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dc.creatorResanović, Milica
dc.creatorPetrović Trifunović, Tamara
dc.description.abstractU radu ćemo nastojati da istražimo mogućnosti primene analize diskursa kao tehnike za proučavanje različitih značenjskih aspekata društvenog života tokom pandemije kovida 19. Primena analize diskursa (konkretno, kritičke analize diskursa) ispituje se na primeru dva istraživanja o diskurzivnim konstrukcijama same krize i reakcijama različitih aktera u društvu Srbije na nju, sprovedena tokom trajanja same pandemije (2021). Jedno od navedenih istraživanja je posvećeno analizi diskursa državnog vrha o odgovoru Srbije na krizu izazvanu pandemijom, a drugo analizi simboličkih borbi koje su se odvijale na relaciji između predstavnika crkvene i građanske sfere. Uprkos razlikama u temama, sprovođenje oba istraživanja pratio je sličan set izazova, a centralni problemi se tiču: 1) selekcije i dostupnosti građe; 2) odsustva preciznih smernica za kodiranje i analizu građe; 3) raskoraka između diskursa i prakse posmatranih aktera; 4) razlika između diskursa aktera i njihove medijske reprezentacije; i 5) mogućnosti identifikacije dominantnog diskursa u medijskom sadržaju. Cilj rada je da se problematizuju izazovi koji su pratili sprovođenje ovih istraživanja, bilo da je reč o izazovima koji prate primenu analize diskursa kao istraživačke tehnike uopšte, bilo da su u pitanju izazovi prilikom istraživanja pandemije ili kada se istraživanje sprovodi u pandemiji. Potom, ispituju se mogućnosti za prevazilaženje navedenih problema, te se na kraju osvetljavaju prednosti primene analize diskursa kako u praktično-istraživačkom smislu (posebno u uslovima pandemije) tako i na saznajnom nivou.sr
dc.description.abstract: This paper aims to explore the possibilities of applying discourse analysis as a research technique for analyzing meaningful aspects of social life during the COVID-19 pandemic. The application of discourse analysis (specifically, critical discourse analysis) is examined on the example of two research projects on the discursive constructions of the crisis itself and the reactions of various actors in Serbian society on it, carried out during the pandemic (2021). One of the projects mentioned above was dedicated to the analysis of the symbolic struggles between the representatives of the Serbian Orthodox Church and the civil sphere, and the other one to the analysis of the discourse of the state leadership on Serbia’s response to the crisis caused by the pandemic. Despite the differences in research topics, a similar set of challenges appeared in both research projects, and the central problems concern 1) the selection and availability of material, 2) the absence of precise guidelines for the coding and analysis of the material, 3) the gap between the discourse and practice of the observed actors, 4) the difference between the actors’ discourse and their media representation, and 5) the possibility of identifying the dominant discourse in the media content. The aim of this paper is to problematize the challenges that followed the conduct of both research projects, whether it is the challenges that accompany the application of discourse analysis as a research technique in general, or challenges that arose because we researched pandemics or when the research is conducted in a pandemic. Additionally, the possibilities for overcoming these problems are examined, and finally the advantages of the application of discourse analysis are emphasized, both in a practical sense (especially in the context of the pandemic), and in the epistemic sense.sr
dc.publisherBeograd: Univerzitet u Beogradu – Filozofski fakultet, Institut za sociološka istraživanjasr
dc.relationČovek i društvo u vreme krize - Filozofski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradusr
dc.sourceIstraživati društvo tokom pandemije – neke metodološke prepreke i rešenjasr
dc.subjectkritička analiza diskursasr
dc.subjectkvalitativne metodesr
dc.subjectcritical discourse analysissr
dc.subjectqualitative methodsr
dc.titleAnaliza diskursa kao istraživačka tehnika u pandemiji i za razumevanje pandemijesr



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