poput razlike između Grka i varvara, slobodnih i robova, muškaraca i žena. Podstiče se briga o svakom pojedinačnom čoveku, ali i društvu u celini (Seneka, Cl. 2.5), a ta briga se preliva i na buduće generacije (posteri) koje mogu da izvuku korist iz stoičkih spisa (Seneka, Ep. 8.2).
AB  - Examining moral responsibility towards those who are yet to come is a complex question. From the perspective of the history of philosophy, one of the first incentives or persuasions to be responsible to those who are our “equals” and to those who are not yet born comes from the Stoics. Building on the Greek ethical tradition, the Roman Stoics believed that humans naturally strive for communion with others, as human beings “were formed for society” (Aurelius, Med. 5.16). Seneca emphasized the necessity of cultivating humanity (humanitas), especially since moral obligations or “the norm of appropriate actions” extend beyond “the rule of law” and what can be found in “the tablets of the law” (Seneca, Ir. 2.28). In addition to humanity, justice (iustitia), as well as generosity and kindness (liberalitas) towards all people, are among moral obligations. Stoic ethics no longer recognizes the sharp distinctions previously emphasized to a greater or lesser extent in ancient Greece, such as the distinction between Greeks and barbarians, freemen and slaves, and men and women. Kindness and care are encouraged for each individual person, as well as for society (Seneca, Cl. 2.5), and this extends to future generations (posteri) as well, who can benefit from the Stoic writings (Seneca, Ep. 8.2).
PB  - Beograd : Filozofski fakultet, Institut za filozofiju
C3  - Knjiga apstrakata [Elektronski izvor] / Okrugli sto Moralna odgovornost i problemi savremenog društva, Beograd, 14. novembra 2023. ; [organizator Institut za filozofiju, Filozofski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu] ; uredili Jelena Mijić i Igor Živanović.
T1  - Moralna odgovornost prema budućim generacijama: stoički pogled
T1  - Moral Responsibility Towards Future Generations: the Stoic Preview
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Plećaš, Tamara",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Na koje se sve načine može misliti i ispitivati moralna odgovornost prema onima koji tek dolaze jeste kompleksno pitanje. Iz perspektive istorije filozofije, jedan od prvih podsticaja ili nagovora da budemo odgovorni pred onim drugima koji/e su nam „jednaki/e“, ali i onim drugima kojih još uvek nema, dolazi od stoika. Nadovezujući se na grčku etičku tradiciju, rimski stoici smatraju da čovek prirodno teži „zajednici sa drugima; jer su ljudi bića [...] određena za zajednicu“ (Aurelije, Med. 5.16). Tako je Seneka isticao neophodnost kultivisanja čovečnosti (humanitas), posebno jer se „moralne obaveze“ prostiru dalje od „pravnih pravila“ i onoga što može da se pronađe u „pravnim tablicama i stranicama zakonika“ (Seneka, Ir. 2.28). Pored čovečnosti, među moralne obaveze ubraja i pravičnost (iustitia), kao i plemenitost i ljubaznost (liberalitas) prema svim ljudima. To jest, stoička etika više ne priznaje one oštre razlike prethodno, u većoj ili manjoj meri, isticane u staroj Grčkoj, poput razlike između Grka i varvara, slobodnih i robova, muškaraca i žena. Podstiče se briga o svakom pojedinačnom čoveku, ali i društvu u celini (Seneka, Cl. 2.5), a ta briga se preliva i na buduće generacije (posteri) koje mogu da izvuku korist iz stoičkih spisa (Seneka, Ep. 8.2)., Examining moral responsibility towards those who are yet to come is a complex question. From the perspective of the history of philosophy, one of the first incentives or persuasions to be responsible to those who are our “equals” and to those who are not yet born comes from the Stoics. Building on the Greek ethical tradition, the Roman Stoics believed that humans naturally strive for communion with others, as human beings “were formed for society” (Aurelius, Med. 5.16). Seneca emphasized the necessity of cultivating humanity (humanitas), especially since moral obligations or “the norm of appropriate actions” extend beyond “the rule of law” and what can be found in “the tablets of the law” (Seneca, Ir. 2.28). In addition to humanity, justice (iustitia), as well as generosity and kindness (liberalitas) towards all people, are among moral obligations. Stoic ethics no longer recognizes the sharp distinctions previously emphasized to a greater or lesser extent in ancient Greece, such as the distinction between Greeks and barbarians, freemen and slaves, and men and women. Kindness and care are encouraged for each individual person, as well as for society (Seneca, Cl. 2.5), and this extends to future generations (posteri) as well, who can benefit from the Stoic writings (Seneca, Ep. 8.2).",
publisher = "Beograd : Filozofski fakultet, Institut za filozofiju",
journal = "Knjiga apstrakata [Elektronski izvor] / Okrugli sto Moralna odgovornost i problemi savremenog društva, Beograd, 14. novembra 2023. ; [organizator Institut za filozofiju, Filozofski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu] ; uredili Jelena Mijić i Igor Živanović.",
title = "Moralna odgovornost prema budućim generacijama: stoički pogled, Moral Responsibility Towards Future Generations: the Stoic Preview",
url = ""
Plećaš, T.. (2023). Moralna odgovornost prema budućim generacijama: stoički pogled. in Knjiga apstrakata [Elektronski izvor] / Okrugli sto Moralna odgovornost i problemi savremenog društva, Beograd, 14. novembra 2023. ; [organizator Institut za filozofiju, Filozofski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu] ; uredili Jelena Mijić i Igor Živanović.
Beograd : Filozofski fakultet, Institut za filozofiju..
Plećaš T. Moralna odgovornost prema budućim generacijama: stoički pogled. in Knjiga apstrakata [Elektronski izvor] / Okrugli sto Moralna odgovornost i problemi savremenog društva, Beograd, 14. novembra 2023. ; [organizator Institut za filozofiju, Filozofski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu] ; uredili Jelena Mijić i Igor Živanović.. 2023;. .
Plećaš, Tamara, "Moralna odgovornost prema budućim generacijama: stoički pogled" in Knjiga apstrakata [Elektronski izvor] / Okrugli sto Moralna odgovornost i problemi savremenog društva, Beograd, 14. novembra 2023. ; [organizator Institut za filozofiju, Filozofski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu] ; uredili Jelena Mijić i Igor Živanović. (2023), .

Medea: Greek myth and peculiar identity

Plećaš, Tamara; Đorđević, Ana

(Beograd: Etnografski institut SANU, 2023)

AU  - Plećaš, Tamara
AU  - Đorđević, Ana
PY  - 2023
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - This paper will primarily focus on the philosophical depictions of Medea’s character and actions. The following identities will be examined: gender (which roles defined a woman in antiquity and are these definitions still relevant today), political (what does it mean to be a foreigner and not belong to a particular political community), and psychological (do passions inevitably lead to a split in the psyche or, on the contrary, constitute it). These will serve as frames that outline Medea’s exceptional (in)humanness in the Greco-Roman society.
PB  - Beograd: Etnografski institut SANU
T2  - Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU
T1  - Medea: Greek myth and peculiar identity
IS  - 1
VL  - 71
SP  - 45
EP  - 62
DO  - 10.2298/GEI2301045P
ER  - 
author = "Plećaš, Tamara and Đorđević, Ana",
year = "2023",
abstract = "This paper will primarily focus on the philosophical depictions of Medea’s character and actions. The following identities will be examined: gender (which roles defined a woman in antiquity and are these definitions still relevant today), political (what does it mean to be a foreigner and not belong to a particular political community), and psychological (do passions inevitably lead to a split in the psyche or, on the contrary, constitute it). These will serve as frames that outline Medea’s exceptional (in)humanness in the Greco-Roman society.",
publisher = "Beograd: Etnografski institut SANU",
journal = "Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU",
title = "Medea: Greek myth and peculiar identity",
number = "1",
volume = "71",
pages = "45-62",
doi = "10.2298/GEI2301045P"
Plećaš, T.,& Đorđević, A.. (2023). Medea: Greek myth and peculiar identity. in Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU
Beograd: Etnografski institut SANU., 71(1), 45-62.
Plećaš T, Đorđević A. Medea: Greek myth and peculiar identity. in Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU. 2023;71(1):45-62.
doi:10.2298/GEI2301045P .
Plećaš, Tamara, Đorđević, Ana, "Medea: Greek myth and peculiar identity" in Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU, 71, no. 1 (2023):45-62, . .

