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Minerva's owl in the night of the world. Hegel, Schelling and Marx in Žižek's "gay science of the present

dc.creatorMikulić, Borislav
dc.description.abstractTragom tvrdnje Slavoja Žižeka da je njegova kritike globalnog sada-šnjeg svijeta „bliža Hegelu nego Marxu”, a otud i dijalektičkom a ne historijskom materijalizmu, u tekstu najprije prikazujem takav pomak kao ponovno preokretanje Marxovog prevrtanja Hegela u nizu mate-rijalističkih „prevrtanja Hegela” koja od Althussera preko Feuerbacha vode natrag do Schellinga. Na toj pozadini, analiziram opširne refe-rence na Hegelovu metaforu „Minervine sove” u njegovim novim tri-ma knjigama iz 2020., posvećenim 250. godišnjici Hegelova rođenja, i to s obzirom na tri „formule pomirenja” apsoluta i sadašnjice (religij-skoj, političkoj i seksualnoj) kao i na slične reference u njegovim rani-jim „hegelovskim” knjigama. U tekstu argumentiram da Žižekova ideja o „formuli pomirenja” počiva na zamjeni Hegelovog spekulativ-nog pojma zbiljskog (Wirkliches) negativnim pojmom sadašnjeg (Ge­genwärtiges), koje je moguće samo kroz napuštanje momenta istine i svođenje Hegelove metafore o „noći jastva” na ideju pred-simbolič-kog i pred-svjesnog istinskog Ja kasnijeg Schellinga. Posljedica toga je da Žižekova nova „vesela nauka” paratakse – jukstaponiranja vla-stitog spisateljskog stila s navodno parataktičkom strukturom Hege-lovih spisa – neosnovano zaobilazi Freudovu lekciju o uredničkom radu sna, s jedne strane, i falsificira dijalektički karakter mišljenja, s druge. Ono seže još samo dotle da opravda njegove ekscesivne auto-naracije u novijim publikacijama i, u istom aktu, zakriva prešutno na-puštanje radikalnokritičkog impulsa za volju užitka u statusu najpro-davanjije robe u kapitalističkoj industriji izdavaštva koje treba „sve više Žižeka” da bi proizvela sve više potrebe za „još više Žižeka”.sr
dc.description.abstractFollowing Slavoj Žižek’s reassurement that his critical analysis of the present global world is „closer to Hegel than to Marx” and, consequently, to dialectial materialism than to the historical one, I first present such a shift as a kind of re-reversal of Marx’s turning of Hegel upside down in a series of materialistic Hegel-reversals from Althuss-er through Feuerbach back to Schelling. Against this background, I scrutinize Žižek’s recent extensive references to Hegel’s metaphor of the ‘Owl of Minerva’, in his three 2020 books dedicated to the 250th anniversary of Hegel’s birth, with regard to, on one side, his three „formulas of reconciliation” (the religious, the political and the sex-ual) of the Absolute and actuality, and to related references in Žižek’s earlier „Hege-lian” books, on the other. As I argue, Žižek’s idea of a „formula of reconciliation” sub-stitues Hegel’s negative notion of the Present (Gegenwärtiges) for the speculative notion of the Real (Wirkliches), which is possible only if the moment of the True (Wahres) is omitted from Hegel’s idea of Reality and if Hegel’s metaphor of ‘the dark night of Self’ is identified with the pre-symbolic and pre-conscious true Self in the later Schell-ing. As a consequence, Žižek’s new ‘gay science’ of parataxis — juxtaposing his own writing style with the allegedly paratactic structure of Hegel’s dialectical thinking — unjustifiably bypasses Freud’s lessons on the editorial work of deams, on the one side, and falsifies the character of Hegel’s dialectics, on the other. Eventually, it reaches only so far as to justify Žižek’s excessive self-references and auto-narration and to disguise his ongoing tacit abandonment of his commitment to radical social criticism for the sake of enjoyment in the status of the best selling commodity in the capitalist publishing industry that needs „ever more Žižek” in order to produce yet more need for „more Žižek” as
dc.publisherBeograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teorijusr
dc.sourceKritika: časopis za filozofiju i teoriju društvasr
dc.subjectdijalektika vs. parataksasr
dc.subjectradical criticismsr
dc.subjectthe Realsr
dc.titleMinervina sova u noći svijeta. Hegel, Schelling i Marx u Žižekovoj "veseloj nauci" današnjicesr
dc.titleMinerva's owl in the night of the world. Hegel, Schelling and Marx in Žižek's "gay science of the presentsr



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