Приказ резултата 85-104 од 1359

      Bachelard en vacances: The Subject of Surrationalism and Its Functional Value [1]
      Barbara Herman, Morality as Rationality: A Study of Kant’s Ethics, Routledge, Abingdon and New York, 2016. [1]
      Basic Characteristics of the Development of Serbian Philosophical Periodicals [1]
      Bašlar en vacances: subjekt nadracionalizma i njegova funkcionalna vrednost [1]
      Baumgartenovo utemeljenje moderne estetike [1]
      Becoming an Ethnic Subject. Cultural-Psychological Theory of Ethnic Identification [1]
      Becoming engaged, surprising oneself [1]
      Before and after the Investigations: Wittgenstein on the Origin and End of Philosophy [1]
      Being Human is a Kaleidoscopic Affair Authors Maria Kronfeldner [1]
      Belgrade 1968 Protests and the Post-Evental Fidelity: Intellectual and Political Legacy of the 1968 Student Protests in Serbia [1]
      Benjamin Moffitt, The Global Rise of Populism. Performance, Political Style, and Representation, Palo Alto, Stanford University Press, 2016 [1]
      Bergson and the Virtuality of Memory [1]
      Bergson i virtuelnost memorije [1]
      Between Education and Self-Education : From Bildung to Virtue Ethics [1]
      Between History and System. Heinrich Rickert’s Concept of Culture [1]
      Between the Critical and the Engaged: On the Importance of Studying Symbolic Aspects of the Reproduction of Social Order [1]
      Beyond the territory principle: Non-territorial approach to the Kosovo question(s) [1]
      Bezbednost i sloboda: složen savez [1]
      Bildung – pojam, koncepcija, ideal [1]
      Biljana Albahari, Pisanje stradanja: knjiga o knjigama. Vodič kroz publikacije o Holokaustu, Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, Beograd, 2017. [1]