Pregled tribina i konferencija u Institutu za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju za 2022. godinu

Marković, Vukan; Plećaš, Tamara

(Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2023)

AU  - Marković, Vukan
AU  - Plećaš, Tamara
PY  - 2023
UR  -
UR  -
PB  - Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
T2  - Filozofija i društvo / Philosophy and Society
T1  - Pregled tribina i konferencija u Institutu za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju za 2022. godinu
IS  - 1
VL  - 34
SP  - 201
EP  - 216
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Marković, Vukan and Plećaš, Tamara",
year = "2023",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju",
journal = "Filozofija i društvo / Philosophy and Society",
title = "Pregled tribina i konferencija u Institutu za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju za 2022. godinu",
number = "1",
volume = "34",
pages = "201-216",
url = ""
Marković, V.,& Plećaš, T.. (2023). Pregled tribina i konferencija u Institutu za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju za 2022. godinu. in Filozofija i društvo / Philosophy and Society
Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju., 34(1), 201-216.
Marković V, Plećaš T. Pregled tribina i konferencija u Institutu za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju za 2022. godinu. in Filozofija i društvo / Philosophy and Society. 2023;34(1):201-216. .
Marković, Vukan, Plećaš, Tamara, "Pregled tribina i konferencija u Institutu za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju za 2022. godinu" in Filozofija i društvo / Philosophy and Society, 34, no. 1 (2023):201-216, .

The Roman Stoics on the Emancipatory Potential of the Philosophical Paideia

Plećaš, Tamara

(Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2023)

AU  - Plećaš, Tamara
PY  - 2023
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - The idea that learning liberates or that education emancipates is hardly a novelty, and it can be traced to ancient times and Ancient Greek and Roman philosophy. Thus, in this paper, we aim to express that some of the ideas (like the idea that women and men are equally subject to moral virtue because of their rationality) and educational practices (such as those that encourage students to use their voices and reason independently from any authorities) embraced by well-known Roman Stoics did have emancipatory potential. Particularly important was a requirement that philosophy should be lived outside the classrooms.
AB  - Ideja da učenje oslobađa ili, preciznije da obrazovanje emancipuje teško da predstavlja neku novinu, budući da se ta ideja može pratiti sve do antičkog perioda, odnosno grčke i rimske filozofske misli. U ovom radu nastojimo da pokažemo da su neke od ideja (poput ideje da su i žene i muškarci zbog svoje racionalne prirode podjednako podložni vrlini) i obrazovnih praksi (poput prakse kojom se podsticalo iznošenje sopstvenih stavova i korišćenja vlastitog razuma, bez oslanjanja na spoljne autoritete) koje su zastupali neki od dobro poznatih rimskih stoika imale emancipatorski potencijal. Posebnu važnost je nosio zahtev u skladu sa kojim filozofija treba da se živi i van učionica.
PB  - Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
T2  - Filozofija i društvo / Philosophy and Society
T1  - The Roman Stoics on the Emancipatory Potential of the Philosophical Paideia
T1  - Rimski stoici o emancipatorskom potencijalu filozofskog obrazovanja
IS  - 1
VL  - 34
SP  - 59
EP  - 69
DO  - 10.2298/FID2301059P
ER  - 
author = "Plećaš, Tamara",
year = "2023",
abstract = "The idea that learning liberates or that education emancipates is hardly a novelty, and it can be traced to ancient times and Ancient Greek and Roman philosophy. Thus, in this paper, we aim to express that some of the ideas (like the idea that women and men are equally subject to moral virtue because of their rationality) and educational practices (such as those that encourage students to use their voices and reason independently from any authorities) embraced by well-known Roman Stoics did have emancipatory potential. Particularly important was a requirement that philosophy should be lived outside the classrooms., Ideja da učenje oslobađa ili, preciznije da obrazovanje emancipuje teško da predstavlja neku novinu, budući da se ta ideja može pratiti sve do antičkog perioda, odnosno grčke i rimske filozofske misli. U ovom radu nastojimo da pokažemo da su neke od ideja (poput ideje da su i žene i muškarci zbog svoje racionalne prirode podjednako podložni vrlini) i obrazovnih praksi (poput prakse kojom se podsticalo iznošenje sopstvenih stavova i korišćenja vlastitog razuma, bez oslanjanja na spoljne autoritete) koje su zastupali neki od dobro poznatih rimskih stoika imale emancipatorski potencijal. Posebnu važnost je nosio zahtev u skladu sa kojim filozofija treba da se živi i van učionica.",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju",
journal = "Filozofija i društvo / Philosophy and Society",
title = "The Roman Stoics on the Emancipatory Potential of the Philosophical Paideia, Rimski stoici o emancipatorskom potencijalu filozofskog obrazovanja",
number = "1",
volume = "34",
pages = "59-69",
doi = "10.2298/FID2301059P"
Plećaš, T.. (2023). The Roman Stoics on the Emancipatory Potential of the Philosophical Paideia. in Filozofija i društvo / Philosophy and Society
Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju., 34(1), 59-69.
Plećaš T. The Roman Stoics on the Emancipatory Potential of the Philosophical Paideia. in Filozofija i društvo / Philosophy and Society. 2023;34(1):59-69.
doi:10.2298/FID2301059P .
Plećaš, Tamara, "The Roman Stoics on the Emancipatory Potential of the Philosophical Paideia" in Filozofija i društvo / Philosophy and Society, 34, no. 1 (2023):59-69, . .

Ogled o onima koji bi da budu mudri i o onima koji im se smeju

Plećaš, Tamara

(Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2022)

