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The Diffusion of White Collar Crime in Transitional Circumstances: Insurance Companies and Organized Crime

dc.creatorBulatović, Aleksandra
dc.description.abstractOne of the simplest and most effective ways to launder large amounts of criminal funds is their channeling through an illegal scheme of insurance policy sales by foreign insurance companies, in other countries where foreign insurance is illegal. Given that in such circumstances insurance policies cannot be bought through legitimate financial transfers, large insurance companies have set up a wide network of dealers, who have been active for decades throughout the southeastern European region. They have operated by selling foreign insurance policies to the citizens of southeastern European countries, despite the fact that such policies have been entirely legally void in the region, and have subsequently taken large amounts of cash over the borders to the countries of origin of the insurance companies. Subsequently, policies bought in such a way have largely been legalized by the setting up of the insurance companies’ sister companies within the southeastern European region, and transferring these policies to such sister-companies, with the blessing of the National Banks of the region’s countries. While most policies bought in the described way have been clean, there is a possibility that some, namely those in the hundreds of thousands Euro per year, have included a very easy and effective manner of money laundering. This might have been the first step of a money laundering operation that has already happened and that cannot be effectively addressed at this stage. However, the second step of the process is still left to be performed, and that may be the investment of such large amounts by the foreign insurance companies in the privatization of state-owned enterprises in the region. The author argues in this article that, while the work of foreign insurance companies should be encouraged in the region, including Serbia, the potential second step of money laundering should be particularly closely monitored, specifically in situations when foreign insurance companies, which have been known to operate an illegal network of dealers in the previous period, appear as potential investors in the privatizations. While they should not be excluded from investment, they should be subject to thorough checking to try and prevent the particularly malignant forms of money laundering, namely the placement of the funds once siphoned out of the country in totally intransparent ways, back in the country through the taking over of controlling packages of parts of the local infrastructure.sr
dc.description.abstractKonceptualnom i normativnom analizom autorka ukazuje da se određene transakcije polisama osiguranja kao vrsta pranja novca u potpunosti uklapaju u važeće međunarodne definicije organizovanog kriminala. Naime, kada se bitni elementi savremenih definicija organizovanog kriminala (više učesnika u činjenju krivičnog dela, kontinuirano činjenje često različitih krivičnih dela od strane iste grupe učinilaca, prekogranična dimenzija pripreme dela, samog izvršenja ili posledica dela itd.) projektuju na shemu dela pranja novca upotrebom osiguravajućih kompanija, rezulat nedvosmisleno upućuje na zaključak da takva dela spadaju u organizovani kriminal. Teritorija Srbije, kao i sve druge zemlje bivšeg ideološkog integrativnog sistema istočne Evrope, tokom poslednjih decenija prošlog veka bile su područje nelegalnog delovanja mreža za prodaju polisa osiguranja koje su organizovale legalne zapadnoevropske osiguravajuće kuće. Sama činjenica da su pojedinci kupovali strane polise nije toliko alarmantna sa tačke gledišta opšteg interesa i državnog budžeta kada se radi o prosečnim sumama, ali u slučajevima kada su uplaćivane godišnje premije po nekoliko stotina hiljada evra postoje razlozi da se sumnja da se radi o vrlo efikasnoj formi pranja novca, pa te slučajeve treba ispitati pre svega ispitivanjem rada osiguravajućih društava. Na taj način se može demistifikovati „pranje novca“, jer je reč, u najvećem broju slučajeva, o sasvim jednostavnim transakcijama. Ujedno, očekivano je da će adekvatno praćenje transakcija u vezi sa polisama osiguranja od strane institucija čiji je mandant sprovođenje zakona imati za posledicu i uticaj na kulturu poštovanja zakona u smislu njenog unapređenja.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanjasr
dc.sourceZbornik Instituta za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanjasr
dc.subjectforeign insurance companiessr
dc.subjectmoney landeringsr
dc.subjectinvestments controllsr
dc.subjectstrana osiguravajuća društvasr
dc.subjectpranje novcasr
dc.subjectkontrola investicijasr
dc.titleDifuzija kriminala "belog okovratnika" u tranzicionim okolnostima: osiguravajuća društva i organizovani kriminalsr
dc.titleThe Diffusion of White Collar Crime in Transitional Circumstances: Insurance Companies and Organized Crimesr



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