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Negation and Openness: New Paradigm or Corrective?

dc.creatorKrstić, Predrag
dc.description.abstractOvaj rad počiva na uverenju da je postojala jedna epohalna tendencija okretanja filozofije ka „otvorenosti“, tendencija koju Karl Poper tematizuje pre i preglednije od drugih. Taj otklon od, pre svega, zatvorenih filozofskih sistema, koji onda imaju i svoje društvene implikacije i svoje političke ekvivalente, otklon od nesvetog istoricističkog trojstva koji za njega reprezentuje, manje ili više korektno rekonsturisana, transferzala Platon-Hegel-Marks, povezuje ga, po pravilu i nasuprot vlastitom samorazumevanju, sa tako udaljenim misliocima kao što su, recimo, s jedne strane Bergson, egzistencijalizam i neoromantičarska postmoderna strujanja, a s druge, pragmatizam, filozofska antropologija i Adornova kritička teorija društva. Poperovo razumevanje „otvorenosti” razlikuje se, međutim, od njenih savremenih (pod) razumevanja u delima, recimo, Berlina ili Agambena, a u još većoj meri od pomodnih „filozofija otvorenosti” koje otvorenost svode na „dostupnost”. Ona se zasniva i demonstrira na vrlo određenom „negativizmu”, kao onom metodskom pristupu naučnom istraživanju koje se u ravni vizije društva istrajno stara da pruži otpor patnji, zlu, nesreći, a da ne propisuje ono tome suprotno. Tako shvaćena otvorenost Otvorenog društva, ukoliko odbija čak i da se instalira u pozitivno profilisano zastupništvo, prepoznatljiv je doprinos jednoj filozofskoj tradiciji ili jednom filozofskom mentalitetu, koji ostaje trajni protivotrov svakoj bespogovornoj antropopolitičkoj zaključenosti i svakom projektovanju istorijskih neminovnosti.sr
dc.description.abstractThe article is based on the belief that there was an epoch-making tendency to turn the philosophy towards “openness”, a tendency which Karl Popper thematizes before and more clearly than others. That departure from, above all, closed philosophical systems, which then have social implications and political equivalents, the departure from the unholy historical trinity that for him represents, more or less correctly reconstituted, the transferal Plato-Hegel-Marx, connects him, as a rule against his own self-understanding, with such distant thinkers as, for example, Bergson, existentialism and neo-romantic postmodern trends on the one hand, and pragmatism, philosophical anthropology and Adorno’s critical theory of society on the other. Popper’s understanding of “openness” differs, however, from its contemporary (mis)understandings in the works of, for example, Berlin or Agamben, and to an even greater extent from fashionable “philosophies of openness” that reduce openness to “accessibility”. It is based and demonstrated on a very specific “negativism”, as the methodical approach to scientific research which, in terms of the vision of society, persistently strives to provide resistance to suffering, evil, and misfortune, without prescribing the opposite. The openness of the Open Society understood in this way, insofar as it refuses even to be installed in a positively profiled representation, is a recognizable contribution to a philosophical tradition or a philosophical mentality, which remains a permanent antidote to any unquestioned anthropo-political confinement and any projection of historical inevitability.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Filozofsko društvo Srbijesr
dc.sourceTheoria: časopis Filozofskog društva Srbijesr
dc.subjectKarl Popersr
dc.subjectkritička teorijasr
dc.subjectfilozofska antropologijasr
dc.subjectKarl Poppersr
dc.subjectcritical theorysr
dc.subjectphilosophical anthropologysr
dc.titleNegacija i otvorenost: nova paradigma ili korektiv?sr
dc.titleNegation and Openness: New Paradigm or Corrective?sr



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