AU  - Plećaš, Tamara
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Autorka ispituje zašto su određenim piscima komedije, i uopšte onima
koji se u svojim spisima služe humorom, ljubitelji mudrosti, jedna
od omiljenih i lakih meta. Pored toga, ovaj ogled ima za cilj da pokaže
da se stoici, interpretirajući smeh, delom nadovezuju i na Platonove
uvide iz Države. Ispostavlja se kako ni Platon ni stoici nisu preterano
naklonjeni smešnom, uprkos tome što se služe humorom u svojim
delima. Filozofi, naime, prema Platonovom i stoičkom sudu, treba da
budu dostojanstveni i iznad poroka. Osim toga, filozofi treba žive u
skladu sa svojom filozofijom. Upitno je, međutim, da li filozofi mogu,
i da li uspevaju sasvim (ako uopšte) da zadovolje ove kriterijume. Štaviše,
doksografska tradicija, ali i drugi pisci, ubeđuju da to nije slučaj,
tako što ukazuju na svojevrsni raskorak koji, makar iz njihove perspektive,
postoji između teorijske pozicije koju filozofi zastupaju, i
načina na koji oni žive. Taj raskorak, koji može da se razume i kao
greška, podstiče, izaziva, stavlja u pitanje, a naposletku i (do)vodi do
AB  - In this paper, the author examines why comedy writers, and in general those who use humor in their writings, perceive the philosophers as one of their favorite and easy targets. In addition, we aim to show that the Stoics partially follow Plato’s insights from the Republic in their interpretation of laughter. Neither Plato nor the Stoics have been overly fond of the funny or excessive laughter, even though they use humor and some of the characteristics of comedy in their works. According to Plato’s and the Stoic’ opinion, philosophers should be dignified and reluctant to vice. Moreover, the philosopher should live virtuously and follow their philosophy. However, it is questionable whether philosophers can and whether they succeed in meeting these criteria. The doxographical tradition, including the other writers, is convinced that this is not the case by pointing out a kind of discrepancy that, at least from their perspective, exists between the theoretical position that philosophers advocate and the way they live. This discrepancy can be understood as a mistake. However, this discrepancy could encourage, challenge, question, and ultimately lead to laughter.
PB  - Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
T2  - Kritika: časopis za filozofiju i teoriju društva
T1  - Ogled o onima koji bi da budu mudri i o onima koji im se smeju
T1  - An Essay on those who want to be wise and those who laugh at them
IS  - 1
VL  - 3
DO  - 10.5281/zenodo.6591688
ER  - 
author = "Plećaš, Tamara",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Autorka ispituje zašto su određenim piscima komedije, i uopšte onima
koji se u svojim spisima služe humorom, ljubitelji mudrosti, jedna
od omiljenih i lakih meta. Pored toga, ovaj ogled ima za cilj da pokaže
da se stoici, interpretirajući smeh, delom nadovezuju i na Platonove
uvide iz Države. Ispostavlja se kako ni Platon ni stoici nisu preterano
naklonjeni smešnom, uprkos tome što se služe humorom u svojim
delima. Filozofi, naime, prema Platonovom i stoičkom sudu, treba da
budu dostojanstveni i iznad poroka. Osim toga, filozofi treba žive u
skladu sa svojom filozofijom. Upitno je, međutim, da li filozofi mogu,
i da li uspevaju sasvim (ako uopšte) da zadovolje ove kriterijume. Štaviše,
doksografska tradicija, ali i drugi pisci, ubeđuju da to nije slučaj,
tako što ukazuju na svojevrsni raskorak koji, makar iz njihove perspektive,
postoji između teorijske pozicije koju filozofi zastupaju, i
načina na koji oni žive. Taj raskorak, koji može da se razume i kao
greška, podstiče, izaziva, stavlja u pitanje, a naposletku i (do)vodi do
(pod)smeha., In this paper, the author examines why comedy writers, and in general those who use humor in their writings, perceive the philosophers as one of their favorite and easy targets. In addition, we aim to show that the Stoics partially follow Plato’s insights from the Republic in their interpretation of laughter. Neither Plato nor the Stoics have been overly fond of the funny or excessive laughter, even though they use humor and some of the characteristics of comedy in their works. According to Plato’s and the Stoic’ opinion, philosophers should be dignified and reluctant to vice. Moreover, the philosopher should live virtuously and follow their philosophy. However, it is questionable whether philosophers can and whether they succeed in meeting these criteria. The doxographical tradition, including the other writers, is convinced that this is not the case by pointing out a kind of discrepancy that, at least from their perspective, exists between the theoretical position that philosophers advocate and the way they live. This discrepancy can be understood as a mistake. However, this discrepancy could encourage, challenge, question, and ultimately lead to laughter.",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju",
journal = "Kritika: časopis za filozofiju i teoriju društva",
title = "Ogled o onima koji bi da budu mudri i o onima koji im se smeju, An Essay on those who want to be wise and those who laugh at them",
number = "1",
volume = "3",
doi = "10.5281/zenodo.6591688"
Plećaš, T.. (2022). Ogled o onima koji bi da budu mudri i o onima koji im se smeju. in Kritika: časopis za filozofiju i teoriju društva
Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju., 3(1).
Plećaš T. Ogled o onima koji bi da budu mudri i o onima koji im se smeju. in Kritika: časopis za filozofiju i teoriju društva. 2022;3(1).
doi:10.5281/zenodo.6591688 .
Plećaš, Tamara, "Ogled o onima koji bi da budu mudri i o onima koji im se smeju" in Kritika: časopis za filozofiju i teoriju društva, 3, no. 1 (2022), . .

The Stoic Prehumanism As An Expression Of The Posthumanism: From The Myth To The Ecology

Plećaš, Tamara

(Univerzitet u Beogradu, Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju / University of Belgrade, Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, 2022)

AU  - Plećaš, Tamara
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - According to Greek mythology, Prometheus steals from the gods to hand over the fire to the people and everything related to fire, such as sight, knowledge, arts and skills, in a word, the opportunity for (self)education. That is how Prometheus saves civilization. Since the period of Hesiod and Plato, through the interpretation of the humanist Marsilio Ficino and some contemporary interpretations, Prometheus’ act has aroused attention. Pierre Hadot, in his The Veil of Isis, points out that the Promethean paradigm could be interpreted as a curiosity that “demands the right of domination over nature”. It is not surprising that the Promethean paradigm, with its focus on utility, takes precedence in modernity. However, such an attitude could again cast doubt on humanity’s survival. Hadot cites another ancient paradigm that has a seemingly unusual requirement. Specifically, humans should act toward nature with disinterest, and nature should be seen and respected in its mystery. This attitude originates from Orpheus.

In our opinion, a paradigm that incorporates both Promethean and Orphic elements can be found in the writings of some Stoic philosophers. These Stoics can be claimed to have been humanists even before the era of humanism, but they are advocates of specific posthumanism ideas. At the heart of the Stoic moral theory is the human being, but that human, as Hierocles explained, is inevitably oriented on the well-being of all humanity. This theory implies proper care for one’s own being and space (οἶκος), implying that such care at the same time could be extended to the entire cosmos, which is understood as an organic and vivid entity. For that particular reason, rational human beings should as well care about the ecology (οἶκος + λόγος). In addition, as the first Stoics already explained, every human is required to lead a life in “accordance with nature”. This Stoic theory presupposes universal empathy and sympathy. Still, it also raises questions such as what a human being is and in accordance with whose nature (s)he should live and be educated. Namely, the Stoics believed that education could provide guidance to a fulfilled life, and that idea can be incorporated into some modern notions of education. Corresponding educational practice insists not only on the development of the instrumental rationality of the individual but also on empathy and a different attitude towards nature.
AB  - Prometej, prema predanju, krade od bogova da bi predao ljudima vatru, ali i sve ono što dolazi sa njom: vid, znanje, umetnost i veštine, jednom rečju mogućnost da se (samo)obrazuju. Tako Prometej spasava civilizaciju. Još od Hesioda i Platona, preko interpretacije humaniste Marsilija Fićina i savremenih interpretacija, Prometejev čin pobuđuje pažnju. Pjer Ado u Isidinom velu ističe da prometejska paradigma može da se tumači kao znatiželja koja traga za korisnošću i moći, te ne čudi što takva paradigma odnosi primat u moderni. Međutim, njome se paradoksalno opstanak čoveka ponovo dovodi u pitanje. Ado navodi još jednu antičku paradigmu koja ima naizgled neobičniji zahtev, zahtev da se prema prirodi odnosimo bezinteresno. Priroda – kao ono drugo – ne treba da se oblikuje spram čoveka, već treba da se poštuje u svojoj misterioznosti. Ta paradigma potiče od Orfeja.
Paradigmu koja u sebe, kako smatramo, inkorporira i prometejske ali i orfičke elemente, pronalazimo kod nekih stoičkih filozofa. Za njih može da se tvrdi da su bili humanisti i pre epohe humanizma, ali i da su podjednako zagovornici određenih post-humanističkih ideja. U središtu stoičke moralne teorije stoji čovek, ali je taj čovek, kako je objasnio još stoik Hijerokle, neminovno usmeren na celokupno čovečanstvo i dobrobit svih. Teorija ujedno podrazumeva i brigu za vlastiti prostor (οἶκος), ali se proteže i na ceo kosmos, koji može da se razume kao organski i živi entitet, te podrazumeva i brižan odnos prema ekologiji (οἶκος + λόγος). Ta- kođe, pred tog čoveka se, kako pojašnjavaju prvi stoici, postavlja zahtev da vodi život „u skladu sa prirodom“. Na kraju, stoička teorija pretpostavlja i univerzalnu empatiju i simpatiju, ali se njome i otvaraju pitanja šta je to uopšte čovek, i u skladu sa čijom prirodom on(a) treba da živi i da se obrazuje. Obrazovanje, veruju stoici, može da bude putokaz do ispunjenijeg i srećnijeg života, a ta ideja može da se inkorporira i u savremene predstave o obrazovanju. Njome se ne insistira samo na razvoju instrumentalne racionalnosti pojedinca, već i na empatiji i drugačijem odnosu prema prirodi.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu, Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju / University of Belgrade, Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory
C3  - Marija Velinov, Milica Sekulović, Ivan Nišavić (eds.)  Humanizam, posthumanizam, anti-humanizam: obrazovne perspektive : knjiga apstrakata / Humanism, posthumanism, anti-humanism: educational perspectives : book of abstracts
T1  - The Stoic Prehumanism As An Expression Of The Posthumanism: From The Myth To The Ecology
T1  - Stoički (pre-)humanizam kao izraz post-humanizma: od mita do ekologije
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Plećaš, Tamara",
year = "2022",
abstract = "According to Greek mythology, Prometheus steals from the gods to hand over the fire to the people and everything related to fire, such as sight, knowledge, arts and skills, in a word, the opportunity for (self)education. That is how Prometheus saves civilization. Since the period of Hesiod and Plato, through the interpretation of the humanist Marsilio Ficino and some contemporary interpretations, Prometheus’ act has aroused attention. Pierre Hadot, in his The Veil of Isis, points out that the Promethean paradigm could be interpreted as a curiosity that “demands the right of domination over nature”. It is not surprising that the Promethean paradigm, with its focus on utility, takes precedence in modernity. However, such an attitude could again cast doubt on humanity’s survival. Hadot cites another ancient paradigm that has a seemingly unusual requirement. Specifically, humans should act toward nature with disinterest, and nature should be seen and respected in its mystery. This attitude originates from Orpheus.

