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dc.contributorStošić, Ivan
dc.contributorĐukić, Mihajlo
dc.creatorKleut, Jelena
dc.creatorOcokoljić, Slobodan
dc.creatorRadovanović, Bojana
dc.description.abstractPredmet ove studije su položaj i uslovi za rad mladih istraživača u društvenim i humanističkim naukama u Srbiji i, konkretno, mehanizmi podrške koje imaju na raspolaganju. Ključna pitanja na koje studija pruža odgovore su: 1) koje su osnovne socio-ekonomske karakteristike mladih istraživača (porodično stanje, primanja, stambena situacija); 2) koje mere podrške su dostupne mladim istraživačima, u kojoj meri se koriste i šta o njima misle doktorandi; 3) kako mladi istraživači procenjuju uslove u kojima rade. Studija se temelji jednim delom na analizi dokumenata i izveštaja relevantnih domaćih institucija i organizacija. S obzirom na to da se mere unapređenja položaja mladih istraživača sprovode u kontekstu pridruživanja Srbije Evropskom visokoobrazovnom prostoru i Evropskom istraživačkom prostoru, analizi domaćih mera prethodni kratki pregled evropskih iskustava. Drugi, značajniji, deo rezultata potiče iz anketnog istraživanja u kojem je učestvovalo 356 doktoranada iz oblasti društvenih i humanističkih nauka. Među doktorandima mogu da se uoče četiri osnovne grupe u odnosu na status koji imaju u naučno-obrazovnom sistemu: asistenti, istraživači saradnici, stipendisti i doktorandi bez naučnih zvanja. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da više od polovine doktoranada nema naučna zvanja i ne učestvuje u naučnim projektima koje realizuju njihove matične institucije. U celini posmatrano mladi istraživači nezadovoljni su svojim materijalnim položajem, uslovima za rad, kao i podrškom institucija i Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja. Preko polovine doktoranada nema adekvatno rešeno stambeno pitanje (žive kod roditelja ili u iznajmljenim stanovima) i ovo je jedan od najznačajnijih problema mladih istraživača. Školarine za doktorske studije izuzetno su visoke, a tek manji broj doktoranada ima status budžetskih studenata. Nedostatak sredstava za naučne skupove i studijske boravke u inostranstvu, nedostupnost literature i nedovoljna materijalna sredstva za istraživanja predstavljaju najveće probleme za naučni razvoj mladih istraživač
dc.description.abstractThe subject of this study is status and working conditions of the young researchers in humanities and social sciences in Serbia, and in particular support mechanisms that are available to them. The key questions that the study answers are: 1) what are basic socioeconomic characteristics of young researchers (family status, income, housing situation); 2) what types of support are available to young researchers, to what extent are they used and what doctoral students think of them; 3) how young researchers assess the conditions in which they work. The study was based partly on an analysis of documents and reports of relevant local institutions and organizations. Considering that measures to improve the position of young researchers are conducted in the context of Serbian integration into the European Higher Education Area and European Research Area, the analysis of domestic measures is preceded by a brief overview of European experiences. The second, more important, part of the results originates from research survey, which included 356 doctoral students in the field of social sciences and humanities. Among doctoral students four basic groups according to the status they have in the scientific-educational system can be identifies: teaching assistants, research assistants, stipend holders and doctoral students without scientific titles. The survey results show that more than half of doctoral students do not have scientific positions and do not participate in the research projects implemented by their home institution. On the whole, the young researchers are dissatisfied with their material position, working conditions, as well as with support provided by their institutions and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development. More than half of doctoral students do not have housing problem adequately solved (they live with parents or in rented apartments) and this is one of the most important problems of young researchers. Scholarships for doctoral studies are extremely high, and only a small number of doctoral students have the status of funded students. Lack of funds for scientific conferences and study trips abroad, the unavailability of literature and lack of funds for research are the biggest problems for the scientific development of young researchers.en
dc.publisherBeograd : Institut ekonomskih naukasr
dc.relationRegional Research Promotion Programme in the Western Balkans (RRPP) - Nacionalni dijalog u oblasti društvenih nauka u Srbiji, 2014-2016sr
dc.subjectmladi istraživačisr
dc.subjectdruštvene naukesr
dc.subjectsocial sciencessr
dc.subjectyoung researcherssr
dc.titleMehanizmi podrške i uslovi za rad mladih istraživača u društvenim naukamasr
dcterms.abstractРадовановић, Бојана; Клеут, Јелена; Оцокољић, Слободан; Механизми подршке и услови за рад младих истраживача у друштвеним наукама; Механизми подршке и услови за рад младих истраживача у друштвеним наукама;
dc.rights.holderBeograd : Institut ekonomskih naukasr



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