In our opinion, a paradigm that incorporates both Promethean and Orphic elements can be found in the writings of some Stoic philosophers. These Stoics can be claimed to have been humanists even before the era of humanism, but they are advocates of specific posthumanism ideas. At the heart of the Stoic moral theory is the human being, but that human, as Hierocles explained, is inevitably oriented on the well-being of all humanity. This theory implies proper care for one’s own being and space (οἶκος), implying that such care at the same time could be extended to the entire cosmos, which is understood as an organic and vivid entity. For that particular reason, rational human beings should as well care about the ecology (οἶκος + λόγος). In addition, as the first Stoics already explained, every human is required to lead a life in “accordance with nature”. This Stoic theory presupposes universal empathy and sympathy. Still, it also raises questions such as what a human being is and in accordance with whose nature (s)he should live and be educated. Namely, the Stoics believed that education could provide guidance to a fulfilled life, and that idea can be incorporated into some modern notions of education. Corresponding educational practice insists not only on the development of the instrumental rationality of the individual but also on empathy and a different attitude towards nature., Prometej, prema predanju, krade od bogova da bi predao ljudima vatru, ali i sve ono što dolazi sa njom: vid, znanje, umetnost i veštine, jednom rečju mogućnost da se (samo)obrazuju. Tako Prometej spasava civilizaciju. Još od Hesioda i Platona, preko interpretacije humaniste Marsilija Fićina i savremenih interpretacija, Prometejev čin pobuđuje pažnju. Pjer Ado u Isidinom velu ističe da prometejska paradigma može da se tumači kao znatiželja koja traga za korisnošću i moći, te ne čudi što takva paradigma odnosi primat u moderni. Međutim, njome se paradoksalno opstanak čoveka ponovo dovodi u pitanje. Ado navodi još jednu antičku paradigmu koja ima naizgled neobičniji zahtev, zahtev da se prema prirodi odnosimo bezinteresno. Priroda – kao ono drugo – ne treba da se oblikuje spram čoveka, već treba da se poštuje u svojoj misterioznosti. Ta paradigma potiče od Orfeja.
Paradigmu koja u sebe, kako smatramo, inkorporira i prometejske ali i orfičke elemente, pronalazimo kod nekih stoičkih filozofa. Za njih može da se tvrdi da su bili humanisti i pre epohe humanizma, ali i da su podjednako zagovornici određenih post-humanističkih ideja. U središtu stoičke moralne teorije stoji čovek, ali je taj čovek, kako je objasnio još stoik Hijerokle, neminovno usmeren na celokupno čovečanstvo i dobrobit svih. Teorija ujedno podrazumeva i brigu za vlastiti prostor (οἶκος), ali se proteže i na ceo kosmos, koji može da se razume kao organski i živi entitet, te podrazumeva i brižan odnos prema ekologiji (οἶκος + λόγος). Ta- kođe, pred tog čoveka se, kako pojašnjavaju prvi stoici, postavlja zahtev da vodi život „u skladu sa prirodom“. Na kraju, stoička teorija pretpostavlja i univerzalnu empatiju i simpatiju, ali se njome i otvaraju pitanja šta je to uopšte čovek, i u skladu sa čijom prirodom on(a) treba da živi i da se obrazuje. Obrazovanje, veruju stoici, može da bude putokaz do ispunjenijeg i srećnijeg života, a ta ideja može da se inkorporira i u savremene predstave o obrazovanju. Njome se ne insistira samo na razvoju instrumentalne racionalnosti pojedinca, već i na empatiji i drugačijem odnosu prema prirodi.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu, Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju / University of Belgrade, Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory",
journal = "Marija Velinov, Milica Sekulović, Ivan Nišavić (eds.)  Humanizam, posthumanizam, anti-humanizam: obrazovne perspektive : knjiga apstrakata / Humanism, posthumanism, anti-humanism: educational perspectives : book of abstracts",
title = "The Stoic Prehumanism As An Expression Of The Posthumanism: From The Myth To The Ecology, Stoički (pre-)humanizam kao izraz post-humanizma: od mita do ekologije",
url = ""
Plećaš, T.. (2022). The Stoic Prehumanism As An Expression Of The Posthumanism: From The Myth To The Ecology. in Marija Velinov, Milica Sekulović, Ivan Nišavić (eds.)  Humanizam, posthumanizam, anti-humanizam: obrazovne perspektive : knjiga apstrakata / Humanism, posthumanism, anti-humanism: educational perspectives : book of abstracts
Univerzitet u Beogradu, Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju / University of Belgrade, Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory..
Plećaš T. The Stoic Prehumanism As An Expression Of The Posthumanism: From The Myth To The Ecology. in Marija Velinov, Milica Sekulović, Ivan Nišavić (eds.)  Humanizam, posthumanizam, anti-humanizam: obrazovne perspektive : knjiga apstrakata / Humanism, posthumanism, anti-humanism: educational perspectives : book of abstracts. 2022;. .
Plećaš, Tamara, "The Stoic Prehumanism As An Expression Of The Posthumanism: From The Myth To The Ecology" in Marija Velinov, Milica Sekulović, Ivan Nišavić (eds.)  Humanizam, posthumanizam, anti-humanizam: obrazovne perspektive : knjiga apstrakata / Humanism, posthumanism, anti-humanism: educational perspectives : book of abstracts (2022), .

Ksenija Atanasijević o greškama u Aristotelovom razumevanju prijateljstva

Plećaš, Tamara

(Beograd : Univerzitet, Filozofski fakultet, 2022)

AU  - Plećaš, Tamara
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Aristotel o prijateljstvu govori u nekoliko spisa. Posebno se izdvajaju osma i deveta knjiga Nikomahove etike o kojima diskutuje i filozofkinja Ksenija Atanasijević u svom tekstu „Aristotelovo shvatanje prijateljstva“. Tekst je objavljen 1928. godine u časopisu Srpski književni glasnik, gotovo trideset godina pre nego što je Nikomahovu etiku na srpski jezik prevela Radmila Šalabalić. Tokom izlaganja, oslanjaćemo se prvenstveno na taj, ali i na druge tekstove Ksenije Atanasijević, kao što su „O emancipaciji žena kod Platona“ (iz 1923. g.) i „Pesnikinje i filosofkinje stare Grčke“ (iz 1924. g.). Aristotel navodi da su, kada je reč o „problemu prijateljstva“, mnoge stvari sporne. Analizirajući i Aristotelovu poziciju, Ksenija Atanasijević ističe da o prijateljstvu „nijednu novu reč vremena koja dolaze“ neće znati da saopšte. Štaviše, stiče se utisak da je ono najvažnije o prijateljstvu, već
saopštio, ako ne i razrešio, upravo Aristotel. Aristotelu pripisuje istančan osećaj za psihologiju, iako je i on povremeno naivan i sklon greškama. Naime, kada je reč o „jednakim prijateljstvima“, Aristotel greši jer ne smatra prijateljstvo „jednom od velikih retkosti“, već i odnose zasnovane na korisnosti i zadovoljstvu naziva prijateljskim. Kada je reč o „nejednakim prijateljstvima“, gde se ubraja i prijateljstvo između muškarca i žene, konstatuje se da Aristotel neupadljivo ističe razliku koja postoji u pravnim i prijateljskim odnosima. Međutim, time se ne problematizuje Aristotelov odnos prema ženama, što može da deluje neobično, posebno ako imamo u vidu feminističku misao koju je Ksenija Atanasijević izrazila u pomenutim tekstovima iz 1923. i 1924. godine.
AB  - Aristotle speaks on the subject of friendship in several of his writings. The eighth and ninth books of his Nicomachean ethics are notable among them, which Ksenija Atanasijević discusses in her paper “Aristotle on Friendship”. The paper was published in 1928 in the journal The Serbian Literary Herald, thirty years before Nicomachean ethics was translated to Serbian by Radmila Šalabalić. In this presentation, we will concentrate on that and other essays of Ksenija Atanasijević, such as “On Emancipation of Women in Plato” (1923) and “Women Poets and Philosophers of Ancient Greece” (1924). Aristotle notes that many things are disputable when it comes to “the problem of friendship”. However, in her analysis of Aristotle, Atanasijević accentuates that nothing new about friendship will be conveyed in the forthcoming times. Furthermore, one can get the impression that the most confusing issues have already been solved by Aristotle as far as the question of friendship is concerned. Ksenija Atanasijević ascribes a refined sense of psychology to Aristotle despite of his sporadic naivety and tendency to make fallacies. Namely, Aristotle is wrong when it comes to “equal friendships”, because he did not consider friendship one of the greatest rarities, but classified relationships based on utility and pleasure as friendships as well. When it comes to “unequal friendships”, one of them being friendship between husband and wife, Atanasijević says that Aristotle emphasized the difference between legal relationships and friendships. However, Ksenija Atanasijević does not problematize Aristotle’s attitude towards women, which seems potentially controversial, especially considering her feminism expressed in earlier essays.
PB  - Beograd : Univerzitet, Filozofski fakultet
C3  - Knjiga apstrakata / Međunarodna naučna konferencija Filozofija Ksenije Atanasijević, Beograd, 26–27. maja 2022. ; uredile Ana Katić, Jelena Mijić, Katarina Njegovan = Book of abstracts / International Scientific Conference The Philosophy of Ksenija Atanasijević, Belgrade, 26–27 May 2022 ; editors Ana Katić, Jelena Mijić, Katarina Njegovan.
T1  - Ksenija Atanasijević o greškama u Aristotelovom razumevanju prijateljstva
T1  - Atanasijević on Fallacies in Aristotle’s Understanding of Friendship
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Plećaš, Tamara",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Aristotel o prijateljstvu govori u nekoliko spisa. Posebno se izdvajaju osma i deveta knjiga Nikomahove etike o kojima diskutuje i filozofkinja Ksenija Atanasijević u svom tekstu „Aristotelovo shvatanje prijateljstva“. Tekst je objavljen 1928. godine u časopisu Srpski književni glasnik, gotovo trideset godina pre nego što je Nikomahovu etiku na srpski jezik prevela Radmila Šalabalić. Tokom izlaganja, oslanjaćemo se prvenstveno na taj, ali i na druge tekstove Ksenije Atanasijević, kao što su „O emancipaciji žena kod Platona“ (iz 1923. g.) i „Pesnikinje i filosofkinje stare Grčke“ (iz 1924. g.). Aristotel navodi da su, kada je reč o „problemu prijateljstva“, mnoge stvari sporne. Analizirajući i Aristotelovu poziciju, Ksenija Atanasijević ističe da o prijateljstvu „nijednu novu reč vremena koja dolaze“ neće znati da saopšte. Štaviše, stiče se utisak da je ono najvažnije o prijateljstvu, već
saopštio, ako ne i razrešio, upravo Aristotel. Aristotelu pripisuje istančan osećaj za psihologiju, iako je i on povremeno naivan i sklon greškama. Naime, kada je reč o „jednakim prijateljstvima“, Aristotel greši jer ne smatra prijateljstvo „jednom od velikih retkosti“, već i odnose zasnovane na korisnosti i zadovoljstvu naziva prijateljskim. Kada je reč o „nejednakim prijateljstvima“, gde se ubraja i prijateljstvo između muškarca i žene, konstatuje se da Aristotel neupadljivo ističe razliku koja postoji u pravnim i prijateljskim odnosima. Međutim, time se ne problematizuje Aristotelov odnos prema ženama, što može da deluje neobično, posebno ako imamo u vidu feminističku misao koju je Ksenija Atanasijević izrazila u pomenutim tekstovima iz 1923. i 1924. godine., Aristotle speaks on the subject of friendship in several of his writings. The eighth and ninth books of his Nicomachean ethics are notable among them, which Ksenija Atanasijević discusses in her paper “Aristotle on Friendship”. The paper was published in 1928 in the journal The Serbian Literary Herald, thirty years before Nicomachean ethics was translated to Serbian by Radmila Šalabalić. In this presentation, we will concentrate on that and other essays of Ksenija Atanasijević, such as “On Emancipation of Women in Plato” (1923) and “Women Poets and Philosophers of Ancient Greece” (1924). Aristotle notes that many things are disputable when it comes to “the problem of friendship”. However, in her analysis of Aristotle, Atanasijević accentuates that nothing new about friendship will be conveyed in the forthcoming times. Furthermore, one can get the impression that the most confusing issues have already been solved by Aristotle as far as the question of friendship is concerned. Ksenija Atanasijević ascribes a refined sense of psychology to Aristotle despite of his sporadic naivety and tendency to make fallacies. Namely, Aristotle is wrong when it comes to “equal friendships”, because he did not consider friendship one of the greatest rarities, but classified relationships based on utility and pleasure as friendships as well. When it comes to “unequal friendships”, one of them being friendship between husband and wife, Atanasijević says that Aristotle emphasized the difference between legal relationships and friendships. However, Ksenija Atanasijević does not problematize Aristotle’s attitude towards women, which seems potentially controversial, especially considering her feminism expressed in earlier essays.",
publisher = "Beograd : Univerzitet, Filozofski fakultet",
journal = "Knjiga apstrakata / Međunarodna naučna konferencija Filozofija Ksenije Atanasijević, Beograd, 26–27. maja 2022. ; uredile Ana Katić, Jelena Mijić, Katarina Njegovan = Book of abstracts / International Scientific Conference The Philosophy of Ksenija Atanasijević, Belgrade, 26–27 May 2022 ; editors Ana Katić, Jelena Mijić, Katarina Njegovan.",
title = "Ksenija Atanasijević o greškama u Aristotelovom razumevanju prijateljstva, Atanasijević on Fallacies in Aristotle’s Understanding of Friendship",
url = ""
Plećaš, T.. (2022). Ksenija Atanasijević o greškama u Aristotelovom razumevanju prijateljstva. in Knjiga apstrakata / Međunarodna naučna konferencija Filozofija Ksenije Atanasijević, Beograd, 26–27. maja 2022. ; uredile Ana Katić, Jelena Mijić, Katarina Njegovan = Book of abstracts / International Scientific Conference The Philosophy of Ksenija Atanasijević, Belgrade, 26–27 May 2022 ; editors Ana Katić, Jelena Mijić, Katarina Njegovan.
Beograd : Univerzitet, Filozofski fakultet..
Plećaš T. Ksenija Atanasijević o greškama u Aristotelovom razumevanju prijateljstva. in Knjiga apstrakata / Međunarodna naučna konferencija Filozofija Ksenije Atanasijević, Beograd, 26–27. maja 2022. ; uredile Ana Katić, Jelena Mijić, Katarina Njegovan = Book of abstracts / International Scientific Conference The Philosophy of Ksenija Atanasijević, Belgrade, 26–27 May 2022 ; editors Ana Katić, Jelena Mijić, Katarina Njegovan.. 2022;. .
Plećaš, Tamara, "Ksenija Atanasijević o greškama u Aristotelovom razumevanju prijateljstva" in Knjiga apstrakata / Međunarodna naučna konferencija Filozofija Ksenije Atanasijević, Beograd, 26–27. maja 2022. ; uredile Ana Katić, Jelena Mijić, Katarina Njegovan = Book of abstracts / International Scientific Conference The Philosophy of Ksenija Atanasijević, Belgrade, 26–27 May 2022 ; editors Ana Katić, Jelena Mijić, Katarina Njegovan. (2022), .

Rimski stoici Seneka i Epiktet o epikurejskom hedonizmu i društvenim ulogama filozofa

Plećaš, Tamara; Nišavić, Ivan

(Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2022)

AU  - Plećaš, Tamara
AU  - Nišavić, Ivan
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Zadovoljstvo (ἡδονή) se kod epikurejaca i stoika tumači na različite načine, što ujedno predstavlja i najznačajniju tačku neslaganja između ove dve hele­ nističke škole mišljenja, posebno ukoliko govorimo o njihovim etičkim pozicijama. Imajući u vidu da zadovoljstvo može da proistekne i iz određenih društvenih odnosa (i uloga), ovde se u kraćim crtama ispituje stoičko i epikurejsko shvatanje prijateljstva i braka, odnosno političkog delanja – ukazivanjem na sličnosti, ali i razlike koje mogu da se povuku između ove dve helenističke škole.
AB  - Epicureans and Roman Stoics interpreted pleasure (ἡδονή) differently from each 
other: for the Epicureans, pleasure was the ultimate good, while most Stoics perceived 
pleasure as something indifferent. This difference in understanding of pleasure is the 
crucial point of a disagreement between these two Hellenistic schools of philosophy, 
in particular if we consider their ethics. This paper examines this difference and highli ghts the significant similarities between the Roman Stoic and the Epicurean positions. 
Further, it briefly explores the Epicurean and the Roman Stoic understanding of social 
relations and philosophers’ role in politics and society.
PB  - Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
T2  - Theoria
T1  - Rimski stoici Seneka i Epiktet o epikurejskom hedonizmu i društvenim ulogama filozofa
T1  - Roman Stoics Seneca and Epictetus on Epicurean Hedonism and the Social  Roles of Philosophers
IS  - 3
VL  - 65
SP  - 5
EP  - 19
DO  - 10.2298/THEO2203005P
ER  - 
author = "Plećaš, Tamara and Nišavić, Ivan",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Zadovoljstvo (ἡδονή) se kod epikurejaca i stoika tumači na različite načine, što ujedno predstavlja i najznačajniju tačku neslaganja između ove dve hele­ nističke škole mišljenja, posebno ukoliko govorimo o njihovim etičkim pozicijama. Imajući u vidu da zadovoljstvo može da proistekne i iz određenih društvenih odnosa (i uloga), ovde se u kraćim crtama ispituje stoičko i epikurejsko shvatanje prijateljstva i braka, odnosno političkog delanja – ukazivanjem na sličnosti, ali i razlike koje mogu da se povuku između ove dve helenističke škole., Epicureans and Roman Stoics interpreted pleasure (ἡδονή) differently from each 
other: for the Epicureans, pleasure was the ultimate good, while most Stoics perceived 
pleasure as something indifferent. This difference in understanding of pleasure is the 
crucial point of a disagreement between these two Hellenistic schools of philosophy, 
in particular if we consider their ethics. This paper examines this difference and highli ghts the significant similarities between the Roman Stoic and the Epicurean positions. 
Further, it briefly explores the Epicurean and the Roman Stoic understanding of social 
relations and philosophers’ role in politics and society.",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju",
journal = "Theoria",
title = "Rimski stoici Seneka i Epiktet o epikurejskom hedonizmu i društvenim ulogama filozofa, Roman Stoics Seneca and Epictetus on Epicurean Hedonism and the Social  Roles of Philosophers",
number = "3",
volume = "65",
pages = "5-19",
doi = "10.2298/THEO2203005P"
Plećaš, T.,& Nišavić, I.. (2022). Rimski stoici Seneka i Epiktet o epikurejskom hedonizmu i društvenim ulogama filozofa. in Theoria
Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju., 65(3), 5-19.
Plećaš T, Nišavić I. Rimski stoici Seneka i Epiktet o epikurejskom hedonizmu i društvenim ulogama filozofa. in Theoria. 2022;65(3):5-19.
doi:10.2298/THEO2203005P .
Plećaš, Tamara, Nišavić, Ivan, "Rimski stoici Seneka i Epiktet o epikurejskom hedonizmu i društvenim ulogama filozofa" in Theoria, 65, no. 3 (2022):5-19, . .

Oslanjanje na Seneku u kriznim trenucima: slučaj princeze Elizabete od Boemije

Plećaš, Tamara

(Beograd: Srpsko filozofsko društvo, 2022)

AU  - Plećaš, Tamara
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - U ovom radu se pozivamo na prepisku koju su vodili princeza Elizabeta od Boemije (1618-1680) i francuski filozof Rene Dekart (1596-1650). Analizom određenih segmenata pisama koja su upućivali jedno drugome, uočava se da je Dekart, savetujući Elizabetu i preporučujući joj da čita Seneku, ujedno i sam sledio jednu antičku, ili preciznije, stoičku terapeutsku tehniku. Naime, čini se da je i on, poput stoika, smatrao da filozofija može da pruži svojevrsnu utehu ili potporu u momentima krize, odnosno tokom perioda u kojima se dešavaju određeni životni preokreti.
AB  - This paper looks at the correspondence between Princess Elizabeth of Bohemia (1618-1680) and the French philosopher René Descartes (1596-1650). Analyzing specific segments of the letters they addressed to each other, it emerges that Descartes, advising Elizabeth and recommending her to read Seneca, was also following an ancient, or more precisely, Stoic therapeutic technique. Namely, it seems that he, like the Stoics, believed that philosophy could provide a kind of consolation or support in moments of crisis, that is, during specific turbulent moments in life.
PB  - Beograd: Srpsko filozofsko društvo
T2  - Theoria
T1  - Oslanjanje na Seneku u kriznim trenucima: slučaj princeze Elizabete od Boemije
T1  - Relying on Seneca in Moments of Crisis: The Case of Princess Elizabeth of Bohemia
IS  - 4
VL  - 65
SP  - 159
EP  - 168
DO  - 10.2298/THEO2204159P
ER  - 
author = "Plećaš, Tamara",
year = "2022",
abstract = "U ovom radu se pozivamo na prepisku koju su vodili princeza Elizabeta od Boemije (1618-1680) i francuski filozof Rene Dekart (1596-1650). Analizom određenih segmenata pisama koja su upućivali jedno drugome, uočava se da je Dekart, savetujući Elizabetu i preporučujući joj da čita Seneku, ujedno i sam sledio jednu antičku, ili preciznije, stoičku terapeutsku tehniku. Naime, čini se da je i on, poput stoika, smatrao da filozofija može da pruži svojevrsnu utehu ili potporu u momentima krize, odnosno tokom perioda u kojima se dešavaju određeni životni preokreti., This paper looks at the correspondence between Princess Elizabeth of Bohemia (1618-1680) and the French philosopher René Descartes (1596-1650). Analyzing specific segments of the letters they addressed to each other, it emerges that Descartes, advising Elizabeth and recommending her to read Seneca, was also following an ancient, or more precisely, Stoic therapeutic technique. Namely, it seems that he, like the Stoics, believed that philosophy could provide a kind of consolation or support in moments of crisis, that is, during specific turbulent moments in life.",
publisher = "Beograd: Srpsko filozofsko društvo",
journal = "Theoria",
title = "Oslanjanje na Seneku u kriznim trenucima: slučaj princeze Elizabete od Boemije, Relying on Seneca in Moments of Crisis: The Case of Princess Elizabeth of Bohemia",
number = "4",
volume = "65",
pages = "159-168",
doi = "10.2298/THEO2204159P"
Plećaš, T.. (2022). Oslanjanje na Seneku u kriznim trenucima: slučaj princeze Elizabete od Boemije. in Theoria
Beograd: Srpsko filozofsko društvo., 65(4), 159-168.
Plećaš T. Oslanjanje na Seneku u kriznim trenucima: slučaj princeze Elizabete od Boemije. in Theoria. 2022;65(4):159-168.
doi:10.2298/THEO2204159P .
Plećaš, Tamara, "Oslanjanje na Seneku u kriznim trenucima: slučaj princeze Elizabete od Boemije" in Theoria, 65, no. 4 (2022):159-168, . .

Spinoza and the Stoics: Moral good and „living in agreement with nature”

Plećaš, Tamara

(Beograd: Filozofsko društvo Srbije, 2021)

AU  - Plećaš, Tamara
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Iako se ističe da je uticaj koji su stoici izvršili na Spinozu sveobuhvatan, u ovom radu se prvenstveno ispituje i povlači svojevrsna paralela između stoičkog i Spinozinog shvatanja moralnog dobra i vrednosti uopšte, ali i njihovog razumevanja „života u saglasnosti sa prirodom“. Pritom se ukazuje da razlika između stoika i Spinoze nije velika, barem kada je reč o pitanjima koja se ovde razmatraju, pošto je i Spinoza, poput stoika, smatrao da je moralno dobro istovremeno i korisno, te da se ono slaže sa našom prirodom.
AB  - The author draws a parallel between the Stoics’ and Spinoza’s understanding of moral good and values in general, and their understanding of „living in agreement with nature”. It is indicated that the difference between the Stoics and Spinoza is slight when it comes to issues discussed in this paper. Spinoza, like the Stoics, held that moral good could be merely useful and that it is found in „living in agreement with nature”.
PB  - Beograd: Filozofsko društvo Srbije
T2  - Theoria
T1  - Spinoza and the Stoics: Moral good and „living in agreement with nature”
T1  - Spinoza i stoici: moralno dobro i „život u saglasnosti sa prirodom“
IS  - 2
VL  - 64
SP  - 39
EP  - 48
DO  - 10.2298/THEO2102039P
ER  - 
author = "Plećaš, Tamara",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Iako se ističe da je uticaj koji su stoici izvršili na Spinozu sveobuhvatan, u ovom radu se prvenstveno ispituje i povlači svojevrsna paralela između stoičkog i Spinozinog shvatanja moralnog dobra i vrednosti uopšte, ali i njihovog razumevanja „života u saglasnosti sa prirodom“. Pritom se ukazuje da razlika između stoika i Spinoze nije velika, barem kada je reč o pitanjima koja se ovde razmatraju, pošto je i Spinoza, poput stoika, smatrao da je moralno dobro istovremeno i korisno, te da se ono slaže sa našom prirodom., The author draws a parallel between the Stoics’ and Spinoza’s understanding of moral good and values in general, and their understanding of „living in agreement with nature”. It is indicated that the difference between the Stoics and Spinoza is slight when it comes to issues discussed in this paper. Spinoza, like the Stoics, held that moral good could be merely useful and that it is found in „living in agreement with nature”.",
publisher = "Beograd: Filozofsko društvo Srbije",
journal = "Theoria",
title = "Spinoza and the Stoics: Moral good and „living in agreement with nature”, Spinoza i stoici: moralno dobro i „život u saglasnosti sa prirodom“",
number = "2",
volume = "64",
pages = "39-48",
doi = "10.2298/THEO2102039P"
Plećaš, T.. (2021). Spinoza and the Stoics: Moral good and „living in agreement with nature”. in Theoria
Beograd: Filozofsko društvo Srbije., 64(2), 39-48.
Plećaš T. Spinoza and the Stoics: Moral good and „living in agreement with nature”. in Theoria. 2021;64(2):39-48.
doi:10.2298/THEO2102039P .
Plećaš, Tamara, "Spinoza and the Stoics: Moral good and „living in agreement with nature”" in Theoria, 64, no. 2 (2021):39-48, . .

Sokrat i Epiktet vs. prva i druga generacija sofista

Plećaš, Tamara

(Zagreb: Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo, 2021)

AU  - Plećaš, Tamara
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - U radu se ispituje razlika između filozofije i sofistike. Preciznije, raspravlja se o onome što razlikuje Sokrata od sofista svoga vremena te o onome što razlikuje Epikteta od sofista uopće. Dok su sofisti bili prvi profesionalni učitelji, Epiktet slovi za jednog od najvećih učitelja (stoičke) filozofije ikada, a Sokrat je, sudeći po Platonovim riječima, poricao da je uopće bio učitelj, unatoč velikom broju onih koji su smatrali suprotno. Nadaleko poznati po svojim besjedama, sofisti su ponajviše privlačili one koji su željeli biti uspješni političari. Sokrat i Epiktet također su bili izvrsni govornici koje su okruživali političari Atene, odnosno Rima. Ipak, to ih nije činilo sofistima. Ono čemu i Sokrat i Epiktet teže život je u skladu s vrlinom, tj. život u skladu s razumom i filozofijom. Retorika ima instrumentalnu vrijednost i njome se netko može potaknuti na bavljenje filozofijom, ali ona nije dobro po sebi.
AB  - The paper discusses the difference between philosophy and sophistry. More precisely, it discusses the differences between Socrates and Sophists of the first generation, as well as the differences between Epictetus and Sophists of both first and second generation. While Sophists were the first professional teachers and Epictetus one of the greatest Stoic teachers of all times, Socrates, according to Plato, denied being a teacher by any means, despite many who thought otherwise. Sophists were known for their speeches that most attracted those with a wish to be successful politicians. Socrates and Epictetus were also excellent orators surrounded by Athenian and Roman politicians. However, that didn’t make them Sophists. Socrates and Epictetus opted for a life in accordance with excellence (virtue) that could be achieved by philosophy rather than rhetoric. Rhetoric could only have instrumental value, not an intrinsic one.
PB  - Zagreb: Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo
T2  - Filozofska istraživanja
T1  - Sokrat i Epiktet vs. prva i druga generacija sofista
T1  - Socrates and Epictetus vs. the First and the Second Generation of Sophists
IS  - 162
VL  - 41
SP  - 279
EP  - 291
DO  - 10.21464/fi41204
ER  - 
author = "Plećaš, Tamara",
year = "2021",
abstract = "U radu se ispituje razlika između filozofije i sofistike. Preciznije, raspravlja se o onome što razlikuje Sokrata od sofista svoga vremena te o onome što razlikuje Epikteta od sofista uopće. Dok su sofisti bili prvi profesionalni učitelji, Epiktet slovi za jednog od najvećih učitelja (stoičke) filozofije ikada, a Sokrat je, sudeći po Platonovim riječima, poricao da je uopće bio učitelj, unatoč velikom broju onih koji su smatrali suprotno. Nadaleko poznati po svojim besjedama, sofisti su ponajviše privlačili one koji su željeli biti uspješni političari. Sokrat i Epiktet također su bili izvrsni govornici koje su okruživali političari Atene, odnosno Rima. Ipak, to ih nije činilo sofistima. Ono čemu i Sokrat i Epiktet teže život je u skladu s vrlinom, tj. život u skladu s razumom i filozofijom. Retorika ima instrumentalnu vrijednost i njome se netko može potaknuti na bavljenje filozofijom, ali ona nije dobro po sebi., The paper discusses the difference between philosophy and sophistry. More precisely, it discusses the differences between Socrates and Sophists of the first generation, as well as the differences between Epictetus and Sophists of both first and second generation. While Sophists were the first professional teachers and Epictetus one of the greatest Stoic teachers of all times, Socrates, according to Plato, denied being a teacher by any means, despite many who thought otherwise. Sophists were known for their speeches that most attracted those with a wish to be successful politicians. Socrates and Epictetus were also excellent orators surrounded by Athenian and Roman politicians. However, that didn’t make them Sophists. Socrates and Epictetus opted for a life in accordance with excellence (virtue) that could be achieved by philosophy rather than rhetoric. Rhetoric could only have instrumental value, not an intrinsic one.",
publisher = "Zagreb: Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo",
journal = "Filozofska istraživanja",
title = "Sokrat i Epiktet vs. prva i druga generacija sofista, Socrates and Epictetus vs. the First and the Second Generation of Sophists",
number = "162",
volume = "41",
pages = "279-291",
doi = "10.21464/fi41204"
Plećaš, T.. (2021). Sokrat i Epiktet vs. prva i druga generacija sofista. in Filozofska istraživanja
Zagreb: Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo., 41(162), 279-291.
Plećaš T. Sokrat i Epiktet vs. prva i druga generacija sofista. in Filozofska istraživanja. 2021;41(162):279-291.
doi:10.21464/fi41204 .
Plećaš, Tamara, "Sokrat i Epiktet vs. prva i druga generacija sofista" in Filozofska istraživanja, 41, no. 162 (2021):279-291, . .

Female Friendship in Ancient Greece and Rome in Times of Crisis

Plećaš, Tamara

(Belgrade: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy, 2021)

AU  - Plećaš, Tamara
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - This paper aims to show that the idea of a female friendship in Ancient Greece and Rome is possible, even in terms of an “ideal” friendship, i.e. form of a friendship ancient philosophers aspired to. The author of this paper will elucidate the position of women in Greece and Rome and points out that various women actively participated in the work of the philosophical schools and women’s societies. In accordance with the philosophical ideals, “ideal,” “perfect” or “genuine” friends could only be those who possess or at least strive for moral virtue (ἀρετή), while education (παιδεία) was seen as a precondition for acquiring moral virtue. Having in mind that various women met that precondition, it is emphasized that the ideal friendship could be ascribed not only to virtuous men but also to virtuous women. Thus, educated women could potentially be both, “ideal” and “ordinary” friends.
AB  - Циљ овог текста је да покаже да је идеја женског пријатељства, током периода античке Грчке и Рима, могућа, па чак и када је реч о „идеалном“ пријатељству, тј. облику пријатељства коме су стремили неки од најпознатијих античких филозофа. Да би то показала, ауторка овог текста, анализира позицију жена у Грчкој и Риму, указујући да су неке од њих активно учествовале у раду филозофских школа или да су биле чланице женских удружења. У складу са филозофским идеалима, „савршено“ или „идеално“ пријатељство је било могуће само међу онима који су поседовали, или макар тежили томе да остваре моралну врлину (ἀρετή), док се образовање (παιδεία) посматрало као предуслов за стицање врлине. Ако имамо у виду да су одређене жене могле да испуне тај предуслов, закључује се да се савршено пријатељство може приписати подједнако и женама и мушкарцима. Наиме, образоване жене могу, у начелу, да буду и „идеалне“, а не само „свакодневне“ пријатељице.
PB  - Belgrade: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy
T2  - Women in Times of Crisis
T1  - Female Friendship in Ancient Greece and Rome in Times of Crisis
SP  - 21
EP  - 33
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Plećaš, Tamara",
year = "2021",
abstract = "This paper aims to show that the idea of a female friendship in Ancient Greece and Rome is possible, even in terms of an “ideal” friendship, i.e. form of a friendship ancient philosophers aspired to. The author of this paper will elucidate the position of women in Greece and Rome and points out that various women actively participated in the work of the philosophical schools and women’s societies. In accordance with the philosophical ideals, “ideal,” “perfect” or “genuine” friends could only be those who possess or at least strive for moral virtue (ἀρετή), while education (παιδεία) was seen as a precondition for acquiring moral virtue. Having in mind that various women met that precondition, it is emphasized that the ideal friendship could be ascribed not only to virtuous men but also to virtuous women. Thus, educated women could potentially be both, “ideal” and “ordinary” friends., Циљ овог текста је да покаже да је идеја женског пријатељства, током периода античке Грчке и Рима, могућа, па чак и када је реч о „идеалном“ пријатељству, тј. облику пријатељства коме су стремили неки од најпознатијих античких филозофа. Да би то показала, ауторка овог текста, анализира позицију жена у Грчкој и Риму, указујући да су неке од њих активно учествовале у раду филозофских школа или да су биле чланице женских удружења. У складу са филозофским идеалима, „савршено“ или „идеално“ пријатељство је било могуће само међу онима који су поседовали, или макар тежили томе да остваре моралну врлину (ἀρετή), док се образовање (παιδεία) посматрало као предуслов за стицање врлине. Ако имамо у виду да су одређене жене могле да испуне тај предуслов, закључује се да се савршено пријатељство може приписати подједнако и женама и мушкарцима. Наиме, образоване жене могу, у начелу, да буду и „идеалне“, а не само „свакодневне“ пријатељице.",
publisher = "Belgrade: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy",
journal = "Women in Times of Crisis",
title = "Female Friendship in Ancient Greece and Rome in Times of Crisis",
pages = "21-33",
url = ""
Plećaš, T.. (2021). Female Friendship in Ancient Greece and Rome in Times of Crisis. in Women in Times of Crisis
Belgrade: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy., 21-33.
Plećaš T. Female Friendship in Ancient Greece and Rome in Times of Crisis. in Women in Times of Crisis. 2021;:21-33. .
Plećaš, Tamara, "Female Friendship in Ancient Greece and Rome in Times of Crisis" in Women in Times of Crisis (2021):21-33, .

Epiktet, razgovori, Loznica: Karpos, 2017 Epiktet, o pitanjima karaktera i moralnog izbora, Beograd: Srpska književna zadruga, 2019

Plećaš, Tamara

(Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2020)

AU  - Plećaš, Tamara
PY  - 2020
UR  -
UR  -
PB  - Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
T2  - Kritika: časopis za filozofiju i teoriju društva
T1  - Epiktet, razgovori, Loznica: Karpos, 2017 Epiktet, o pitanjima karaktera i moralnog izbora, Beograd: Srpska književna zadruga, 2019
IS  - 1
VL  - 1
SP  - 189
EP  - 194
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Plećaš, Tamara",
year = "2020",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju",
journal = "Kritika: časopis za filozofiju i teoriju društva",
title = "Epiktet, razgovori, Loznica: Karpos, 2017 Epiktet, o pitanjima karaktera i moralnog izbora, Beograd: Srpska književna zadruga, 2019",
number = "1",
volume = "1",
pages = "189-194",
url = ""
Plećaš, T.. (2020). Epiktet, razgovori, Loznica: Karpos, 2017 Epiktet, o pitanjima karaktera i moralnog izbora, Beograd: Srpska književna zadruga, 2019. in Kritika: časopis za filozofiju i teoriju društva
Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju., 1(1), 189-194.
Plećaš T. Epiktet, razgovori, Loznica: Karpos, 2017 Epiktet, o pitanjima karaktera i moralnog izbora, Beograd: Srpska književna zadruga, 2019. in Kritika: časopis za filozofiju i teoriju društva. 2020;1(1):189-194. .
Plećaš, Tamara, "Epiktet, razgovori, Loznica: Karpos, 2017 Epiktet, o pitanjima karaktera i moralnog izbora, Beograd: Srpska književna zadruga, 2019" in Kritika: časopis za filozofiju i teoriju društva, 1, no. 1 (2020):189-194, .

Graziano Ranocchia, Christoph Helmig, and Christoph Horn (Eds.), Space in Hellenistic Philosophy. Critical Studies in Ancient Physics, De Gruyter, Berlin 2014.

Plećaš, Tamara

(Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2017)

AU  - Plećaš, Tamara
PY  - 2017
UR  -
UR  -
PB  - Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
T2  - Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society
T1  - Graziano Ranocchia, Christoph Helmig, and Christoph Horn (Eds.), Space in Hellenistic Philosophy. Critical Studies in Ancient Physics, De Gruyter, Berlin 2014.
IS  - 1
VL  - 28
SP  - 191
EP  - 192
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Plećaš, Tamara",
year = "2017",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju",
journal = "Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society",
title = "Graziano Ranocchia, Christoph Helmig, and Christoph Horn (Eds.), Space in Hellenistic Philosophy. Critical Studies in Ancient Physics, De Gruyter, Berlin 2014.",
number = "1",
volume = "28",
pages = "191-192",
url = ""
Plećaš, T.. (2017). Graziano Ranocchia, Christoph Helmig, and Christoph Horn (Eds.), Space in Hellenistic Philosophy. Critical Studies in Ancient Physics, De Gruyter, Berlin 2014.. in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society
Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju., 28(1), 191-192.
Plećaš T. Graziano Ranocchia, Christoph Helmig, and Christoph Horn (Eds.), Space in Hellenistic Philosophy. Critical Studies in Ancient Physics, De Gruyter, Berlin 2014.. in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society. 2017;28(1):191-192. .
Plećaš, Tamara, "Graziano Ranocchia, Christoph Helmig, and Christoph Horn (Eds.), Space in Hellenistic Philosophy. Critical Studies in Ancient Physics, De Gruyter, Berlin 2014." in Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society, 28, no. 1 (2017):191-192, .